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Things we grew up with that this generation does not use or know about


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How could i forget answering machines? ha!

I have one at my house. We've had it for 12 years. up until last year, we had bare bones home phone service (If i had my way there'd be no home phone service). When the Derecho rolled through last year, we were in OC. I knew my power was out at home because the answering machine wouldn't come on. I knew when the power was restored too. So I knew how long my freezer was without power, and knew all the food had to be trashed. It came in handy in that regard.  

I have one still, and it has helped me in the past, so I hang on...

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Or, for that matter, cursive handwriting at all.



Yeah.  When I was TAing for this prof he told me to stop writing student's comments in script b/c he was having too many students complain they could not read it.  This was not about me having bad handwriting either, I learned it in Catholic school where they really drill you hard on handwriting, this was about college students being unable to read cursive at all.  Sad in a way, but things change I suppose.

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Yeah.  When I was TAing for this prof he told me to stop writing students comments in script b/c he was having too many students complain they could not read it.  This was not about me having bad handwriting either, I learned it in Catholic school where they really drill you hard on handwriting, this was about college students being unable to read cursive at all.  Sad in a way, but things change I suppose.


That's ridiculous. Just utterly ridiculous.

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I loved soupy sales show and rocky and Bullwinkle. That is another thing not around anymore, sat kid shows. 8-12 on Saturdays back then on all 4 channels was nothing but kid shows. Also after school kid shows during weekdays.

I seen the wooden driver and it reminded me of wooden baseball bats. The drug stores used to have a box of baseball and softball bats

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I seen the wooden driver and it reminded me of wooden baseball bats. The drug stores used to have a box of baseball and softball bats

I still have my original set of clubs, given to me when I first started playing, by a former Navy shipmate, and the woods are WOOD. Had 'em all cut down and regripped. (I have a thing for antiques, and I love 'em.) I'm no pro, so they're fine for me.
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Printer Paper with perforations that came in one continous sheet and had the side strips with holes you had to tear off.Nothing like writing a paper, with a dictionary (no spell check), printing it out, and tearing the damn paper when you removed those side strips or seperated the pages for stapeling.


East Germany and the Berlin Wall (someone mentioned the cold war earlier)


10 print Dallas Sucks

20 goto 10

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A time when big budget movies premiered "years" after their release on regular TV and it was a big thing. I still remember everyone being pumped to see Superman.

You knew something good was coming when you heard this.

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I ran across one of these, literally, over the weekend in Rockwood, Pennsylvania.  Remember the black hose that ran across the ground in front of the gas pumps at service stations**? When your tire ran it over, a bell to rang so the attendant knew to come out and pump your gas. 


"Ding ding."





** "Service station" ...  A term that fits in this thread, too.

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"That's the end of the game!"

It's Academic is still going strong after 51 years....though Mac McGarry retired in 2011.  Hilary Clinton was a contestant. 




Predicto was a contestant..... ;)


The host is Hillary Howard, a former local DC TV weather and news person.

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ESPN actually showing highlights. I thought about that this morning when they showed the same four clips over and over while they blabbed and blabbed about the game. Watching SportsCenter used to be great because you could see all the highlights of the games you missed. Now, it's just 30 seconds of the highlights from a game, while most of the time it's people talking about the game or even showing what someone tweeted about that game.


I agree completely. When I was younger waking up and watching Sportscenter, or moreso even CNNSI for a quick 30min recap show (before ESPNews was created and blew it out of business) was part of waking up. Back then they showed highlights and didnt let you know the outcome until the end of the highlight real. Now they have spoilers all down the side of the screen and spend the entire show talking. Its dumb. 

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