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Obamacare...(new title): GOP DEATH PLAN: Don-Ryan's Express


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14 minutes ago, DCranon21 said:


This will be interesting to see if the Freedom Caucus(Tea Party loons) will work with Bernie, but I seriously doubt it. If the moderate Republicans have an ounce of intelligence, they will work with Bernie and save face. 

Wouldn't the FC be the last ones to support single payer?


I was happy to see the tweets about Kipzinger - ala needing to work with Dems and outing the FC.  

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2 hours ago, Fergasun said:

Simpsons reference... Dr. Nick is the quack infomercial doctor (and also the cheap back alley doctor).

I know. I was just being dumb pretending like I didn't blatantly steal that surgery joke. I am familiar with the show. Growing up, my best friend and I never had a single meaningful conversation as far as I can recall, choosing instead to substitute an exchange of Simpsons quotes for actual dialogue.

Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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16 hours ago, Jumbo said:

....another being how conway and bannon would make big and contradicting promises to different reps from different factions but no one believed them, and how pence seemed to be focused solely on the political importance of the pres needing the win for the gop to hold onto power. and "achieve our dreams in this once in a generation opportunity".....


Oh Lord, Bannon really tried to use Tyrion's gambit from Season 2 of Game of Thrones.


(everyone new to DC figures how to counter this by Week 2)

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2 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

You know you screwed up BIG time when Tom Cotton, GOP Senator, is praising the way the ACA was passed compared to...whatever the hell the GOP just tried to do.




Contrary to to popular belief, a large amount of compromise went into the ACA.  It had to pass through a R majority house for ****s sake.  The same house that tried to shut down congress multiple times.

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1 minute ago, DogofWar1 said:

You know you screwed up BIG time when Tom Cotton, GOP Senator, is praising the way the ACA was passed compared to...whatever the hell the GOP just tried to do.


I've said this before, Trump's incompetence will help Obama's legacy beyond what it deserves.

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4 minutes ago, Springfield said:



Contrary to to popular belief, a large amount of compromise went into the ACA.  It had to pass through a R majority house for ****s sake.  The same house that tried to shut down congress multiple times.

Dems held the House from 2006 to 2010... I know it seems like GOP has held it for longer.  

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7 minutes ago, FanboyOf91 said:


I've said this before, Trump's incompetence will help Obama's legacy beyond what it deserves.


Which is hilarious since Trump seems intent on proving that he's better than Obama. Well he's intent on proving that he's better than everyone, but Obama is his biggest target right now. I think that's the only reason he cares about repealing Obamacare. This goes back to @Jumbo's post...he is completely and utterly ignorant on any sort of healthcare policy and has no real interest in learning it; the only thing he apparently has to say on the matter is that it would still be "better than Obama". He is essentially an 8 year old with severe personality disorders in the most powerful position on the planet. 

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1 hour ago, Springfield said:



Contrary to to popular belief, a large amount of compromise went into the ACA.  It had to pass through a R majority house for ****s sake.  The same house that tried to shut down congress multiple times.

The ACA passed without a single GOP vote...despite the fact that it was a Republican plan designed by the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation, implemented by Repub governor Romney with the blessings and praise of Gingrich, advocated as a national solution by Romney in the WSJ (at the time, Obama was pushing for a public option), and financed by a tax on "Cadillac insurance plans" proposed by GOP Presidential candidate John McCain.

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Reading those last tweets, this is not about ripping the Freedom Caucus for not passing a ****ty bill, its about the FC not having a solution and presenting their own option.  They want to sit back and have the work done for them while they shove food down their face and take naps.


Congress is a joke, most wouldn't make it in today's corporate America, businesses don't wait to resolve a problem because their prosperity depends on problem-solving.   These idiots in Congress have no sense of urgency.


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2 hours ago, DogofWar1 said:

Tom Cotton: "I think you can’t expect to try to solve a problem that addresses one-sixth of the country’s economy and touches every American in a very personal and intimate way in 18 days"

We're also going to have to eventually address the issue affecting one-half of the country's population involving the president's perceived entitlement to touch Americans in a very personal and intimate way.

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39 minutes ago, visionary said:



lol Trump and his people can't even keep his blame game straight. He blamed the Dems and praised all republicans. Then he praised Ryan while his aides bashed Ryan at the same time. And now he turns around and blames the FC. This is essentially a circus of incompetence and exactly mirrors his campaign...why anyone would think once he was in office things would be different is beyond me.

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Hahahaha. That's effing hilarious. Now they're basically going with the "well, he's STUPID, what do you expect?" defense? Either way, it isn't the "nuances" he doesn't understand. He doesn't even understand the most basic things. And he doesn't give a **** and doesn't want to know them.


That reminds me of when Melania was interviewed during the campaign and basically included Donald in her list of children.

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But Republicans have been touting the benefits of a businessman as President for decades! 


What's too bad is that the government can't be run like a business! Government is not a profit generator.


So now we have a businessman who actually hates government and who has no flipping idea how government really works.  Doesn't even know the basics of government contained in the Constitution.

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1 hour ago, Springfield said:


There you go again, with those facts.


I thought Obama only had the house for 2 years, but I never checked.  My bad.

I am so confused...  I am going by election years.  He had one cycle with a majority in both.  "Tea Party" rallied against him during that cycle and put GOP in the House. 


Keep in mind the Dem majority he had (post Bush) was greater than any of the Obama GOP majorities.  Which should tell us how fickle we voters are... 

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