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Sean Salisbury says Redskins' RG3 no phony.


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Why in the world would anyone NOT think there are some Skins fans who may think RG3 is "phony"?...There's no way in hell that we as a fan base are 100% in agreement with everything concerning Griffin. There were ES members who didn't even want us to draft him, nonetheless give up the draft picks that we did.

And if you're not a Redskins fan, it would be very easy to start getting tired of hearing "RG3" seemingly day and night, especially since he hasn't even taken a single snap.

I love the guy and think he's the real deal in terms of giving us a bonafide franchise QB, but come on lol...it's not THAT surprising that there might be either a little backlash or some fans who just aren't too crazy about RG3 to begin with. Out of over 100,000 fans, that's gonna happen.

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My wife who doesnt even watch football couldn't stand him on the tonight show. She felt that he was very scripted. I personally want my QB to be ****y and smile in your face when he rips your heart out. I just have to see how RG3 deals with adversity. DC is a tough town when it comes to QBs. Just ask Jason Campbell, Patrick Ramsey and the other two dozen or so QBs we have ran out of town. As a brotha from the hood. I do think RG3 comes across as a Herman Cain or Tiki Barber kind of black guy that knows his place and won't step on any toes or ruffle any feathers. Which is cool. He has to make money and sell products. Hopefully he stays a positive role model. I just hope he doesnt start clubbing with Brandon Banks.

Hope RGIII is not like either individuals you mentioned.....as one had an extra-marital relationship that ended his marriage (and second career in television)....while the other was rumored to have been in extra-marital affairs and that helped end his presidential hopes. I fully believe that the media is scrutinizing RGIII, and the microscope will become more focused IF he shows success here in DC.

I think the mean streak (while on field) that you mention will develop. He has yet to play a down in the NFL......lets wait and listen to some news conferences AFTER our first few games.....see what he has to say then.

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My wife who doesnt even watch football couldn't stand him on the tonight show. She felt that he was very scripted. I personally want my QB to be ****y and smile in your face when he rips your heart out. I just have to see how RG3 deals with adversity. DC is a tough town when it comes to QBs. Just ask Jason Campbell, Patrick Ramsey and the other two dozen or so QBs we have ran out of town. As a brotha from the hood. I do think RG3 comes across as a Herman Cain or Tiki Barber kind of black guy that knows his place and won't step on any toes or ruffle any feathers. Which is cool. He has to make money and sell products. Hopefully he stays a positive role model. I just hope he doesnt start clubbing with Brandon Banks.

For the record all Leno interviews are pretty much scripted. They discuss what he's going to ask and what he'd like to be asked before the show. That's for all guests. He is pretty straight edge but I think that's a good thing for a quarterback to be if only because the media tends to scrutinize less. I've never seen Herman Cain pose for pics with The Game and Snoop Dogg though lol.

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The media (which worries about circulation and website hits above all else) concern about RGIII's phoniness strikes me as, well, phony.

LOL! I agree. It's the off season with nothing to write about. I also agree with Califan. There's no way 100% of our fan base is behind RG3, and some might think he's phony. However, I haven't heard anyone say it. Believe it or not, there's quite a few Skins fans up here in South Central PA (probably because we get DC stations) and every one of them is excited as hell.

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I don't think he will but I'm kinda concerned. Someone please enlighten me.

If you can't see it, there's not a lot of helping, some people are naturally cup half-empty types, you're just gonna have to watch him ball this season.

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My wife who doesnt even watch football couldn't stand him on the tonight show. She felt that he was very scripted. I personally want my QB to be ****y and smile in your face when he rips your heart out. I just have to see how RG3 deals with adversity. DC is a tough town when it comes to QBs. Just ask Jason Campbell, Patrick Ramsey and the other two dozen or so QBs we have ran out of town. As a brotha from the hood. I do think RG3 comes across as a Herman Cain or Tiki Barber kind of black guy that knows his place and won't step on any toes or ruffle any feathers. Which is cool. He has to make money and sell products. Hopefully he stays a positive role model. I just hope he doesnt start clubbing with Brandon Banks.

Talk like this is where these accusations will originate from. He's a "Herman Cain or Tiki Barber kind of black guy that knows his place and won't step on any toes or ruffle any feathers"...as opposed to what??? A brotha from the hood??? This poor kid will get more "Uncle Tom" crap thrown in his face because of his upbringing, his correct use of the english language, and his style, than most people. RG3...keep smiling away, having fun, pulling your pants up, and ignoring this type of mess from people. The only real phony's out there are the ones that are so envious of him that they'll portray him in a negative light because he isn't "hood enough".

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Yeah, God forbid he actually be a decent person, who works hard and gets the job done. Yep, that's really selling out to "the man". We need him to "be real" like Ray Lewis and kill people or "be real" like Derek Thomas and have eight kids by seven woman and leave them out of his will so they don't have a father or any money. Yep, this RGIII kid has it all wrong. Where do some of you people come from? Really.

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You either have the ability to look passed your own prejudice or you don't. To this point, nothing about this kid screams phony and that's not up for debate. He has a history of excellence in every aspect of his young life. Just like his college coach said in a recent interview on ESPN 980 (I believe it was on 980 with Dan Patrick...sorry, don't have a link or a point of reference so you'll have to trust my rep' on this), "There are no skeletons in Robert's closet. What you see is what you get."

He's a semi-nerdy, quick witted, smart kid. Not only that, but he's a great qb prospect and was measured as such on everyone's draft board. I'm proud of this organization for going all in on drafting him. Will he be a superstar? I don't know, but he's certainly not a phony.

Until he has some games under his belt in the NFL, we can debate his ability on the field in terms of how his current skills will translate to pro ball. That's fair and is to be expected. However, questioning his authenticity and painting him as disingenuous is just sad and speaks more to the character of the person making said judgment especially considering the evidence to the contrary.

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I'm rather sick of it too..all of the micro analyzing going on with this group of people that say he's too attention hungry, or don't like the interviews.. It's a darned if you do darned if you don't...you can come across as a non athletic prick like Rex Grossman, you can have zero fire, be a nice guy and play it too safe(Jason Campbell)or you can have a contagious smile, have all the smarts and ability, be personable and easy going but then you're too accessible and ****y. Just let the man play football first, sheesh. Like some have said here..just ready for camps and the season to start already. Man it's a long offseason.

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I never read any backlash from the Leno appearance. Was there backlash? I watched the interview and none of his answers surprised me, mostly because I have read every bit of news on the guy. Hey, I'm an extreme fan. If I'm worried about anything, it's over exposure. I'd love no news on this guy till training camp.

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Certainly and totally agree Califan. There will never be 100% agreement with anything about anything. I just don't know that there is enough critical mass for any kind of "phoniness" sentiment for it to warrant mention as a meme in the press. Strikes me more as the slow time in the NFL news cycle than any kind of building fan backlash. Just my :2cents: of course...

The article never hinted at a "critical mass" or anything close to it, though...it said "a pocket of the fan base". That right there says it's a very small fraction...and it was a handful of callers to a radio program. Apparently Salisbury either heard those callers or got wind of it, and it pissed him off...which he ended up defending RG3 later on the radio himself.

I never even once got the impression that this article was trying to say this was a building sentiment gaining popularity among Skins fans or anything like that...just a small blurb.

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Until he has some games under his belt in the NFL, we can debate his ability on the field in terms of how his current skills will translate to pro ball. That's fair and is to be expected. However, questioning his authenticity and painting him as disingenuous is just sad and speaks more to the character of the person making said judgment especially considering the evidence to the contrary.

Good post LM12thMan. I especially like your last paragraph.

Sean Salisbury said it!?


Salisbury is disagreeing that he is phony. He's taking up for Griffin.

---------- Post added May-21st-2012 at 09:39 AM ----------


Haha, both phonies are named Griffin.

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I didn't see this posted.


That's the vibe in our nation's capital, but a pocket of the fan base is already complaining about their rookie quarterback, according to .

WHO? Who are these "Pockets"? Where are they? SHOW YOURSELVES!!

I'm calling absolute total B.S. on this! This is the mediots making stuff up to rile up other mediots and creating news that doesn't exist.


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