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Shanahan Decision Not to Take Out RGIII


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Did anyone slamming people, and rather insultingly to their shame, over the justifiable criticism of a boneheaded coaching decision happen to listen to Shanahans post game presser? A presser he all but stopped short in admitting he should of pulled Robert as it was plain to see he wasn't the same player.

I presume y'all are gona' slam the Coach for as good as slamming the Coach now right?


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Basically all of you are saying that RG3 is worthless if he can't run. His rep is that he's a passing QB that is capable of running, as opposed to a guy like Vick. No it wasn't pretty, but where's the Willis Reed vibe? A couple of catches here in there and better field position, a seahawk lineman tackling Morris with his ass and this game could be different.

The Pick RGIII throw... it looked like there was something wrong with RGIII's throwing mechanics. I said then he should have been pulled. It's not his mobility, his ability to hit receivers was seriously degraded. Cousins came in and started to move the team. But you know what? It doesn't matter, we overachieved this season, let's not feel too bad for ourselves.

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Did anyone slamming people, and rather insultingly to their shame, over the justifiable criticism of a boneheaded coaching decision happen to listen to Shanahans post game presser? A presser he all but stopped short in admitting he should of pulled Robert as it was plain to see he wasn't the same player.

I presume y'all are gona' slam the Coach for as good as slamming the Coach now right?


Doubt it. Shanahan ****ed up

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On NFL network the entire table thinks it was right for him to try to stay in. Time will tell the severity of the injury.

Some laughably simplistic logic they were using. He 'deserved' to play and talking about how great he had been all year and in the 14-0 lead and how dare anyone question him, etc.

It would be one thing if it was a series or two. By the 4th quarter he had played a full half of bad football was hobbling, his throws were spraying all over the place, he looked like he couldn't protect himself.

At that point (at the latest), a coach has to realize he has given him the chance he asked for and it's time to protect him and to try to win a playoff game.

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RG3 did go into that x-ray box and was on the field after that. Rich Isen just said while watching the game he did see that RG3 was hurt but not once he thought he should have been pulled. And the other 3 on the panel agreed. And were on RG3 side for staying in. So guess I am just a little level headed and much more calm than some here.

I personally make no claim to calm or possessing a level head. I've always preferred passion and irrationality. Having said that you are claiming that agreeing with the talking heads makes you more level headed and much more calm. Remember you said that! :pfft:

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Griffin should want to stay in. Just like Brunell years before he should want to stay in until he literally can't stand up.

The head coach needs to know when to say 'It's ok kid. Take a seat and we'll win this game for you.'

Griffin should have been pulled at least by the end of the third quarter. By the time Cousins finally did get in there, ten points down with five minutes to go, the Seattle defense could pin their ears back and go after him. With a run game and play-action Cousins could have at the very least pushed the ball down the field. Griffin couldn't complete anything. He couldn't run. By the end he simply fell over and didn't even move. It should never come to that.

Shanahan made a very bad call and it probably cost us this game. Hopefully it doesn't also cost us the development of our best player. It was a very bad call.

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The Pick RGIII throw... it looked like there was something wrong with RGIII's throwing mechanics. I said then he should have been pulled. It's not his mobility, his ability to hit receivers was seriously degraded. Cousins came in and started to move the team. But you know what? It doesn't matter, we overachieved this season, let's not feel too bad for ourselves.

Yeah, I remember that too. He didn't plant that braced leg at all. He basically front-legged that pass. It took the crucial 5-8 yards off the ball. I've already voiced that I don't blame Shanny for leaving him in but I can't argue that he was good enough to go. Weird spot between my head and my heart, I suppose.

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There's a double standard in sports with regard to pulling superstars from games, even when it's clear they aren't playing up to their potential. All the back-and-forth we are going to read and hear the next couple weeks isn't going to change that. RGIII, while only a rookie, has achieved that level of fame that he gets the benefit of the doubt when coaches try to decide what to do with him.

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I respect Shanahan for realizing he screwed up. I just hope RGIII hasnt seriously hurt himself for the future. I think 6 months of rest will get RGIII back to 100%. But you gotta realize that this exact situation is what you spent that 4th on Kirk for. It would be one thing if RGIII couldn't run. But an injured plant leg is probably the second worst injury a QB can have.

I also seriously question our training staff as well, did they say Robert was good to go? Or did they not and Shanny just ignored them?

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No one is claiming that RGIII is a run-only QB - - it's not disrespectful to the player to take him out when he's less than 50%. If he can't set well for his throws his accuracy is going to suffer. He also became less and less able to move around in the pocket making it more likely that he'd be further injured. You can't count on a rookie to correctly determine whether his desire to continue fighting isn't helping the team. Lichtensteiger came out when he realized he couldn't be effective anymore. But he's a veteran. Shanahan should have made the decision. Captain Kirk would have been better and that's not 20-20 hindsight.

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It's difficult for me to understand how the focus could be on anything other the following: RGIII was in (if anything) WORSE shape in this game than he was leading up to the Cleveland game when the Redskins wisely, I think, started Cousins even though it was a must win game. Why the inconsistency? I and others were behind Shanahan's decision to bench Griffin then because it seemed clearly in the best interest of both the team and the player. There were several posts before the game that we were behind that decision WIN or LOOSE. I think there were reports Griffin was not noticeably limping during runs in practice leading up to the Cleveland game. He WAS noticeably hobbling around the field later in the game today. So just do what you did before ... sit Robert for now and see what Cousins can do.

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Well, we all knew Mike wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.. Have to take the bad decisions with the good I suppose.. Pray this bad decision didnt cost us a franchise QB.. You guys think the blame game is bad now, see what happens if RG can't keep the knee healthy next year.. I dont even want to think about it..

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I thought Coach Shanahan should have pulled Robert simply to protect an obviously injured player. That being said, the coach and only the coach should decide what players give the team the best chance to win. No second guessing here.

However, if it comes out that Coach Shanahan played Robert against the opinion of Dr. Andrews and risked the franchise, I would fire him so quickly it would make his head spin. The chances that happened are very small, I'm sure, as I believe Coach loves the kid, like all of us.

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At 14-0, Seattle was in severe danger of being run off the field by half time. The offense was straight up stream-rolling their defense. Pete Carroll had a look of disbelief on his face.

When RGIII re-aggravated his knee, if Cousins gets put in the game immediately, and gets a few series on offense before halftime to adjust the offense and find a rhythm, he probably can do enough to get the team in the victory column. Instead, he is thrown into the fire when the game is pretty much already a wrap.

Just inexcusable. I'm sorry but Mike Shanahan has lost a lot of the good will he rebuilt with me during the 7 game winning streak.

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I don't respect Shanahan at all. His inability to judge the situation correctly hurt this team. And lets not forget his famous "now we will evaluate" speech.

I can understand if the backup you have sucks. But when your backup has won you a game against the Ravens, and then blew out a team away with a borderline amazing performance you have no excuse.

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Dude you are new here, I just hope you are not new to watching football. Did you see the Browns game? you actually think putting a 100% healthy Cousins, with Morris running the ball, the play action will not work? Did you see how many open receivers RGIII missed? Ah forget it.

so Cousins came in, do you think he would've won the game the way he played? How many times were balls dropped by receivers? How many times do you think seahawks would've blitz if cousins was in vs RGIII? who cares if i am new or not on here. get a life dude. you're a sore loser. what you think you have 3665 posts on here that you're an expert on football? get out of here dude.

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The Pick RGIII throw... it looked like there was something wrong with RGIII's throwing mechanics. I said then he should have been pulled. It's not his mobility, his ability to hit receivers was seriously degraded. Cousins came in and started to move the team. But you know what? It doesn't matter, we overachieved this season, let's not feel too bad for ourselves.

Mechanics? Sure he underthrew it, a bit of pass interference, Moss did not get separation? Oh yeah, and the design of the play didn't have another WR on the other side to keep the FS honest. But yeah, it's JUST RG3 being in there.

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so Cousins came in, do you think he would've won the game the way he played? How many times were balls dropped by receivers? How many times do you think seahawks would've blitz if cousins was in vs RGIII? who cares if i am new or not on here. get a life dude. you're a sore loser. what you think you have 3665 posts on here that you're an expert on football? get out of here dude.

The way he played? Watch football much? You are down by 10 with 4 minutes to go you run the ball or pass? Dude the defense didn't have to worry about the run anymore, they just brought the house on every snap. You put him in the start of the 2nd half with us leading 14-13 different story

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