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Various sources: Osama bin Laden is dead. (Merged)


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Oh trust me....its sad how stupid people are from around here. I swear, there's something about being super religious and stupid going hand in hand for some reason.

I know what you mean. I have no problem with people having their own opinion on things, and even though I'm an Obama supporter, I don't agree with everything he does. But to see the idiots lately attacking him for things that don't have anything to do with him, is just dumb. But considering 3/4 of SoMD probably watches Fox News and Glen Beck, I guess I'm not surprised.

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Outside of the awesome mission and death of OBL, this whole thing is just insane and depressing. The right can't believe they lost their national security trump card to Obama, and the left is just a complete trainwreck as usual.

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Outside of the awesome mission and death of OBL, this whole thing is just insane and depressing. The right can't believe they lost their national security trump card to Obama, and the left is just a complete trainwreck as usual.

Seriously, why can't everyone just be happy for America? I know I am, and I didn't vote for Obama, and don't support him on much of anything else.

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I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment that it was ok to show countless times the destruction of the WTC, people jumping to their deaths, Saddam Hussein's hanging multiple times, from multiple angles, Uday and Qusay's battered bodies, but this is not something to show?

Maybe we learned something from those events. Perhaps our analysts think that the Saddam, Uday and Qusay pictures played a part in why it took ten whole years to pacify Iraq (and we still aren't there yet).


---------- Post added May-5th-2011 at 10:45 AM ----------

Anyone see this yet?


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Saddam, Uday, Qusay terrorized and stole from the Iraqi people. As a whole, they weren't exactly rising up in arms to defend that dictator's memory. They may not have been thrilled that the Americans were in town, but they weren't sad to see Saddam go either. OBL is different. He has a different cache with his followers. People followed OBL because he was charismatic, they loved him, loved his message. Saddam's followers did so out of fear.

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In the debates he said that if we knew that bin Laden was in Pakistan and Pakistan wouldn't do anything about it, he would take us in single-handedly and kill him. He was criticized by both Bush and McCain for this. He was called naive and unprepared by Cheany for it. And now it turns out he was right. We have killed bin Laden. And he told us how he would do it and he did it.

Did you know that Chris Dodd called Obama "irresponsible"? Did you know Hillary Clinton agreed with Dodd? At the end of this clip, Hillary articulates up the criticism Obama took from both the Republicans and the Democrats regarding Pakistan:


"I think it is a very big mistake to telegraph that and to destabilize the Musharrif regime...You can think big but you shouldn't always say everything you think if you're running for President."

_Hillary Clinton

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Did I miss something or did they have a reason for not showing the photos to congress at least, maybe even just certain committees or individuals who can come back and say "yes, its legit"? Seems like an easy way to satisfy all IMHO

As I understand it, there have already been several meetings with Congressional leaders to demonstrate Osama was killed, and some of them have been shown the photos.

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