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Which username makes you 'click' when you see "Last post by _____"


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Anyone who's name I see making a post after I told everyone why they were wrong

the nerve of some people! :D

Actually, there really isn't any set names.. it depends on the topic.

I'm one of the weirdies who likes it when Larry and Kilmer or TWA get going,, because I can get a lot of solid opinion and billious bluster from both sides of an issue.

It's too bad a lot of our conservative contiongency have split, because we don't get as wide a spectrum. So i'm glad for those who stick it out, even if I call them names sometimes.

I like reading HH because I think he's one of the more honest people on here. He may not always have it right, but he'll definitely try like hell to get it right, even if it means listening to someone else, which is a skill few have. I believe HH tries to understand the other guy's opinion.

I like reading ASF because even though we're similar, there's a big difference in the faith dept., and I appreciate listening to the views of someone on that side of that fence who seems genuine and uses common sense..

I like theBlueFood because he's studying to be a journalist, and it's interesting to watch his thoughts develop along the issues.

I like Predicto, because I think he may be the smartest person on the board, even though Jumbo tries like hell. ;)

Predicto is a dyed in the wool lefty, and even though he hardly ever waivers from that position, typically his arguments come down with a ton of sense behind them, and not just ideological thinking. I give his opinions a lot of weight.

I like Destino, because for a long time I got him confused with Predicto, and some of it rubbed off, I guess.

I read Thinking Skins posts.. i may not always agree. but he is a sharp guy and he can provoke some good thought.

I like Navy Dave.

There. I said it. He may be way out in right field when it comes to politics, but he's a-ok everywhere else. And besides, this is supposed to be "who do you read if you see their name as having posted last" and you know if his name is up, everyone goes to see just what kind of trainwreck that it might be, right?

(I'm friends with him on facebook (I think .. it must be him. HAS to be. ) I don't think ANYONE lives so well. He's ALWAYS at the game. Nats game every other night, Redskins game every week, Wizards games, Caps games, he's there, and smiling like the cat. Hell, if there's ANY of you I'd suck up to so i could hang out for a week... well it's none of you godless immoral heathen libtards, i can tell you that. ;) ;)

I like LadySkinsFan, especially in certain topics when she steps in and sets some guy straight.... so to speak. I always get a kick out of that, especially with those who don't know her.

But in all honesty,, I like most all of you. And I read most all of what you've got to say in the topics that interest me. Some of you talk way over my head (Peter, I'm looking at you) but I try and keep up and maybe learn a thing or two.

And furthermore, Danny Smith must be fired.


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Nobody for Mickilano?? I always check his out.

TK to see who's ass is getting his boot.

PCS cause he always makes sense.

Jumbo for sig ideas and it's never a complete day without hitting the dictionary.

Henry because I see him as level headed and in the middle on most things.

Diehard because you never know what kinda fireworks you're gonna get.

Art to see him verbally KO people.

EA cause he always interests me,

Bang tells it like he see's it no sugar coating.

HH cause you never know when he might mix up is posts and him private messages. ;)

Predicto for all thing law and liberal, and skinny chick pics.

TWA he always makes me lol.

Kilmer, used to make me mad till I figured out that was the point. :ols:

Kdawg for football knowledge enhancement.

DJTJ dude is just straight up smart.

Mcsluggo to seem my economic hunches are fantasy or reality.

Zoony for smoking/grilling stuff.

Huly and Pez for tailgating info.

TechBoy and ASF, Gods duo.

And lots lots more, I will amend later

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The stadium is a whole different list.

KDawg definitely lays the X and O insight. That's Must See TV there.

I always read what Mickalino writes, but he's disappeared. It's too bad. He's definitely one of the more interesting characters who hang out here.


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Thiebear. His posts have gotten much more readable, though.

With Jumbo sometimes I don't think there is anything to understand. He's like a kid who was stuck in silent timeout all day and he gets on the bus and just says everything humanly possible.

I've literally taken 13 online courses on communication this last year.

I read Burgold posts in Morgan Freeman's voice.

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I like when I'm having a conversation about something important with somebody and they ask how I know "all this" and I reply "a Redskins message board". :ols:

:ols: I usually start it off with "my people have been saying..." or "my sources tell me..." Nobody ever seems to want to know who "my people" are. :ols:

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Bang, that was a tremendous post. I appreciate making the "kind words from Bang" list. I think you know well that you're someone for whom I have a great deal of respect. And when you notice that I do at least TRY to consider perspectives other than my own (and usually fail) it means a lot.

Also, I frequently type "lol" or use this ---> :ols:

...but when I read the "And furthermore..." line, I sprained three well-hidden obliques cackling. :ols:

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Good on you man. I like your posts when I can understand them.

And :ols: at Burgolds MF voice.

Hey, Morgan came over to me last week for some tips on voice overs. I had to charge him extra. His diction was so poor and he lacks that certain resonance us barely D level radio personalities master.


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Hubbs gets a shout out for me because his posts I find are both well worded and well reasoned (even if I don't always agree with them). For music related threads Bang/Jumbo/Califan/Elkabong really bring some well above average views and information that---for a fellow music lover---I always enjoy.

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Hey, Morgan came over to me last week for some tips on voice overs. I had to charge him extra. His diction was so poor and he lacks that certain resonance us barely D level radio personalities master.


You turned Morgan Freeman into a squeaky prepubescent boy making his Bar Mitzvah speech?

It's a good thing you don't believe in the real God, cause he'd ****ing hate you right now. :silly:;):cheers:

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..... I always read what Mickalino writes, but he's disappeared. It's too bad. He's definitely one of the more interesting characters who hang out here.


Mick's thread last year when he took 'covert' pics of a whole host of woman at his local Walmart to prove the hottest girls shopped there is my single all time favorite thread. The fact the he genuinely couldn't see what he'd done wrong was pure Mickalino and just added to a wonderful late Sunday afternoon when I was literally crying laughing at the absurdity of it all.


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You turned Morgan Freeman into a squeaky prepubescent boy making his Bar Mitzvah speech?

It's a good thing you don't believe in the real God, cause he'd ****ing hate you right now. :silly:;):cheers:

Umm... we believe in the same G-d unless you've turned your back on Christianity.

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No, it's cool. Just thought it was an odd joke. Esp. since every one knows that George Burns is the one and only true God.

(dodges lightning)

I actually thought the jab at deejaydana's post was better.

I read it like I was selecting threads via phone menu:

"For Redskins threads, press 1."

"For Capitals threads, press 2."

"For China threads, press 3."

"For music threads, Bang/Jumbo."

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Hmm, for the Stadium, Kdawg, CS26, jflow, hitman, moondog, SWFLSkins, NLC.

For the tailgate, SnyderShrugged, GibbsHogHeaven,CurseReversed,Hubbs, Predicto,China for his threads and Larry just for the eyeroll factor.

In both the tailgate and stadium, Jumbo's posts are a highlight to me. Half the time they're rather short and funny, and the other half of the time they're giant blocks of text encoded in obscure words. It's almost like another language. Either stands out from the crowd enough to gather attention, as this thread is proving..His posts that precede bans are usually my favorite, maybe I'm a bad person ;p

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I forgot about deejaydana too..i admire the guy does his best to fight that sometimes rising gorge the lefties bring up in him :ols:...and he really is perseverant...i likewise find him very informative on music and killer on his book selections. sometimes he's dowright reasonable! :D and he does have a brain in his head.

and...one big one I need to add...been a fave of mine since day one when we almost lost her to the compulsive leg-humper contingent...she who is now known as Special K. :cool:

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