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Sean Salisbury says Redskins' RG3 no phony.


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WHO? Who are these "Pockets"? Where are they? SHOW YOURSELVES!!

I'm calling absolute total B.S. on this! This is the mediots making stuff up to rile up other mediots and creating news that doesn't exist.


It is a 106.7 the fan generated "controversy"

EB of the Junkies started Friday's show by talking about how he is tired of the socks, and RG3's hair.

People responded. It sort of snowballed when all of 2 callers called in to say they didn't like RG3's apperance on the Tonight Show

Fat Chad Dukes then says to Salisbury that there are "lots of fans" who were criticizing RG3 over the Tonight Show.

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Um, I'm pretty sure that this "pocket of the fanbase" consists exclusively of media "analysts" attempting to drum up fake controversy by passing off their own unfounded musings as representative of actual fan sentiment.

I would like to see any of the comments about these concerns, I call BS. I am sure somewhere on a corner in DC you can find an idiot claiming the world is ending and RGIII, Jesus and the Tabernacle choir are all fake.

---------- Post added May-21st-2012 at 11:46 AM ----------

It is a 106.7 the fan generated "controversy"

EB of the Junkies started Friday's show by talking about how he is tired of the socks, and RG3's hair.

People responded. It sort of snowballed when all of 2 callers called in to say they didn't like RG3's apperance on the Tonight Show

Fat Chad Dukes then says to Salisbury that there are "lots of fans" who were criticizing RG3 over the Tonight Show.

Pretty much is plausible and just how stupid that show and this premise is. I just got back from a cruise and was wearing or using Redskins gear on the boat, nearly every football fan approached me and said congratulations on RGIII and most thought he is going to be better than Luck. I am talking Giants, Bills, Broncos, Browns, Dolphins, Carolina fans. Every time someone saw a shirt or a coolie it was the first thing that they said, man that RGIII is something else. If they see it, how could a Skins fan not? What were they like hey, Backing Beck or Sexy for Rexy, REALLY? If you watched the Leno interview you know he is no fake, his laugh, his sense of humor are to pure to be an act.

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It is a 106.7 the fan generated "controversy"

EB of the Junkies started Friday's show by talking about how he is tired of the socks, and RG3's hair.

People responded. It sort of snowballed when all of 2 callers called in to say they didn't like RG3's apperance on the Tonight Show

Fat Chad Dukes then says to Salisbury that there are "lots of fans" who were criticizing RG3 over the Tonight Show.

Exactly. EB was doing pure shtick. He was saying that the sock bit is getting a bit tired and that he's just ready to see RG3 play football. He also said he's not a big fan of the braids, since they're trendy and a lot of other draftees this year had them. A few people who were in on the joke called and agreed. He qualified every other sentence that he's extremely excited about RG3's potential and believes that he has rock solid character. For anybody that has ever listened to 15 seconds of the Junkies it was 100% obvious that EB was just stirring the pot a little bit about completely irrelevant issues in order to keep the show moving. To say that he was impugning RG3's ability or character in any way is completely idiotic...move along, nothing to see here.

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I'm not going to sit here and be a hypocrite. If RGIII was the QB of any other team in the NFC East he would be getting blasted on here for what IMO is an over-exposure for someone that hasn't even step foot on an NFL field.

Tone it dowm a bit my friend.

That being said? It's not a big issue yet and I am so glad to have him in the B&G.

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I don't like bringing some of the race card here, but some this stuff of him being phony has some to do with race. Or lack of understanding of culture. I called out a writer for bring up that he thinks RG3 should cut his hair its unprofessional. I asked did he ever call Tom Brady out for his long hair, or Troy Polumala, or Larry Fitz. And he said no. I asked why not and he said Brady didn't have dreads and others are not franchise QBs. I wanted to call him a racist but realized some people just don't understand c different cultures.

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I don't like bringing some of the race card here, but some this stuff of him being phony has some to do with race. Or lack of understanding of culture. I called out a writer for bring up that he thinks RG3 should cut his hair its unprofessional. I asked did he ever call Tom Brady out for his long hair, or Troy Polumala, or Larry Fitz. And he said no. I asked why not and he said Brady didn't have dreads and others are not franchise QBs. I wanted to call him a racist but realized some people just don't understand c different cultures.

Not saying this to you, GWS, but RG3 doesn't have dreads...his hair is braided. BIG difference.

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By all accounts, RG3 is one of those rare athletes who genuinely derives motivation from being slighted or underestimated by others. Kobe has it, Jordan had it, Tom Brady has it... we all know the type.

If people outside the Redskins organization want to criticize Griffin - whether it's media analysts, opposing players, sportswriters, etc. - then I say bring it on.

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Robert Griffin comes across as a guy who doesn't really care what most people think of him. He's a highly talented guy who is confident in his ability and isn't afraid to show it. Whether it be the braids, arm sleeve or the goofy socks, Griffin is comfortable being himself. You add the flashy nickname and unfortunately, some people/fans will be uncomfortable with him. When he does interviews, where he comes across as an intelligent and high character guy, some sad people/fans see a disconnect. So, they call him "phony". It really is a shame.

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Did ESPN can Salisbury for his mean-spirited abuse of John Clayton? He used to really go after that guy as I recall. I never understood why.
Someone else responded saying he showed his little Sean Salisbury to co-workers, but I just wanted to say...it was EPIC how Sean Salisbury used to go after John Clayton, and no I am not using EPIC in a good way. I like John Clayton since he is straight to the point and gives some good inside information, but what Sean Salisbury used to do to him seemed Sophomoric. Picture High School jock picking on the school nerd.
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Someone else responded saying he showed his little Sean Salisbury to co-workers, but I just wanted to say...it was EPIC how Sean Salisbury used to go after John Clayton, and no I am not using EPIC in a good way. I like John Clayton since he is straight to the point and gives some good inside information, but what Sean Salisbury used to do to him seemed Sophomoric. Picture High School jock picking on the school nerd.

I agree with your thoughts on Salisbury/Clayton.......I used to listen to some of their shows, and wondered if Salisbury was just joking as many, many of his comments to Clayton seemed condecending in tone. I didn't know that he had pulled a "Favre"..... No loss, I always thought he came across as someone who thought waaayyyyy to much of his opinion.

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So uhhh... If Griffin keeps growing his hair out till it hangs out of his helmet, is it roughing to pull him down by it? I know the league considers it part of the uniform but QB have a different set of rules. This is important to me as I myself have long hair halfway to my ***.

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So uhhh... If Griffin keeps growing his hair out till it hangs out of his helmet, is it roughing to pull him down by it? I know the league considers it part of the uniform but QB have a different set of rules. This is important to me as I myself have long hair halfway to my ***.

Part of the uniform. No penalty. No horsecollar. Hands inside pads is considered horsecollaring. He's on his own.

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Someone else responded saying he showed his little Sean Salisbury to co-workers, but I just wanted to say...it was EPIC how Sean Salisbury used to go after John Clayton, and no I am not using EPIC in a good way. I like John Clayton since he is straight to the point and gives some good inside information, but what Sean Salisbury used to do to him seemed Sophomoric. Picture High School jock picking on the school nerd.

Absolutely and Sean looked bad every time he did it. That's why I brought it up. I liked him. I thought he added some comic relief. Then he started this campaign where he went at Clayton on a personal level every time they were on screen together. It absolutely mystified me. John never provoked him. It was so over the top.

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