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The Official ES All Things Redskins Name Change Thread (Reboot Edition---Read New OP)


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Apparently it was Malia Obama who started the petition last fall to ban anything redskins related. One wonders if she did this on her own accord or if daddy dearest put her up to it. 




Doesn't look like such a ban has been implemented at the White House, so far.



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Link?  I have found nothing supporting that statement. Not even Fox News or the Washington Examiner reported that.


Can't find it either. 


Original post updated until confirmed. 


I did find a pdf about the change, nothing in regards to Malia Obama, just says SGA




Student Government Washington Football Team Proposal

April 4, 2016
The Student Government has reached consensus on the following statement:
Gyasi Ross illuminated the offensive nature of the Washington Football
Team’s name. Our Quaker values of equality and community compel us
to amplify the voices of the Native American community. The dress code
states that “children may not wear clothing with messages or images on
clothing that conflict with the School’s values.” Thus, we have reached
the consensus that Washington Football Team apparel (i.e. clothing with
the team’s logo or official name, as long as it contains the word
“Redskins”) is in direct violation of our dress code, and should be
enforced like any other violation.
In our capacity as advocates for the greater good of Sidwell Friends School students, we are
presented a difficult choice: continue the same policies and allow a racial slur in our school environment
or alternatively ensure Sidwell Friends is a safe space for all students and encourage growth. At this
junction, we can simply follow the voice of the past and keep our hands off of the school dress code. Or
we can demur from this group to carve out a new vision for Sidwell.
We hope that, by discouraging Washington Football Team apparel, we will guide the educated
Sidwell student down a path of ensuring social justice for all members of society. Our school needs to be
a place where students can learn to confront and tackle divisive issues like the Washington Football
Team’s name. No matter our intent in wearing Washington Football Team apparel, as Gyasi Ross told us,
its impact perpetuates stereotypes and takes the voice away from Native Americans in our society. The
school’s duty is to protect and uphold our philosophy, which states: “Differences among us enhance
intellectual inquiry, expand understanding, and deepen empathy.”
In discussion with the entire student body following collection, many have voiced concern over
our attempt to limit a basic freedom of expression. Sidwell Friends School is exactly that: a school. While
our ultimate goal is creating a safe space for each and every student, we acknowledge that such a pure,
unequivocal safety for all is impossible. As an institution, Sidwell should not destroy itself over
censorship. Part of the beauty of a Sidwell education is the exposure to a diversity of perspectives, and the
moment we start removing these thoughts -- no matter their content -- is the moment we lose the
“dynamic educational community” we so cherish and strive to ensure. Sidwell’s role is not to teach the
student what to think, but rather how to think critically and challenge the status quo. We believe that this
policy reinforces such critical thinking, compelling students to think about offensive encounters in their
daily lives. What distinguishes Sidwell Friends School from other high schools and organizations across
the world? Our unique interpretation of Quaker Values at an elite, privileged institution demand us “to
work courageously for peace.”
Yet this decision does not come without concern that we are forcing a policy “down the throats”
of students who, while they will comply with the action of the dress code enforcement, will not
understand the spirit of its message. The goal of removing the Washington Football Team name is to
enforce a culture of respect for minority voices, and this policy is only one step toward achieving that
goal. The Student Government hopes this enforcement will open dialogues between students, faculty, and
staff about the value we place on social justice and the means we will go to in order to achieve it. We
don’t ask that every member of Sidwell’s diverse community agree with this decision, but rather for
everyone to respect its spirit.
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There is just so much wrong with that article..it's laughable.

"Quaker ways" -do they actually know what the quakers did to the native americans?

"Respect for minority voices" - so I guess the results of polls saying the native Americans are fine with name mean nothing. Guess the "Quakers" need to tell the native Americans what they need to think again

I could go in, but honestly I laugh every time I read it

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't want to hijack his RIP thread in the Stadium so I'm gong to put this bull**** in here...



This is ****ing disgusting. I don't get worked up about the SJW movement much anymore--I tend to ignore it. But this is just ****ing utterly disgusting. They are practically celebrating his death. **** you Deadspin, you ****ing piece of human excrement.


This is so ****ing wrong and disgusting, it makes the inner harbor look swimmable.


If you're on twitter, please retweet this story, and call for a boycott. Deadspin here should get the same treatment as UnWise Mike and the WaPo used to. Hell, if Dan Snyder was going to sue someone...


Complete and utter trash.

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The Deadspin article is attention-seeking BS written by a guy with an axe to grind with Snyder.


I wonder if McKenna remembers his own famous article with the Jewish guy with horns on his head? I don't even think it was intentional racism... just like I doubt McKenna actually thinks Chief Zee was "aggressively racist."


That article is a disgrace. Legally, I don't know how I feel about the Gawker takedown by Hulk Hogan. But I'm glad it's happening to a bunch of terrible people. 

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The Deadspin article is attention-seeking BS written by a guy with an axe to grind with Snyder.


I wonder if McKenna remembers his own famous article with the Jewish guy with horns on his head? I don't even think it was intentional racism... just like I doubt McKenna actually thinks Chief Zee was "aggressively racist."


That article is a disgrace. Legally, I don't know how I feel about the Gawker takedown by Hulk Hogan. But I'm glad it's happening to a bunch of terrible people. 


I'd like nothing more than the opportunity to do to McKenna what the celebrates the Philly fans doing to Chief Zee. See how quick he is to celebrate a man's death after that.


What a colossal piece of ****.

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UnWise Mike was "paying tribute" to Chief Zee last night by posting his couple year old article on him that amounted to basically a hit piece. Saw that deadspin trash too.


Seriously, what is wrong with these people?


People like Wise and McKenna are soulless. They ONLY care about getting their attention, their clicks, their own lofty opinion. But, since they're "standing up" for a perceived aggrieved minority, they'll get a pass on from the social media backlash.

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I was at a local high school playing a baseball game yesterday.

The team is the redhawks but 15 years ago they used to be the redskins (i went there for a short while)

Anyway when the high school team was done practicing they got together and did the 1,2,3 thing but instead of yelling hawks they yelled skins.

I thought it was kinda cool that after all these years they still yell skins.

You'd think anybody associated with the old name would be long long gone and the old tradition would be gone with it but nope.

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Yes, but actual Hurricanes aren't offended by the name.

Oh, wait.

Are you saying that victims of Hurricaine Katrina shouldn't be offended? Imagine if you lost your home in New Orleans. I get the whole Hurricanes aren't people thing. What if the San Francisco 49ers changed there name to the HIVs?

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Are you saying that victims of Hurricaine Katrina shouldn't be offended? Imagine if you lost your home in New Orleans. I get the whole Hurricanes aren't people thing. What if the San Francisco 49ers changed there name to the HIVs?

San Francisco High 5's?

I thought hipsters were against that since high 5ing is more of a jock thing...

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is there really any surprise about those articles? look at who the authors are.


they're vicious assholes who try to cover that up by claiming their fighting for some underprivileged, and picked on group.


in reality they're just assholes.

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We had a soccer team in the 70s called the Diplomats, and they were known as the Dips


I went to one game once.



Yes, I remember! Though when I suggest the Caps change names, the DIPS wouldn't be short for Diplomats, necessarily.. :P

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  • 5 weeks later...
31 minutes ago, BleedBNG said:

The news outlet evidently took the video down, but I was able to pick it up thru IDM




Observing:  I assume that the person in charge of the Obama White House's Native American Education whatever-it-was is also Native.  But the news report doesn't say so. 

Even so, admiring the notion that we now have to physically assault Native Americans, to teach them what they are supposed to be offended about. 

Edit:  I've found 3-4 news stories about this.  (I'm sticking to things that I consider relatively reliable.  It's also been picked up by lots of less reputable places.)  They all seem to be virtually the same story. 

There was a confrontation in the main room.  Dahl (the guy in the Skins shirt) then went out to the lobby.  Mendoza (the government official) followed him  ("To apologize", he says.)  Then there was another fight, out there. 

The two sides are describing things that are widely different.  And I don't see anything other than "He says, he says". 

So I wouldn't just automatically jump to assuming that it's a fact that the Skins Guy was just brutally attacked and beaten. 

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On June 21, 2016 at 11:00 AM, Xameil said:

There is just so much wrong with that article..it's laughable.

"Quaker ways" -do they actually know what the quakers did to the native americans?

"Respect for minority voices" - so I guess the results of polls saying the native Americans are fine with name mean nothing. Guess the "Quakers" need to tell the native Americans what they need to think again

I could go in, but honestly I laugh every time I read it

Not just that, the student body didn't decide to ban the clothes. The student government decided for the student body, and acknowledged that some in the student body pushed back at having their freedom of expression trampled. So the minority speaks for the majority now? 

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30 minutes ago, Popeman38 said:

Not just that, the student body didn't decide to ban the clothes. The student government decided for the student body, and acknowledged that some in the student body pushed back at having their freedom of expression trampled. So the minority speaks for the majority now? 


Looks like SF went back to 1883. An interesting article from Mark Yellowhorse Beasley: 


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11 hours ago, Larry said:

Observing:  I assume that the person in charge of the Obama White House's Native American Education whatever-it-was is also Native.  But the news report doesn't say so. 

Even so, admiring the notion that we now have to physically assault Native Americans, to teach them what they are supposed to be offended about. 

Edit:  I've found 3-4 news stories about this.  (I'm sticking to things that I consider relatively reliable.  It's also been picked up by lots of less reputable places.)  They all seem to be virtually the same story. 

There was a confrontation in the main room.  Dahl (the guy in the Skins shirt) then went out to the lobby.  Mendoza (the government official) followed him  ("To apologize", he says.)  Then there was another fight, out there. 

The two sides are describing things that are widely different.  And I don't see anything other than "He says, he says". 

So I wouldn't just automatically jump to assuming that it's a fact that the Skins Guy was just brutally attacked and beaten

Really?? I would. Pretty much everday SOP for this admin. Pathetic.

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