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ABC News: George Zimmerman Emerged From Hiding for Truck Crash Rescue


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Why would anyone stand up for this piece of trash?  It's quite apparent that he is a ticking bomb.  Not a stand up citizen.


I honestly don't know what the hell he is.  He may be a complete nutter, he may be a good man cracking under pressure, he may be a calculated liar, he may be a mental deficient.   


I do know, however, that my theory about what kind of poster finds it necessary to stand up and vociferously defend him every time continues to ring true.   :) 

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I honestly don't know what the hell he is.  He may be a complete nutter, he may be a good man cracking under pressure, he may be a calculated liar, he may be a mental deficient.   


I do know, however, that my theory about what kind of poster finds it necessary to stand up and vociferously defend him every time continues to ring true.   :)

What kind of poster is that? 


With regard to Zimmerman, I have never thought he was a "good guy".  Or someone that I would like to call a friend.  I do however think that the way the initial messaging and reporting that came out regarding the case(the Trayvon case) prejudiced it from the very beginning.  And never saw evidence sufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty of murder. 

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What kind of poster is that? 


With regard to Zimmerman, I have never thought he was a "good guy".  Or someone that I would like to call a friend.  I do however think that the way the initial messaging and reporting that came out regarding the case(the Trayvon case) prejudiced it from the very beginning.  And never saw evidence sufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty of murder. 



I agree that the evidence was not there to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty of murder.   Of course, when the only other witness is dead, it's pretty hard to prove.  But you try a case on the evidence you have.   


I think the initial messaging and reporting problems had a lot more to do with the Sanford police than with anything else.  The case exploded in the media because the Sanford police didn't seem to be taking it seriously at all.  Then all hell broke loose in the African American community because the case seemed like another police coverup or simply not caring about another worthless dead black kid.  


And then the backlash came.  As much prejudice there may have been against Zimmerman in some circles, there was if anything an even greater amount of identification WITH Zimmerman.  Some people even called him a hero, while assassinating dead Trayvon Martin's character.   Everyone rushed to get their shots in at Al Sharpton, whom they suddenly considered the real villain in the story.


We don't need to rehash all of that again, I suppose.   But the same patterns of identification and assumption remain today.  White conservatives and gunowners identify with Zimmerman.  Blacks and liberals identify with Martin.   We all make assumptions in accord with our identificiations, and we jump to defend our "side."   


(and yes, I am subject to this just the same as everyone else.  Deep down I believe Zimmerman is guilty as sin, and the Sanford Police didn't give a damn, and I have to fight those assumptions all the time because I can't prove them for certain, even though I feel them strongly).  

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I honestly don't know what the hell he is.  He may be a complete nutter, he may be a good man cracking under pressure, he may be a calculated liar, he may be a mental deficient.   


I do know, however, that my theory about what kind of poster finds it necessary to stand up and vociferously defend him every time continues to ring true.   :)

And my theory about the type of poster who continues to attack him also rings true.

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We don't need to rehash all of that again, I suppose.   But the same patterns of identification and assumption remain today.  White conservatives and gunowners identify with Zimmerman.  Blacks and liberals identify with Martin.   We all make assumptions in accord with our identificiations, and we jump to defend our "side."

Who do you identify with if you're a Black conservative concealed carry permit gun owner? *Disclaimer* Said conservative is a RINO so in retrospect I guess he doesn't count.  :P


Sure.  This thread just magically appears every time Zimmerman does something.

Yeah, cuz that whole OJ thing went away overnight. Botched trials/investigations have a way of sticking around like that, unless your name is William Kennedy Smith or Robert Blake.
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Sure.  This thread just magically appears every time Zimmerman does something.


Threads appear when things happen. That's the nature of message boards. So you expect no one to say anything when Zimmerman continues to make the news with his behavior? Because he got away with murder he's never supposed to be questioned about anything he does ever again? Is that your position?


Funny, I'm wondering if you took that position when this thread was started. (Note the thread title) Frothing lunatics everywhere want to know.

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