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The Official ES All Things Redskins Name Change Thread (Reboot Edition---Read New OP)


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It might wasn't sincere/genuine, for real, I don't know, but I do think it was taking advantage of a good situation. November is "Salute to Service" month. It was a primetime game versus the 49ers, and they honored some Native American veterans that fought for this country. Who I am pretty sure I good chunk of people have never heard before.


The only thing I didn't like was them throwing the Redskins gear on them. THAT was a little over the talk...


Oh yeah, since the team started sucking again, I noticed the name debate heat going down drastically. Coincidence??? Nope.

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I didn't like it. All it looked like, was revenge, and trotting those guys out there as nothing but props, in front of the entire nation. Honestly, I was insulted by it.


I don't feel that there was anything sincere/genuine about it.


I think that the team should be doing more of this. If we are going to say that the name honors Native Americans, then we should have more situations where we donate to NA charities, promote NA causes, etc.


I don't know what motives Snyder had, but how can we say it was sincere or genuine at all? We don't know the intentions so we are forced to take it at face value. He honored some NA veterans. It's a nice gesture.

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I think that the team should be doing more of this. If we are going to say that the name honors Native Americans, then we should have more situations where we donate to NA charities, promote NA causes, etc.


I don't know what motives Snyder had, but how can we say it was sincere or genuine at all? We don't know the intentions so we are forced to take it at face value. He honored some NA veterans. It's a nice gesture.


I dunno. Maybe the sting from the current team stuation is affecting my judgment or something. I will agree that despite what motives Snyder may or may not have had... on it's face, it is indeed a nice gesture.


I also agree that, while I think this is mainly a PR move (and a reaction to recent scrutiny) more than anything, good PR is a great place to start. Give them a platform on a national stage, to begin getting your point across to the masses. It's a great strategy..

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It might wasn't sincere/genuine, for real, I don't know, but I do think it was taking advantage of a good situation. November is "Salute to Service" month. It was a primetime game versus the 49ers, and they honored some Native American veterans that fought for this country. Who I am pretty sure I good chunk of people have never heard before.


The only thing I didn't like was them throwing the Redskins gear on them. THAT was a little over the talk...


Oh yeah, since the team started sucking again, I noticed the name debate heat going down drastically. Coincidence??? Nope.


Not only is the NFL doing it's " Salute to Service " campaign, it's also " Native American Heritage " month.


So, during the game, we honor some Native American Veterans.


What is the problem? I thought it was good.






The Washington Redskins honored four of these Native American heroes on Monday, recognizing them at halftime during their home game against the 49ers and hosting the veterans for a private guided tour of National Museum of the Marine Corps.

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Just change it already.


Baltimore used to be the Colts, then they became the Ravens.  They won two SBs, no one complained about the name.


DC Rebels sounds pretty good.  Keep the colors, keep the R, keep the championships.  What's the problem?

You do know those are two completely different franchises, right?


Also, if you think the Redskins nickname had bad racial undertones, Rebels makes it sound downright PC.

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Ravens/Colts comparison ?


Am I in an alternate universe ?


Not even close to the same situation.


The Charlotte Hornets moved to New Orleans...kept the name same as many teams over the years (including the Lakers, Dodgers, Redskins to name a few). Recently, the New Orleans Hornets decided to re-brand to become Pelicans. The Charlotte Bobcats will next season become the Hornets again with the old familiar colors and all.


Although I would say that Rebels is better than WFC or the like. Rebels still is not good though...makes me think of Wizards and Bobcats.

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I didn't like it. All it looked like, was revenge, and trotting those guys out there as nothing but props, in front of the entire nation. Honestly, I was insulted by it.


I don't feel that there was anything sincere/genuine about it.


I laughed, not because it was funny, but because of the absurdity of it.  Could anything be more transparent?  And TBH I'm against a name change, but that was pathetic by Skins PR.

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Just change it already.


Baltimore used to be the Colts, then they became the Ravens.  They won two SBs, no one complained about the name.


DC Rebels sounds pretty good.  Keep the colors, keep the R, keep the championships.  What's the problem?


Except for the fact that the Baltimore Colts and the Baltimore Ravens are entirely different teams with entirely different histories that are not direclty related other than being in the same city. That comparison just makes zero sense.


And seriously, you seem to want to change it to just get it over with....and then you want to change it to "The Rebels", a name that would likely cause as much if not MORE issues with people screaming ot change it?

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I was laughing so much at Snyder trotting out the Navajo Code Talkers last night.  Talk about sticking your middle-finger up at people who want the name changed....


I wonder how you say "F you Bob Costas" in Navajo....


Speaking of which, check out the "Code Talker" terms for Africa, Japan, and a few other countries.......wow.....I don't think anybody alive will fess up to creating those names....



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@Noway - Get a life. If you still can't get along with society 300 years later, you never will. So every mascot name attached to native americans is offensive? You sound like the casino tribes just looking for more paleface money. @JayE - Ordale dude!


@Noway The problem is that you won't forget injustices done to your ancestors, but you are quick to forget injustices your ancestors did to others, even other Native American tribes. It's called progress, friend. Someone would have conquered the NA because theirs was a primitive way of life




had to post a couple of the more interesting comments from the yahoo story. i'd almost swear that people are waking up. then i remember that we are mostly sheep........

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i understand what some are saying with regards to the codetalkers being put out there. 


but, heres my problem. as long as dan has owned the redskins, he hasnt done anything like this (by 'this', i mean 'honor native americans', which he did, whether the intentions were pure or not). 


he's been getting ripped a bit lately, in case nobody has noticed (for the last year or so in particular), so, we think he should stick to what hasnt been working? that is, ignoring the critics and going about his business?


i dont think so. 


so, he finds some native americans who love the name (its not that hard, apparently, despite what some would have you believe). in other words, he finally decides to defend himself. and we rip him for it? really?


iike i said before, he absolutely should have done this the moment he bought the team. but, he didnt. the fact that hes doing it now is better late than never, even if hes doing so despite himself. 


i'm no dan snyder apologist, but i wont rip him for finally standing up and fighting this battle. in fact, i hope he finds more native americans who love the team and puts them out there at every opportunity and shoves it down the throats of self righteous, paranoid people who insist on making up reasons to be offended at the world. 

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@Noway - Get a life. If you still can't get along with society 300 years later, you never will. So every mascot name attached to native americans is offensive? You sound like the casino tribes just looking for more paleface money. @JayE - Ordale dude!

@Noway The problem is that you won't forget injustices done to your ancestors, but you are quick to forget injustices your ancestors did to others, even other Native American tribes. It's called progress, friend. Someone would have conquered the NA because theirs was a primitive way of life

had to post a couple of the more interesting comments from the yahoo story. i'd almost swear that people are waking up. then i remember that we are mostly sheep........

Somehow I don't think that is helping.

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I'm breaking my silence on the topic to post this.




Tim Keown wrote several paragraphs, but all I heard by the time I was done reading it was


"screw you guys...I'm going home.......and I"m taking my ball with me."  LMAO


Even though it should have been happening before now...I think the best way to counter the anti-Redskins talk is with PR moves just like they did with Navajo code talkers. 


Some Native Americans find the name offensive, some don't, even though the national media has done their best to prop up the offended, and ignore the non-offended.     

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61 religious leaders attack Redskins name in letter


A letter castigating the team name of the Washington pro football club and signed by 61 religious leaders mostly from the Washington region is scheduled to be sent to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and team owner Daniel Snyder on Thursday, according to the minister who is the driving force behind it.


The letter, dated Dec. 5, casts the roiling national controversy over the team name as a moral issue and includes signatures of leaders from a range of faith communities including Lutheran, Episcopal, Methodist, Baptist, United Church of Christ, AME, Presbyterian, Unitarian, Jewish, Buddhist and Muslim.


"The derogatory term 'redskin' offends many Native Americans and others in this country," the letter says. "This word, defined in the dictionary as a slur, should not be publicly marketed and celebrated in America, which is built on the ideals of respect and inclusion."


Rev. Graylan Hagler, who helped write the letter and recruit the signatories, said clergy who signed on agreed they would also talk about the issue from their pulpits. Hagler hopes their sermons will ignite a religiously based grassroots campaign.


"If you use that word about a group of people, you characterize them as less than human," Hagler told USA TODAY Sports. "You have stripped them of their humanity and taken away the likeness of God that is within all of us."



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religion is offensive to a lot of people. probably a lot MORE people. Especially the natives of every continent that were subjected to conversion. (or the sword.)
Who better to pontificate on what is offensive to these people?


to be insensitive about it, these folks base their lives and careers on something i consider a fantasy. 

May as well show me a letter from 50 Dungeon Masters.

Why should their opinion change mine?

Shouldn't i get to roll for it first?

(I got a 12, but i am wearing a +2 Cloak of Insensitivity)




I didn't happen to notice any medicine men in the list. 


More sudden outrage over an 80 year old name.



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