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ABC News: George Zimmerman Emerged From Hiding for Truck Crash Rescue


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Sure. This thread just magically appears every time Zimmerman does something.

I just posted a news article. I didn't get him arrested or write the article. Are you going to tell me he hasn't become a bit of a curiosity? No matter what you believe about him, he's either a guy that's made a habit of getting away with violent acts or a innocent man who has been wrongly accused repeatedly. Both are far from the norm and that makes the misadventures of Georgey Z is a story people are interested in reading. He even played the role of a hero in the article that started this thread.

I'm surprised he doesn't have his own reality show.

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Sure.  This thread just magically appears every time Zimmerman does something.



It's not magic, Kilmer. Dude is news and not for good reasons.


I certainly won't argue with you that Zimmerman's brushes with the law have gone his way due to the framework of our justice system, which works and doesn't work. He's innocent until proven guilty and he's not been proven guilty of anything by a court of law. That's the bottom line.


I'm not charged with the responsibility of condemning or absolving George Zimmerman but I can certainly opine that he's a shady character with a strong desire for power and control. That much is easily apparent to most, if not to you. That's a dangerous personality profile for being allowed to carry firearms.


Where there's giant plumes of billowing smoke.... 

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Who do you identify with if you're a Black conservative concealed carry permit gun owner? *Disclaimer* Said conservative is a RINO so in retrospect I guess he doesn't count.  :P



I dunno.  All three of those guys are going to have to work it out for themselves.  :)

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You mean there are people that don't own guns?  :o  :)

I didn't know of any until my husband...he's a brain, but didn't realize the necessity until li'l ol' me.

There isn't a home in any of my family that's not heavily protected.  I'm a lib, but that doesn't mean I didn't spend half of my childhood shooting cans off of tree limbs.  When you live in the middle of nowhere... B)

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I just posted a news article. I didn't get him arrested or write the article. Are you going to tell me he hasn't become a bit of a curiosity? No matter what you believe about him, he's either a guy that's made a habit of getting away with violent acts or a innocent man who has been wrongly accused repeatedly. Both are far from the norm and that makes the misadventures of Georgey Z is a story people are interested in reading. He even played the role of a hero in the article that started this thread.

I'm surprised he doesn't have his own reality show.

It's more the instant rush to the extreme- see! The guy got away with murder, he's going to again!

He's obviously a guy with issues. Probably exacerbated by the media circus surrounding him

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It's more the instant rush to the extreme- see! The guy got away with murder, he's going to again!

He's obviously a guy with issues. Probably exacerbated by the media circus surrounding him

Just to clarify...was the media a circus before or after he shot and killed Trayvon Martin?  Thank God someone admitted to his "issues", "probably exacerbated". 

That means they were already there.  Admitting they are exacerbated by the media automatically gives him fault in your statement.


Aren't you glad you're not writing for a newspaper?  You could be picked apart in a second.

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I think Zimmerman has problems controlling himself, and so he wants to control others.  His habit of reaching for a gun when someone doesn't do as he wishes is troubling to say the least.  And his 911 call where he's setting up his defense (telling his side of the story) is just more manipulation. Heck, it worked once with TM, why not keep trying something that works?


He pointed a shotgun at his GF, in her own home, and ordered her out of her own home.  Then he barricaded himself inside and didn't come out when the cops called him out and, to their peril, they had to go inside and haul him out.  He is a danger to others and himself.  It's as if he wants the cops to shoot him or to get rough with him so he can appear the victim, instead of his real victim that he terrorized.  A gun is one's face is terrifying.  I know, because I was out to dinner with a guy once, and the cops surrounded the car and pointed guns at us.  Thank goodness they were only after him and not me.  But a gun in one's face, whether a loved one (boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse) or a cop is terrifying.


If the GF continues to press charges, Zimmerman will again be on trial for a criminal act.  I don't think he gets away with it this time.  I wrote before in this thread that I think Zimmerman sets up these scenarios where he uses his gun to force his way.  I think that he did that with TM, I think he did that with his wife and father-in-law (video mysteriously disappears), and now with this GF.  The cops dropped the prior case because they didn't have the video, and the cops didn't charge the wife and FIL with making a false statement, so at least they were believed but they didn't have proof.  At least this time, Zimmerman isn't allowed to speak or go near the GF, and he's being monitored to that effect.  Most victims who recant do so after coersion by the accused.  He won't have the chance to intimidate the GF while the investigation/trial goes forward.

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Sure.  This thread just magically appears every time Zimmerman does something.

You'd prefer we start a new thread every time? :)

Good Lord, lmao...I'm a white, bleeding heart gun owner...wtf category do I fit in?

Obviously, confused.

You're supposed to want to confiscate all the guns. :)

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Ah. The ole grammar police attack. Bravo

Grammar failure is possessive pronouns/past/present participles, etc. used incorrectly.  That's grammar.

Character failure is something altogether different. 

George Zimmerman has (for the most part) had his grammar/calm tone correct.  His character?  Not so much.  You yourself said he has "issues".


This had nothing to do with how you posted, believe it or not.  It was what you actually said that strayed from your more consistent "he did nothing wrong" approach.  Or are you having a change of heart/issue? 

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LSF the wife admitted she did not see a gun



she did see he was in jail and had divorce papers served though LOL


Did she change her story or did the media report it wrong, I can't remember.  I think it ended in a claim being made that he was reaching for where he normally wore his concealed weapon but that no one actually saw a gun.  The cops searched him when they arrived and found no gun.  His lawyer said he did have a gun after dropping him as a client.  I asked at the time when we were discussing this if they had searched more than just him.  Turns out there was a gun on the scene, the following quote was in the first article I posted on this recent Zimmerman run in with the law... http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/trayvon-martin/os-george-zimmerman-arrested-20131118,0,1837318.story?page=2



On Sept. 9, he was handcuffed by Lake Mary police but released after his estranged wife, Shellie, and her father accused him of threatening them with a gun while they were moving her belongings out of a house the couple had shared until Shellie Zimmerman filed for divorce.

Zimmerman had arrived at that scene with Scheibe.

Last week, Lake Mary police officially closed that case, saying they had no solid evidence that Zimmerman had broken the law.

When they searched Zimmerman that afternoon, he had no gun, but Scheibe told police that day that the couple was in lawful possession of guns in their vehicle.


I'm sure he couldn't have put it in the car before the cops arrived.  That's impossible.  Experts could not recover video from the broken ipad as it was too badly damaged.  So what do we think about that?  His ex destroyed her own ipad thoroughly so that she could pretend there was a video on it?  Seems possible, I've seen crazier things.     

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I think Zimmerman has problems controlling himself, and so he wants to control others. His habit of reaching for a gun when someone doesn't do as he wishes is troubling to say the least. And his 911 call where he's setting up his defense (telling his side of the story) is just more manipulation. Heck, it worked once with TM, why not keep trying something that works? He pointed a shotgun at his GF, in her own home, and ordered her out of her own home. Then he barricaded himself inside and didn't come out when the cops called him out and, to their peril, they had to go inside and haul him out. He is a danger to others and himself. It's as if he wants the cops to shoot him or to get rough with him so he can appear the victim, instead of his real victim that he terrorized. A gun is one's face is terrifying. I know, because I was out to dinner with a guy once, and the cops surrounded the car and pointed guns at us. Thank goodness they were only after him and not me. But a gun in one's face, whether a loved one (boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse) or a cop is terrifying. If the GF continues to press charges, Zimmerman will again be on trial for a criminal act. I don't think he gets away with it this time. I wrote before in this thread that I think Zimmerman sets up these scenarios where he uses his gun to force his way. I think that he did that with TM, I think he did that with his wife and father-in-law (video mysteriously disappears), and now with this GF. The cops dropped the prior case because they didn't have the video, and the cops didn't charge the wife and FIL with making a false statement, so at least they were believed but they didn't have proof. At least this time, Zimmerman isn't allowed to speak or go near the GF, and he's being monitored to that effect. Most victims who recant do so after coersion by the accused. He won't have the chance to intimidate the GF while the investigation/trial goes forward.

Tell it like it is. That was a great post. I particularly liked when you said "his 911 call is to set up a defense." Zimmerman is very manipulative and calculating.

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Did she change her story or did the media report it wrong, I can't remember. 




she reported he was threatening her with a gun, she changed it to never seeing a gun in her sworn statement


the police and prosecutors know what that distinction means


never punched the father-in-law either


Odd how stories change when under oath ain't it

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she reported he was threatening her with a gun, she changed it to never seeing a gun in her sworn statement

the police and prosecutors know what that distinction means

never punched the father-in-law either

Odd how stories change when under oath ain't it

I never saw the police report, I saw conflicting media reports though. So did the iPad smash itself?

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she reported he was threatening her with a gun, she changed it to never seeing a gun in her sworn statement

the police and prosecutors know what that distinction means

never punched the father-in-law either

Odd how stories change when under oath ain't it

cause me to lie under oath once shame on you....not gonna let you cause me to lie under oath a second time!

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Apparently the IPad was used to make the video, then was smashed and damaged so badly that the video was unrecoverable.


Zimmerman's MO:  Threaten with a gun, police are called, by the time the police arrive, Z is composed and acting like the ones he's threatened are the crazies.  His 911 call shows how composed he is when carrying out his manipulation.

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Apparently the IPad was used to make the video, then was smashed and damaged so badly that the video was unrecoverable.


Zimmerman's MO:  Threaten with a gun, police are called, by the time the police arrive, Z is composed and acting like the ones he's threatened are the crazies.  His 911 call shows how composed he is when carrying out his manipulation.


Little problem there....testimony from two witnesses says no gun

Testimony from both witnesses says no crime other than in their mind


you think the witnesses changed their story because there is no video?

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