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The Official ES All Things Redskins Name Change Thread (Reboot Edition---Read New OP)


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Woodrow Wilson High in NW DC to discuss banning Redskins gear:




Utterly ridiculous, likely completely media inspired and her reasoning probably doesn't go beyond "it sounds offensive." Of course there aren't any Native Americans at this school taking offense, otherwise the story would say so and this would be much, much bigger news for the local media. Instead, lots of football fans at the school might not be able to wear the jersey of their favorite team and its thanks to the over-hyping of the local media and a girl who probably isn't a football fan at all and is acting offended for a group the majority of which aren't actually offended and aren't speaking out at this school either. Utterly ridiculous.

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And here goes a little teeny tiny paper  trying to get ahead of the curve...Ridiculous!

I hope every Redskins fan in Richmond ceases to read this paper!

Saw this today as I perused the local rag. "Let's be the first in line, make ourselves look smart" :rolleyes: ...





Nobody reads it now.


I wouldn't even call it "a newspaper". The 'Richmond Free Press' is a little rag (that's free) that is aimed at the black population.


It's radically leftist, completely biased, embraces conspiracy theories that would make "FATE" magazine roll their eyes, and is 100% inclined to adopt an ultra PC position such as this.


In other words, it's not news. :)

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yesterday I'm listening to Kornheiser, and he went over the Krauthammer piece,, and then he and that old lady he has on the show started yapping about their positions on this stuff,  ("I don't see how you can argue with a single word"..   well, yeah, except for the part where the opinions of the people who are actual natives aren't the point...)

and then the topic of calling them the "Skins" came up, to which the old lady stopped, and you could HEAR her little brain thinking for everyone else, and she then decided that no, that would also be offensive. Any reference to skin in any way 
(we are TERRIFIED of the cosmetic differences between us. we will ignore them come hell or high water. )


It's like a microcosm for my entire problem with all of this.

A/ don't listen to the people who are supposedly offended. They are not the point, somehow. the point is that rather than making a personal choice not to say something that makes YOU uncomfortable, it has to be that no one can say it or use it because it makes YOU uncomfortable, especially the people who it actually affects.)

B/people sitting around and think of what SHOULD or should NOT be considered offensive by other groups to which they have absolutely zero connection.


It disgusted me to no end. Literally sitting there deciding how others should, or WOULD think.

The absolute bottom line problem with all that is labelled "PC" these days.


Had to turn off the radio. I respect TonyK, and he's been on this for decades, that's true.

But then she goes and takes it beyond the realm of sense. She activates, and ignores all but what she feels.



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I think it's starting to get to the point where all of the Costas, Florios, Kings, Bayless', etc... of the media world are discrediting their argument and will soon lose the war because some of the things they're saying are so over the top and ludicrous that every day folks who are neutral on the subject will shift away from them. 


Man, I'm so sick of this topic.  It's beginning to stress me out.  I've made the mistake of reading this thread before going to bed and the topic gave me insomnia one night.  I've had enough of these idiots trying to ruin our team's tradition.

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He was doing his mascot predicion for the fsu/clemson game and put on a full headdress, spear with feathers, and started dancing around a clemson logo.

Crap like that, recent lone ranger movie with tonto, braves slogan about the "chop house", and other pure caricatures never get denounced. But heaven forbid you are called the redskins and try to promote in a positive light.

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WJFK and WPGC will not run Oneida radio ads.


From WP:


Based on the amount of on-air debate, adding paid commercials from one side is not something that we think is beneficial for this discussion and for our audience,” senior vice president of CBS Radio Washington said via email, which Oneida Indian Nation forwarded to the Washington Post.


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I felt a little extra adrenaline and emotion singing along to Hail to the Redskins today. Every time the song dove in to the chorus, I emphasized REDSKINS, while having to imagine our name being Warriors. It was a mixed emotion of heartbreak and pride. It got me angry, then it would send shivers down my spine. I think we underestimate how devastated we'll feel if the name gets changed.

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So the Onion decided to keep it classy:




Redskins’ Kike Owner Refuses To Change Team’s Offensive Name

WASHINGTON—Denying widespread claims that the franchise is being offensive or disrespectful, the Washington Redskins’ kike owner announced Monday that he remains steadfast in his refusal to change the team’s derogatory name. “The Redskins represent 81 years of great history and tradition, and it’s a source of pride for our fans,” said the hook-nosed kike, stressing that the team’s insulting moniker is “absolutely not a racial slur by any means.” “‘Washington Redskins’ is much more than just a name. It stands for strength, courage, and respect—the very values that are so intrinsic to Native American culture.” The shifty-eyed hebe went on to assure fans that he will do “everything in his power” to preserve the team’s proud heritage.


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From the article you linked:




Added together that’s more than 500 teams with native-American derived names. And that doesn’t even count “Warriors,” “Savages,” “Chiefs,” or names derived from specific tribes such as “Cherokees,” “Mohawks,” or “Mohicans.”


Is savages really derived from a specific tribe?  I've never heard that before.  

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I always thought savages was a derogatory term used to describe native americans


And other people that were consider inferior and uncivilized.... odd way to end the article if he was hoping to make a valid point about these names not being offensive. 

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