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How much value would you put into the second game of the season?


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Every game is important but these first couple of games have been especially important to me, because the first one has already signified a bridge we've crossed and the second game has the possibility to do the same.

Game 1: Showed me that we can close out a game and beat a top ranked opponent. In the past these teams have come back on the Redskins and lead to heart breaking losses. In addition it showed me that we can capitalize on our opponents mistakes. Too many times over the past decade has a team shot themselves in the foot only to dig themselves right out of the hole the next play. A team would get a false start, make it 3rd and 15, and then they'd convert on us, on all to consistent of a basis. Not this game.

Game 2: I'd like to win quite convincingly. This will show me, the Redskins are consistent enough to not play down to the level of an opponent like the Rams. Something they've also had problems with in the past, last year Rams game, Detroit breaking their losing streak on us.. and so forth.

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I'm glad the Rams almost beat Detroit. The players will have that much more respect for 'em.

The Saints game showed what this team is capable of heck, if this team could play at the same level as the Saints game with consistency, we'd be looking at 7-0 going into Pittsburgh before our bye. With so much youth, this will be extra tough to do. I agree with others though, as of yet we're no better than the Rams or most other teams, and every game is important.

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I will say one thing. Thi steam just doesn't have the feel of a team that's going to be content with a huge week one upset and leaving it at that. Guys have earned their spots across the team for the most part, and have fought tooth and nail to keep them. The coaches won't let these guys get complacent, because if some of them do, they may find themselves riding the bench. I think they will allow themselves to relax. All of that "Keep it medium" crap is gone, and we have cats with killer instincts.

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Huge. Traditionally, this is a game we either barley get out alive or loss in embarrasing, heartbreaking fashion (typically followed by a losing season). If we are the better team, we should absolutely destroy St. Louis. A nail-bitting FG against another rebuilding team isn't going to do it for me. Not with the way the second half of our schedule is set up. Win now, or forever hold your peace...

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Anybody still up and watching the Raiders/Chargers game? The back-up snapper for the Raiders has botched 3 punts (in a row?). I'm terrified with Nick out that something disastrous will happen with us and the new long snapper. We aren't quite good enough to continue to overcome mistakes such as blocked punts.

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Anybody still up and watching the Raiders/Chargers game? The back-up snapper for the Raiders has botched 3 punts (in a row?). I'm terrified with Nick out that something disastrous will happen with us and the new long snapper. We aren't quite good enough to continue to overcome mistakes such as blocked punts.

I'm watching. It's a joke. I'm worried that the Raiders will cut this guy and we'll somehow decide to pick him up, because there aren't a lot of these guys out there.

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One game at a time and be consistent in effort, it has been a problem in the past, I would say this team seems more excited to be on the field so far.

Until they are established as a winning club, every game will be very important. That said, it the NFL. You only play 16 games. Every game is always important if you want to make the playoffs. But all thing considered, its a huge game because RG3 is the kind of talent that will allow the club to quickly redefine themselves. If they can play at this different level for a few games, the past will be forgotten because there is clearly a line that can get drawn by the addition of RG3. Forgetting the past is a big thing for this franchise. Its like rocks in their wheel barrel.

Its a conference game so it is important. They don't play a division game until week 7 which is good. TIs the second half of the season that will make or break the year regarding a playoff run. The second half is a tough schedule for them. They have to put things together by then.

The important thing we want to see at this point is consistency, focus, professionalism, and limited stupid mistakes. I want to see the offense establish themselves. I want to see Garson and Moss play off each other. That can be a deadly combo with Moss in the slot and we didn't get to see them get that going because Garson only played the first quarter. I want to see Kyle continue to draw up effective plays and design a game plan that plays off what they showed last week. They need to keep teams off balance. I want to see RG not take needless hits when he is rolling and running. That's very important.

They already are getting props for the first game. If they can do it back to back, they will obviously get more.

Your only as good as your last game. That is never more true then it is for a team with a losing reputation. They have to establish themselves. The reputation will follow.

Again, they have a really tough second half schedule so they have to store up some wins now. But its the NFL. You have to bring it every week.

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As for when can we exhale ? If they were 6-0 heading into the Giants game people would still be a mess. They would be saying the next game is huge. A must win. A defining game.

And if we won it and we head into Pittsburgh and won that would be awesome but we would still say everything rides on the Philly game. lol.

So we can exhale if we are 12-0 having beaten Philly, the Giants and Dallas each once.

See what I'm getting at hear. Every week will be huge. Specially because we have a tough division.

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If this was RG3's 3rd or maybe even 2nd season, I'd look at the Rams game as a "prove to us you aren't the same ol' Redskins team" type game. An opponent that didn't look very good week 1. The Lions drove the ball up and down the field at will, but Stafford turned the ball over 3 times in the redzone, otherwise it was probably a blowout.

The problem is that RG3 is still a rookie. You can never take that fact for granted, even if the opponent on that particular week looks inferior. Jeff Fischer is a savvy coach. You can bet that he will try and exploit any weakness he can find to confuse or pressure RG3.

Now, I still think the 'Skins are going to win this game in some fashion, however until RG3 has a full season as an NFL QB under his belt, I am not going to treat a single game as one that "should" be one.

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The Rams have some pretty good players on that defense. Long is very good, and Laurinaitus may be one of the most underrated players in the NFL. Finnegan can be a handful, and Janorris Jenkins is a promising stud

Agreed, this is my concern as well. Fisher and that defense almost pulled out a win against one of the most explosive offenses in the league. This is going to be a knock down, drag out fight. Our defense better be ready to shut them down, because their defense won't be nearly as lax as the Saints. They're going to be ready to play, and like this man said, they have great talents on every level.

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