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NFL.com: Colts Better Be Ready For "Rugged Redskins"

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Sportsmanship dictates you hit as ****ing hard as you can, but if someone gets injured, you show some ****ing respect and stay classy by not celebrating or boasting about it. The same standards that apply for players regarding sportsmanship apply to fans regarding classiness.

Remember when Will Allen of the Buckeyes nearly ended McGahee's career on a hit in the Fiesta Bowl. Allen jumped up and immediately made a throat-cutting gesture. The Hurricanes were extremley pissed about it afterwards, and Allen defended by saying that he would never have made the gesture if he had known McGahee was hurt, that the gesture was made to celebrate the end of the Hurricanes season not the end of McGahee's career. Jim Tressel accepted his apology, as did most Buckeye fans, because its almost too much to believe that Allen would really celebrate causing an injury.

My argument is simply about the correct way to respond to an injury. In most stadiums, classy fans give a round of encouraging applause to injured players as they are carted off the field,, the message being , "We hope you are okay!". Only Eagles fans applauded the actual injury. When I see an opponent get injured, I honestly, "Gee I hope he's all right and its not serious." I am RELIEVED if I see that he is not seriously injured. This is because I am a classy fans, thats what we do. Classy fans DONT sit there and count the number of opponents they have injured and then boast about their physical defense. Thats ****ED up.


I like your counter. Too bad I've played sports (and a variety of them) my entire life ;)

Is anyone on our team boasting about the injuries? I'm not seeing a ton of posters saying, "Haha! We hurt so and so!"

What's happening, and which you don't seem to understand, is that those injuries are the backing for the point of how physical our team is playing. Fans are celebrating in that.

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Nah dude. Here, it's all about Meat N Potatoes.

;) Indeed sir, indeed.

Defense needs to get their hands up and deflect some of those passes.

They definitely have to play smart. The times they are aggressive it has to be controlled.

Peyton's the master of adjustment.

We need to light Manning's receivers up. Make them hesitate to be in the right spot for Manning to throw the ball. Then make them think twice about catching the ball. If you rattle Manning's receivers you rattle him!

Hell yeah!! Get in their head early and have them running for the sidelines.

There is nothing to fear but fear itself.....and LaRon Landry.:point2sky

Good one:D

the defense seems to be playing with a controlled rage now..nice...SO nice! :-)

I think it will only get better when Haynesworth returns ...Scary huh:ols:

I miss how physical the Skins were during Gibbs/Williams tenure.

And don't forget to mention that he better bring some plugs for the earholes in his helmet, because that's the only way he's gonna hear the play being called into the huddle thanks to our obnoxious crowd noise!!! His hands are not gonna be enough to cover them well!

I am probably most proud of this fact. The 12th man at Fed Ex field has been incredible this year so far. I'm definitely doing my part at home watching:point2sky


Redskins theory=We're just gonna beat you into submission.:D
But we rank #1 in Injuries Caused By Defensive Play...which is what that article and this thread is about.

For those who have a problem with us unintentionally causing injuries I don't see the opposing defenses being easy on Mc5 & Co either. This is the NFL.

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I didnt say anything about not hitting hard, or changing your game. Hit hard, hard as you can. Try your best to inflict pain, within the rules, on your opponent. But,if you do happen to cause a lasting INJURY, dont boast about it. Dont be proud of it. Treat it as what it was -- an unfortunate accident. Show compassion to your opponent, because you are certainyl tryingtot hurt your opponent but you are not trying to INJURE them,.

You, like most people who have never actually played a physical sport, dont understand sportsmanship dictates a difference between hurting and injuring. You proibably have no idea what I mean when I say you want to hurt someone but you dont want to injure them. .

Well, now once again you stick your foot in it.

For one, you have no idea what I have or haven't done, but to answer the question, I have played football back in high school. I boxed while I was in the USAF. these days I play in tennis leagues. I've been athletically involved most of my life, in fact.

I wonder what I can assume about you. After all, all I need to do is convince myself it's correct, and I can say all sorts of things about you that I have no idea if they're true or not.

I'll assume you're talking about others, because I would defy you to find me celebrating these injuries for any other reason than what they show me about our team, not theirs.

And no, you didn't say anything about hitting or anything

what you said was "we sure have a lot of immature fans around here." Your first line in the thread was to misinterpret what most of us are talking about, and then make a judgment, and then be insulting.

Seems to me you think you've got everyone all figured out, smart guy.

And you have the nerve to talk about how to be classy?

Anyway, back to anyone who actually wants to discuss the football end of this.. the fact that articles like this are being written plays well into our favor. Think Peyton Manning hasn't taken note of those injuries? I'd say he has, and I'd say the Colts as a whole have. They're already pretty beat up, especially at RB.

Can Mike Hart pick up a blitz? What is he, all of 5'3"? 3rd stringer? I like him, thought he was very good at Michigan, but if he can't pick up the stunts, if he can't pick up Andre Carter, Lorenzo Alexander, Brian Orakpo or LaRon Landry, Manning is going to get hit. Hard.

Peyton doesn't like getting hit. He will flop first if he sees a sack coming. He will dress down teammates on the field, sometimes even during the PLAY ("God Dammit Donald!" Anyone recall that? In the playoffs last year, down near the five, Donald Brown missed a backside seal block and manning yelled that so loud during the play thatI heard it clear as a bell on my TV. He then floated out to the right and flopped for a 3 yard loss. We made fun of it a lot on the bang Cartoon Radio Hour :ols:)

i have to think the Colts are looking for answers as it is. They aren't used to losing two games in a season, much less before Halloween. Losing to the Jags is embarrassing. No TD passes vs the Chiefs, and a close win is not how they like to do business. For us, that's great. For them that's practically failure.

I have to think their stress level is way up.

And I have to think that Jim haslett is working on ways to assault his blind side and force Hart to try to block for him. If he can't, Dallas Clark stays back to help?

How does that affect the gameplan, eh?

I like our chances in this game. Specifically because of our defense.


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Well, now once again you stick your foot in it.

For one, you have no idea what I have or haven't done, but to answer the question, I have played football back in high school. I boxed while I was in the USAF. these days I play in tennis leagues. I've been athletically involved most of my life, in fact.

I wonder what I can assume about you. After all, all I need to do is convince myself it's correct, and I can say all sorts of things about you that I have no idea if they're true or not.

I'll assume you're talking about others, because I would defy you to find me celebrating these injuries for any other reason than what they show me about our team, not theirs.

And no, you didn't say anything about hitting or anything

what you said was "we sure have a lot of immature fans around here." Your first line in the thread was to misinterpret what most of us are talking about, and then make a judgment, and then be insulting.

Seems to me you think you've got everyone all figured out, smart guy.

And you have the nerve to talk about how to be classy?

Anyway, back to anyone who actually wants to discuss the football end of this.. the fact that articles like this are being written plays well into our favor. Think Peyton Manning hasn't taken note of those injuries? I'd say he has, and I'd say the Colts as a whole have. They're already pretty beat up, especially at RB.

Can Mike Hart pick up a blitz? What is he, all of 5'3"? 3rd stringer? I like him, thought he was very good at Michigan, but if he can't pick up the stunts, if he can't pick up Andre Carter, Lorenzo Alexander, Brian Orakpo or LaRon Landry, Manning is going to get hit. Hard.

Peyton doesn't like getting hit. He will flop first if he sees a sack coming. He will dress down teammates on the field, sometimes even during the PLAY ("God Dammit Donald!" Anyone recall that? In the playoffs last year, down near the five, Donald Brown missed a backside seal block and manning yelled that so loud during the play thatI heard it clear as a bell on my TV. We made fun of it a lot on the bang Cartoon Radio Hour :ols:)

i have to think the Colts are looing for answers as it is. They aren't used to losing two games in a season, much less before Halloween. Losing to the Jags is embarrassing. No TD passes vs the Chiefs, and a close win is not how thyey like to do business. for us, that's great. for them that's practically failure.

I have to think their stress level is way up.

And I have to think that Jim haslett is working on ways to assault his blind side and force Hart to try to block for him. If he can't, Dallas Clark stays back to help?

How does that affect the gameplan, eh?

I like our chances in this game. Specifically because of our defense.


Man, you saved me a whole lot of typing in this thread lol :ols:...nice going voicing the very thoughts and views I was having while reading those asinine posts about how we are "celebrating injuries". We are celebrating the intense, aggressive, hard-hiting defense we suddenly find ourselves with in Washington, something we have not had in a damn long time. The injuries are merely signs of that "rugged", intense aggression on D...they are not the reason people are happy. The complete absence of fines and penalties associated with those injury-causing tackles and hits just underscores that this is good old-fashion NFC East defense we're playing, at least as far as our aggression goes. The Titans had several articles written about them possibly being "dirty players" after Kyle Orton said they were a "cheap" defense. Nobody is writing articles like that about the Skins because nobody is calling our defense anything, except of course for "rugged" :cool:...

As for the football side of it, you're 100% correct in saying that our defense starting to earn a reputation of hitting and tackling so hard that opposing players are getting injured as they're getting trucked will cause D-Coordinators and opposing players to possibly approach their game plans in a different manner. Maybe they keep a TE back for protection instead of sending him out on a route...maybe the opposing QB calls audibles he normally wouldn't call because he already has it in his mind that Landry and Orakpo are gonna do to him what they did to previous QBs...maybe the young WR who normally lays out his body to catch that slightly-off pass holds back because he's fully aware of what other WRs suffered when hit by one of the Skins' "rugged" players.

So, yeah, having this type of thing said about our defense is DEFINITELY a good thing...and we should be damn happy it's getting said about us. I know I am :D...

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There is no doubt that the Patriots were able to beat the Colts in the 2000's in part because of their physical defensive style.

The Colts aren't the same team outside of the dome. Each year they go 8-0 or 7-1 at home and then 4-4 on the road.

The place to get after Manning and hit the Colts in the mouth is on the road on a grass field.

On defense, the Colts are vulnerable. This may be the most exposed unit the Redskins have played so far in 2010.

To take advantage Washington has to RUN THE FOOTBALL EARLY.

That will allow McNabb to take advantage of the matchups on the outside and with Cooley down the seam.

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Sigh. Of course. I played D too. My whole argument isnt that you shouldnt play as physical as possible, you definitely must. My point is about the correct way to react to an opponent's injury. Its about classiness and sportsmanship. If you had injured an opponent, and then gotten up and celebrated or taunted the other team about, what would your coach have done? Mine would have either cut me, or I would have gotten a very very long lecture about sportsmanship. Boasting about injuries caused is lack of sportsmanship from players, and lack of classiness when their fans do it.

No one on the team has been celebrating the injuries they caused and I dont see Landry on a mic saying "Yeah enjoy your breaks. I mean your time off". There's only one player that I have ever seen taunt when he injuried someone. That was Kevin Barnes but that before the Redskins when he was with UMD. His comments were pretty bad too. Hopefully he's grown up though.

This is football though. Injuries happen. If injuries must happen at least its not to the Skins.

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Rugged Redskins

The Indianapolis Colts, already thinned by injuries, might want to stock up on medical supplies and get some reserves ready to play. They face the Redskins this week and Washington is making a habit of busting up opposing players.

Eagles quarterback Michael Vick missed the game with the 49ers (ribs) and could be out this week after getting mashed by Washington in Week 4. Running back LeSean McCoy also suffered rib damage too. The Redskins then systematically tore up key members of Green Bay's offense, knocking tight ends Jermichael Finley and Donald Lee out of the game and leaving quarterback Aaron Rodgers with a concussion.

Safety LaRon Landry is leading the charge and players seem to be taking cues from him. If Washington's defense remains healthy, it could quickly become one of those units you don't want anything to do with.

Music to my ears!!! :point2sky

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Thats exactly my point, players have the class to not be happy about causing injuries, so why cant I expect the same out of fans?????

1. pull your panties down

2. remove that stick from your ass

3. realize you have no right whatsoever to "expect" anything, from anyone

4. enjoying the hardnosed, smashmouth defense that inadvertently causes an injury is not the same as celebrating an injury itself. discussing the number of players INADVERTENTLY sidelined by our defense is the simplest way to quantify how hard the D is hitting, it isnt celebration of injury.

so quit your holier than thou crying and be thankful that other teams must now recognize that our D is bringing the pain.

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Thats exactly my point, players have the class to not be happy about causing injuries, so why cant I expect the same out of fans?????

because fans are outsiders looking at what appears to be an impressive fact of playing the Redskins defense. Everyone in the NFL hits hard. Not everyone knocks as many people out of games as the Redskins do. They are also doing so clean. It's suggests a very aggressive defense with powerful players who look forward t hitting.

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I wonder how many people are still hating the 3-4? This is what this defense is all about, kicking offenses tails around and beating up on them. We still don't have the proper personnel in place, but look at what this defense is becoming already. Absolutely love this defense!

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I'm feeling a knock-out game from Landry.


Haslett on Landry playing full speed at all times: "He had 20 tackles in walk-through the other day." :ols::ols::ols:


Haslett on Landry: ''He's full metal jacket all the time .. He had 20 tackles in a walk through the other day.'' Said he loves coaching him.

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I'm feeling a knock-out game from Landry.


Haslett on Landry playing full speed at all times: "He had 20 tackles in walk-through the other day." :ols::ols::ols:


Haslett on Landry: ''He's full metal jacket all the time .. He had 20 tackles in a walk through the other day.'' Said he loves coaching him.

Practice all-american. But this time, he plays even better on game day.

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Anyway, back to anyone who actually wants to discuss the football end of this.. the fact that articles like this are being written plays well into our favor. Think Peyton Manning hasn't taken note of those injuries? I'd say he has, and I'd say the Colts as a whole have. They're already pretty beat up, especially at RB.Can Mike Hart pick up a blitz? What is he, all of 5'3"? 3rd stringer? I like him, thought he was very good at Michigan, but if he can't pick up the stunts, if he can't pick up Andre Carter, Lorenzo Alexander, Brian Orakpo or LaRon Landry, Manning is going to get hit. Hard.

Addai and Hart both practiced, according to their website. Addai can block pretty well, but he's nursing an injured neck, which could flare up if the players connect heads on blocking plays or he's forced to chop block a blitzing LB. Hart has an injured hip, both are questionable. Good for us.

I have to think their stress level is way up.

And I have to think that Jim haslett is working on ways to assault his blind side and force Hart to try to block for him. If he can't, Dallas Clark stays back to help?

How does that affect the gameplan, eh?

I like our chances in this game. Specifically because of our defense.


One more thing to note: Collie, Garcon and Gonzalez are all nursing injuries (Foot, Hammy, Ankle respectively). Their starting left tackle is questionable and as far as I know hasn't practiced. We come at that left side, force the quick throws and Clark to stay in to block, and hit their WRs hard every time they get near the ball. They'll start hearing footsteps soon enough and while they may make the catches, they'll be cringing every time.

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The OP's quote seriously just gave me wood. I'll say it right now. If we squeak past Indy, it just might give the guys that confidence to keep on winning. If we win this week we will be in the NFC Championship game. Don't know if we'll win, but I bet we make it that far. If we beat Indy.

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