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Sean Salisbury says Redskins' RG3 no phony.


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I didn't see this posted.


That's the vibe in our nation's capital, but a pocket of the fan base is already complaining about their rookie quarterback, according to WNEW-FM in D.C. The argument isn't with RG3's immense physical gifts, but that he comes across as a phony. WNEW believes "his smile, his socks and beat-boxing performance on The Tonight Show have left a sour taste in the mouths of people who aren't even Dallas Cowboys fans."

NFL analyst Sean Salisbury nearly lost it when he heard some of the whispers about the young passer:

"If you're Robert Griffin III, if people are that petty and (catty), he's got bigger fish to fry than worrying about people complaining and ****ing about his socks," Salisbury told WJFK-FM in Washington, D.C, via WNEW-FM. "We're not talking about a guy who's beating his girlfriend. We're not talking about a guy who's breaking the law. We're not talking about a guy who's doing drugs. Because you don't like his hairdo? Get over it.

"I could care less if he grows his dreads down to his ankles. ... I'm a huge fan. I'd love to coach the kid. I think he's got every quality that a superstar has on the field and off the field."

An unnamed scout said before the draft that RG3 had a "selfish streak." It was an accusation that fell from the sky before the draft.

It doesn't change what we've seen: RG3 has operated as a model citizen, and his future in Washington will allow him to prove just how genuine he is.

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Good lord have mercy the season can't start soon enough. To me this is IDIOT kinda stuff. This young man can flat play football and we're darn lucky to get him. I sure hope he doesn't hear a lot of this kinda crap and really wonder what kinda fools he's got to please.

Makes me want to throw this damn computer out the window.

RG111 please, please, please ignore this kinda crap.

Dan :logo:

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I've heard recent talk about how he might be a system quarterback because Art Briles is there and that Baylor runs a very QB friendly system with a lot of bubble screen passes. Is anyone worried he will end up another system QB bust?

I don't think he will but I'm kinda concerned. Someone please enlighten me.

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I've heard recent talk about how he might be a system quarterback because Art Briles is there and that Baylor runs a very QB friendly system with a lot of bubble screen passes. Is anyone worried he will end up another system QB bust?

I don't think he will but I'm kinda concerned. Someone please enlighten me.

Last I checked, the screen game was a big part of the NFL also. On top of that, he clearly throws a great deep ball, and has above average accuracy. I think he'll be fine.

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I've heard recent talk about how he might be a system quarterback because Art Briles is there and that Baylor runs a very QB friendly system with a lot of bubble screen passes. Is anyone worried he will end up another system QB bust?

I don't think he will but I'm kinda concerned. Someone please enlighten me.

If all he did in college was run and throw screens, I'd be concerned too. But there's so much footage of him throwing deep accurately, as well as evidence of all the other throws. I'm not concerned.

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I guess I don't listen to enough sports radio. Where the hell is this "phony" talk? I do not hear a bit of it. In fact Griffin III has energized fans. I was on the Mall yesterday and the only sports team I saw being represented was Redskins. Including a little kid in a Griffin III jersey. In a tourist location and a town with an obnoxious amount of Cowboy fans, I was pleasantly surprised.

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That's the vibe in our nation's capital, but a pocket of the fan base is already complaining about their rookie quarterback, according to WNEW-FM in D.C. The argument isn't with RG3's immense physical gifts, but that he comes across as a phony. WNEW believes "his smile, his socks and beat-boxing performance on The Tonight Show have left a sour taste in the mouths of people who aren't even Dallas Cowboys fans."

Um, I'm pretty sure that this "pocket of the fanbase" consists exclusively of media "analysts" attempting to drum up fake controversy by passing off their own unfounded musings as representative of actual fan sentiment.

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With everything we've seen about his parents and how he was raised, I think Rob will be just fine. He is his own person, intelligent, articulate and personable in a genuine fashion, and I think the media (or at least some elements within the media) are getting a bit twitchy at the thought of a star-in-the-making that has no interest in playing their game. "Celebrity" is all about allowing yourself to be manipulated, that's going to be difficult here.

You can be 100% sure that someone, somewhere is going to talk crap about him, no matter what. It's a fact of life in the limelight, but if I had to pick one candidate to deal with it, I think he would be it.

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One of the things ES is best at is worrying and complaining. I haven't read everything on the board, but if there is a Redskins related theme or concern it'll not only be here, but be magnified ten fold.

That said, this phonyness worry is the first I've heard. I think it is something the casters dreamt up because their job has been to create controversy and so far, RGIII hasn't given them much opportunity.

(Now, I did hear the selfish meme a week before the draft and that may be confirmed. After all, look how insistant RGIII was that he didn't share his burrito with Kirk Cousins.)

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Psychology - what one sees in another is what one recognizes in ones self. That person who thinks RG3 comes across as phoney has concerns that others see him as being phoney and is likely due to being phoney on occasion. That is just how the mind works.

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Are there really people complaining about this petty crap or is this a figment of the writers imagination? Who could possibly care about his socks?

I was unhappy about what we gave up for one guy, but it's done. Time to move on and support this kid and team. Reports from Shanahan are already promising.

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My wife who doesnt even watch football couldn't stand him on the tonight show. She felt that he was very scripted. I personally want my QB to be ****y and smile in your face when he rips your heart out. I just have to see how RG3 deals with adversity. DC is a tough town when it comes to QBs. Just ask Jason Campbell, Patrick Ramsey and the other two dozen or so QBs we have ran out of town. As a brotha from the hood. I do think RG3 comes across as a Herman Cain or Tiki Barber kind of black guy that knows his place and won't step on any toes or ruffle any feathers. Which is cool. He has to make money and sell products. Hopefully he stays a positive role model. I just hope he doesnt start clubbing with Brandon Banks.

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So the new draft pick says the right things, seems to lead a normal life, has his priorities well defined for such a young guy, and has almost single-handedly returned hope to a team in dire need of.....dare I say....a savior? Seems to me like his parents did a heck of a job raising him. And he has not only showed himself to be a great football player (at all levels played thusfar) but has excelled in the class as well. I mean, where is the controversy here?

I personally have heard NO ONE complain that RGIII is phony. Fans from other teams are anxious to see the kid play. The only negative things I have heard so far are comments to the effect that he will need to perform on the NFL level now, which is far different than college. But....nothing about being phony.

Guess we would rather have atheletes who stay out until all hours at night, making it rain at gentlemens clubs.....getting into fights, driving while intoxicated, participating in or haning around those commiting criminal acts......maybe sending pics of their genitals to female employees.....

This is media induced IMHO, nothing more than trying to make a story where there is none. It seems to me that much of the mainstream sports media cannot really fathom that maybe the Redskins have their act together for the first time in a long time. Snyder must have po'd off a lot of media folks, because many (especially on ESPN) rarely have anything good or positive to say about our team.

Well, in a few months, hope we all (including RGIII) have the last laugh on all of them.....

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