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ABC News: George Zimmerman Emerged From Hiding for Truck Crash Rescue


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I think it continues to be interesting to examine how people's attitudes toward the Trayvon Martin trial were influenced by their assumptions about the relative "goodness" of Martin and Zimmerman and which "side" of the dispute they identified with.  Because none of us could be absolutely sure what actually happened that night, the case was a societal rorschact test.   I think it will be interesting to see if those assumptions hold true as more insight into Zimmerman's character come out.   I don't think it is useful to completely put a case like this behind us too easily - or we will end up with the exact same swirling, resentful controversy and fingerpointing that we had last time.

Dude had character issues before the Trayvon Martin case. People were just to busy trying to make Martin into this dangerous thug to realize it.

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I wonder how much of the ordeal he had to endure has on Zimmermans post trial behavior and actions.


I can imagine if I had been dragged through the media mud like he had been, I'd be pretty far from happy go lucky.


None of the post trial actions though change what happened the night of the TM incident.

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You are not seeing a pattern of behavior ?





This pattern being?


He seems a fat asshole with poor taste in women and political party,but nobody's perfect.  :rolleyes:


ya'll do know the last domestic brouhaha resulted in the wife admitting lying about the gun and the police dropping the case because the evidence did not support the accusations?

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I wonder how much of the ordeal he had to endure has on Zimmermans post trial behavior and actions.


I can imagine if I had been dragged through the media mud like he had been, I'd be pretty far from happy go lucky.


None of the post trial actions though change what happened the night of the TM incident.



I agree, up to a point.  


I also think that none of us really know what happened the night of the TM incident, and we will never know.

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He is going to go the path of OJ. Eventually he is going to crack and do something very serious (again) and be put away for a long time.

I also wonder if he is paranoid schizophrenic sometimes. There is a pattern of him thinking people are after him. Then again he could just be making it up to save face.

Oh well.

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He is going to go the path of OJ. Eventually he is going to crack and do something very serious (again) and be put away for a long time.

I also wonder if he is paranoid schizophrenic sometimes. There is a pattern of him thinking people are after him. Then again he could just be making it up to save face.

Oh well.


Oh I'm sure he really thinks that every black person in America is plotting to kill him.

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He is going to go the path of OJ. Eventually he is going to crack and do something very serious (again) and be put away for a long time.

I also wonder if he is paranoid schizophrenic sometimes. There is a pattern of him thinking people are after him. Then again he could just be making it up to save face.

Oh well.

Please explain.  What is the pattern you are seeing?  Ignoring the TM case, when has Z shown any indication that he thought people were "after him"?

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- Zimmerman has been accused of domestic violence and molesting a female relative in the past. 


- He was also arrested for two third degree felonies involving assaulting a police officer.


- Of course the Trayvon killing.


- Racist comments toward hispanics.


Now different domestic violence allegations by different women at different times. Not a coincidence. Zimmerman has all the hallmarks of a predator and an abuser. He can't stay out of trouble. State-mandated help would be implemented this time, you'd think. 

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Let me know when he's actually convicted of something.  As has been pointed out, the last thing he was accused was dropped when it turned out his ex was lying.  And before that, found not guilty in the TM case.


It's a bit disturbing how this one guy seems to be the subject of so much hate and vitriol.


How many people were arrested today for domestic violence?

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Let me know when he's actually convicted of something. As has been pointed out, the last thing he was accused was dropped when it turned out his ex was lying. And before that, found not guilty in the TM case.

It's a bit disturbing how this one guy seems to be the subject of so much hate and vitriol.

How many people were arrested today for domestic violence?

Bad luck seem to just follow this guy around. Ever met a guy accused of abuse by three women, at three different times, that were all just made up out of the blue? The last two of which went so far as to destroy their own property to frame him? Also losing a job for being too violent and assaulting a cop? Not to mention being randomly attacked by a teenager walking home with ice tea and candy, and being forced to kill him.

You think its vitriol? No way! This guy is the criminal complaint version of that guy that got hit by lightning 7 times. A statistical anomaly that is just too interesting to ignore.

Maybe he read The Secret and is totally doing it wrong.

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The last accusation WAS made up, and charges were dropped.

The TM case ended with him being acquitted.

I have no idea what the latest case is about. Other than it's frothy goodness for the lunatics rooting for this guy to fail.

Have they brought charges of false police report against his ex? I'm assuming that because its so obviously made up they have. Link?

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The last accusation WAS made up, and charges were dropped.


The TM case ended with him being acquitted.


I have no idea what the latest case is about.  Other than it's frothy goodness for the lunatics rooting for this guy to fail.



No one is rooting for this guy to fail. It seems every time you forget about him, he pops back out with "I'm CrAZy!@#"

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The TM case ended with him being acquitted.

He was acquitted of murder. If he had been charged with stalking or being an instigator he probably would have been found guilty. 


You seriously think all these incidents are just one big coincidence or does he really have problems?

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The last accusation WAS made up, and charges were dropped.


The TM case ended with him being acquitted.


I have no idea what the latest case is about.  Other than it's frothy goodness for the lunatics rooting for this guy to fail.


Wow. I guess I'm a frothing lunatic then. Cause I think the guy is a POS who got away with murder. 

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They've updated the article, but the one I read yesterday said that the current accusing girlfriend was also at the scene of the earlier incident between Z, his wife, and father-in-law. 

And she stuck with him.


And to the post about him calling 911...that was when the police she called were already at the door trying to get him to come out of her house.

*edit* You gotta hear his call. Hubby recorded it from Lawrence O'Donnell last night & just showed me. I'll try & post, but I'm sketchy with pastes, lol.


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both his and her call were on the link I gave



Have they brought charges of false police report against his ex? I'm assuming that because its so obviously made up they have. Link?


that is rarely done with distraught women

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Not a fan of our justice system Larry?


I said nothing about our justice system.  But I'm not surprised that you responded by pretending I said something you could use against me. 


I merely responded to your continuing, multi-post attempt to portray Zimm as the downtrodden victim of an unjustified campaign of hate. 


I pointed out that there is a perfectly obvious (apparently, to everybody but you) reason why " this one guy seems to be the subject of so much hate and vitriol". 

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