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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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wouldn't it be interesting if after all this talk of super delegates if they didn't come into play at all, but that the Republican Party overturned the will of their party to nominate someone other than the majority vote getter?


That seems to be the plan of Rubio and Cruz. Some of them even  are bold enough to say that all they need to do is make sure no candidate crosses the finish line and then if they can come in 2nd or third they can be crowned.

The far right would be apoplectic. Most of Trump's supporters would likely do one of two things:


1) Stay home on election day.


2) Vote for Hillary in protest.


Seriously, they hate Rubio almost as much as they hate Hillary. Their anger would be monumental and I guarantee a ton of them would vote for Hillary as a statement.

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Trump hit by Rubio and Cruz in KKK endorsement flap


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Sunday found himself at the center of attacks about a possible connection to the Ku Klux Klan and being accused of not outright rejecting support from the group or ex-leader David Duke.


Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz, of Cuban descent, suggested on “Fox News Sunday” that a hate group supporting the front-running Trump was making recorded calls – known as “robo-calls” -- telling potential voters not to pick a Cuban candidate.

Cruz tweeted: "Really sad. @realDonaldTrump you're better than this. We should all agree, racism is wrong, KKK is abhorrent."
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Seriously, they hate Rubio almost as much as they hate Hillary. Their anger would be monumental and I guarantee a ton of them would vote for Hillary as a statement.


LOL, who "hates" Rubio other than Trump.  He is a dope, but hate?  Y'all gone crazy around here high on Hillary.  LOL this is unfolding just as I predicted.

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LOL, who "hates" Rubio other than Trump.  He is a dope, but hate?  Y'all gone crazy around here high on Hillary.  LOL this is unfolding just as I predicted.

Check out the places with the biggest love fests for Trump. Free Republic, Breitbart, etc. They absolutely can't stand Rubio. To them he is just a typical "RINO" and not really much better (if at all) than Hillary. They would go ape**** if someone forced a brokered convention and pushed Trump out.

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WATCH LIVE: Senator Sessions endorses Trump for president


U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions has endorsed Donald Trump for president, making him the first Senate Republican to do so.




Sessions endorsement is big — and a punch in the gut to Cruz, a fellow senator and ally — tho not surprising. He & Trump had grown cozy.

5:40 PM

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Sessions endorsing Trump: "Americans of all backgrounds and ethnicities, immigrant and US-born, are crying out for leadership."

6:00 PM



Trump on press: "They are going to regret -- all of them -- the stories that they write."
5:58 PM



Rubio's "con man" attacks struck a nerve with Trump that Jeb & others didn't quite hit. He spends half his speech savaging "Little Marco."
6:05 PM

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Check out the places with the biggest love fests for Trump. Free Republic, Breitbart, etc. They absolutely can't stand Rubio. To them he is just a typical "RINO" and not really much better (if at all) than Hillary. They would go ape**** if someone forced a brokered convention and pushed Trump out.

It's funny. The biggest thing that Rubio had going for him was charisma. He was well spoken, seemed compassionate, intelligent, and a strong conservative. The knocks against him are that he had no accomplishments, was AWOL on votes, and was iffy when it came to immigration. Somehow, probably because of Christie, he became entirely undone. 



He's no longer a great speaker. He's no longer compassionate. He's no longer a great debater. In fact, his attempts at insulting Trump sound like they came out of a second grade recess argument.

He's the GOP establishments last chance except the GOP doesn't really like him. I guess they'll rally around Kasich next before declaring they were always all in behind Trump.

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Rubio blew it. He could have sat happy in the senate for another 8 years and probably waltzed into the nomination in 2024.

I don't know.  He really seemed to dislike the Senate.  If he can't beat Trump, he might enjoy being out of politics for a while and spending more time with his family. 

He does seem competitive though, so I bet he'll be back in a few years if so.

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Rubio blew it. He could have sat happy in the senate for another 8 years and probably waltzed into the nomination in 2024.

Probably right. Would need to be more active, but not a ton more. The rep about him being lazy and absent from him current well-paid job might be unfair. But perception has become reality.

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Rubio blew it. He could have sat happy in the senate for another 8 years and probably waltzed into the nomination in 2024.


Cruz has also enabled the success of Trump by doing his part to make everyone accept that Congress, both R & D, has become completely dysfunctional.

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Cruz has also enabled the success of Trump by doing his part to make everyone accept that Congress, both R & D, has become completely dysfunctional.


You saying they were functional pre-Cruz?  :lol:


Their incompetence and deception gave Cruz life ......and power.




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He also apparently is the arbiter of what is and isn't constitutional in those executive orders. Pshh. Who needs SCOTUS when you have Cruz?


SCOTUS will have their turn, hell they might overturn a couple before he is elected.

Would Cruz rescind Obama's EOs via EO himself? :lol:


that is how it works

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