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Various sources: Osama bin Laden is dead. (Merged)


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Guest Spearfeather
Dude seriously :doh:

If Bin Laden was not killed how quickly do you think video tape would have surfaced to make the U.S. look like a bunch of idiots with eggs on their face.

---------- Post added May-4th-2011 at 07:09 PM ----------

There is no way to completely prevent Bin Laden's martyrdom with some of the crazies... but you can try to limit it. You can avoid giving them fuel. More, as I just stated above... if Bin Laden wasn't just killed... there would be a tape out there with Osama laughing at the U.S. and making us look like a bunch of fools right now.

Yeah maybe, but the " fuel " is already there.

I guess it's a question of which option, you believe, gives them more. The myth that he's alive could be dangerous also.

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Obama isn't releasing photos lmao. Anyone who agrees with that decision should not be taken seriously. Morons defend anything that man does.

A good deal of members (myself included) said it wouldn't be a good idea for the WH to release the photos ... before Obama decided against releasing them. Admittedly, it's possible that I have a time machine in my garage, I went into the future, learned that Obama decided against releasing the photos, went back in time, and posted my thoughts on ES.

I rest my case. I have to admit, I was very surprised by this decision. I thought for sure he would release a photo. I guess the 1984ers and Fluoriders don't care to see any photos. The gubbermint telling them what to believe is good enough.

What's the upside to releasing the photo? Doing so won't satisfy the loons who refuse to believe anything the government says.

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The photos will be released at some point. I understand the administration's desire to wait, though. It might even take a few years, but they *will* be released. It's one of the most important moments in our nation's history.

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I read a great book on the Cuban Missle Crisis last year that literally took you hour by hour through the crisis.

Not trying to derail or anything' date=' but that sounds very fascinating. Do you remember the name of the book?

What's the upside to releasing the photo? Also, in your view, what would constitute proof that Bin Laden is dead?

To be honest, I really don't think that many conspiracy theorists WANT real proof about these things. They want to keep believing there are these master plans and evil masterminds that work everything behind the scenes and only they are smart enough to know about it and fight against it. Thats why it is almost pointless to argue with a big time conspiracy theorist (or even some medium level ones)...every bit of factual data you give will either be discarded and not thought of again or (more likely) will be used as further "proof" that you are being brainwashed, or how deep this conspiracy goes, or how good the masterminds are at manipulating everything, etc.

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Is it just me or are Americans (some of us) questioning whether he's dead or not waaaay more than any other people in the world? Including Arabs and probably--from what I can tell--Pakistani's?

Since when did we become the nutjobs of the world?

I don't think it's just you.

Between things like that and all the messages I've seen pop up on my Facebook feed since Sunday - I'm really starting to question the intelligence level of a disturbingly large portion of the population.

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I don't think it's just you.

Between things like that and all the messages I've seen pop up on my Facebook feed since Sunday - I'm really starting to question the intelligence level of a disturbingly large portion of the population.

I think it's because they are so desperate to hate. In their worldview it's impossible that Obama do anything positive. Not even the blind nut/squirrel variety. I really think that.

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I don't think it's just you.

Between things like that and all the messages I've seen pop up on my Facebook feed since Sunday - I'm really starting to question the intelligence level of a disturbingly large portion of the population.

I've gotten in more facebook arguments this week than ever. So many ignorant people out there. Saw all kinds of things about how Obama shouldn't be taking credit for this, that if it wasn't for Bush and Cheney we never would've found OBL, that Obama didn't want to pay the troops, etc. So many people today can't think for themselves, its scary.

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I think it's because they are so desperate to hate. In their worldview it's impossible that Obama do anything positive. Not even the blind nut/squirrel variety. I really think that.

That's exactly what it is. Makes you wonder the reasoning behind the hate - I've really never seen anything like it.

I'd offer my theories as to the reason for the majority of them, but certain board members would probably rip my head off . . .

---------- Post added May-4th-2011 at 09:34 PM ----------

I've gotten in more facebook arguments this week than ever. So many ignorant people out there. Saw all kinds of things about how Obama shouldn't be taking credit for this, that if it wasn't for Bush and Cheney we never would've found OBL, that Obama didn't want to pay the troops, etc. So many people today can't think for themselves, its scary.

Yeah, I've had to really just not log into Facebook. Every time I do I see something worse than the last. For example:

"Thanking Obama for the death of Bin Laden is like thanking Ronald McDonald when you get an extra cheeseburger in your bag. Its the guy at the counter you should thank, not the clown in the picture. ~ Repost if you agree"

The problem is that there is no intelligent debate you can have with these people, so it's pretty much pointless to even try. The fact that many are in my extended family is just humiliating.

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That's exactly what it is. Makes you wonder the reasoning behind the hate - I've really never seen anything like it.

I'd offer my theories as to the reason for the majority of them, but certain board members would probably rip my head off . . .

There's definitely an element of that. A big element. But I think a lot of people sleep on the power of the media and propaganda. These people are just repeating BS they hear elsewhere. And because it comes from someone on TV or on the radio--or even from someone with a snazzy blog--it has more authority behind it than anything we can say, so they'll never even try to hear us.

I've been going out of my way to avoid political discussions for more than a year now. Just wasn't worth it. But right now I'm really feeling like it's my duty to call people on their bull****. Like I'm doing a disservice to my country if I don't. I'm not even talking about pushing liberal talking points or liberal policy ideas or party politics in any way. I'm talking facts. Misinformation is a really, really dangerous thing in my opinion. I'm probably going to get nothing but a headache in reward, but I gotta say something.

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GACOLB, completely agree with you about the misinformation being dangerous. I said the same thing when Trump was spouting off his BS about Obama's birth certificate. There are a lot of nutjobs out there and I thought he was playing a dangerous game further pushing that agenda.

However, I could almost understand it if Obama had come into the White House and pushed a super liberal agenda. By pretty much all unbiased accounts, he's been surprisingly centrist in his approach since being elected - so I'm not really sure what else to make of the amount of hatred out there.

I swear, there are people that hate the President as much as they hated Bin Laden.

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why? everyone would have done what he did, i dont get why he is getting credit for this. This was the Seals job / intelligence not obama..

Its been repeated over and over again. He went against what was suggested and called for a raid instead of a predator attack...now we have tons of intelligence on OBL operations as well as confirmation he actually died. A predator attack would have taken a while to figure out if he was killed as well as run the risk of killing innocents.

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why? everyone would have done what he did, i dont get why he is getting credit for this. This was the Seals job / intelligence not obama..

What TBLTO said:

It's been widely reported he was heavily involved in the planning of this mission and insisted upon details that would later become extremely important. (Insisting upon extra helicopters turned out to be extremely important)

It's a complete joke to act like it's ever an easy decision to send American troops on a combat mission into a sovereign nation without their knowledge - the ramifications for a **** up there could have been disasterous.

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why? everyone would have done what he did, i dont get why he is getting credit for this. This was the Seals job / intelligence not obama..

Like I asked my buddy Ryan, is Bin Laden responsible for 9/11? Even though he didn't fly the planes?

And to add to what others have already said...

When he became president Obama refocused our military and intelligence services back onto Afghanistan.

He made killing Osama THE #1 priority for his national security and intelligence teams.

In the debates he said that if we knew that bin Laden was in Pakistan and Pakistan wouldn't do anything about it, he would take us in single-handedly and kill him. He was criticized by both Bush and McCain for this. He was called naive and unprepared by Cheany for it. And now it turns out he was right. We have killed bin Laden. And he told us how he would do it and he did it.

He chose not to take the simple way out and just drop a bomb on that *******. Instead he risked so much--in lives, in treasure, in reputation, in everything--by authorizing that we go in there, look him in the eyes and kill him. It worked perfectly and now, as a result, not only are we able to confirm it's bin Laden without a shadow of a doubt, but we were also able to collect what they are calling a treasure trove of intelligence from bin Laden's mujihadeen, man of the people mansion.

The degree of success on this is absolutely unreal. EVERY military operation has **** ups. It's just a natural part of doing business. The **** up here? A helicopter broke down. And they planned for it. The aftermath--SO FAR--has been handled perfectly. I mean damn, I saw ONE anti-US street protest stem from this in the entire world. In Pakistan. And it literally made me laugh it was so pathetic. Osama has been wiped off the map and thrown in the dustbin of history and the only people of any consequence who are having struggles with it are the nutters here in ther U.S.--who wake up looking for new ways to *****.

Now I'm not saying this makes Obama the perfect president or that this should wipe clean people's beef with him or that it should guarantee his reelection, but on this one thing, Obama nailed it. As SHF said earlier in the thread, this is the gutsiest national security move since the Cuban Missile Crisis. This took MAJOR balls.

(I feel like I'm missing another huge Obama success here. I'm tired. I'll post it if I think of it.)

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why? everyone would have done what he did, i dont get why he is getting credit for this. This was the Seals job / intelligence not obama..

Give credit where credit is do, this was Obama's defining moment as president.

---------- Post added May-5th-2011 at 01:17 AM ----------

Is it just me or are Americans (some of us) questioning whether he's dead or not waaaay more than any other people in the world? Including Arabs and probably--from what I can tell--Pakistani's?

Since when did we become the nutjobs of the world?

I guess Obama's just gonna sit in the White House and hope and prey bin Laden doesn't make another video message. Seriously, the people who questions this are just stupid and ignorant.

---------- Post added May-5th-2011 at 01:17 AM ----------

Is it just me or are Americans (some of us) questioning whether he's dead or not waaaay more than any other people in the world? Including Arabs and probably--from what I can tell--Pakistani's?

Since when did we become the nutjobs of the world?

I guess Obama's just gonna sit in the White House and hope and prey bin Laden doesn't make another video message. Seriously, the people who questions this are just stupid and ignorant.

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Like I asked my buddy Ryan, is Bin Laden responsible for 9/11? Even though he didn't fly the planes?

He chose not to take the simple way out and just drop a bomb on that *******. Instead he risked so much--in lives, in treasure, in reputation, in everything--by authorizing that we go in there, look him in the eyes and kill him. It worked perfectly and now, as a result, not only are we able to confirm it's bin Laden without a shadow of a doubt, but we were also able to collect what they are calling a treasure trove of intelligence from bin Laden's mujihadeen, man of the people mansion.

That's not fair though. The intel that was required to make this strike was not all analyzable and available until now. We bombed because at that point, our best guess was he was in a remote location along the Afghan-Pakistan border. That's a lot of damn mountainous area and sending task forces there would essentially be hopeless.

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We bombed what? And I'm not criticizing past decisions to use bombs. I'm just praising the decision to go the extra mile and not JUST bomb here.

Oh and another area of success was the absolute silence on this whole thing. They've been planning this for months and not one leak to the public. In this day and age, that's pretty impressive.

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