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Dexter: Season 5 (May Contain Spoilers)


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Ok, I'm now on season 5, I've watched the first two episodes. The season 5 premier works a whole lot better now and makes a trillion times more sense. I really hated knowing that Rita was going to die, and I'm trying now to imagine the show and Dexter without her, that and I'm trying really hard to figure out how Quinn is going to be dealt with, it seems that he's right on Dexter's heels.

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w00t!!! I'm finally completely caught up through season 5!

Quinn has to go, we've known he was dirty for awhile, but now we know he's really dirty; paying off the cop who just got busted by IA. The chick from the Bourne Identity movies is gonna get Dex killed though, and with next week's previews it looks like Dex is gonna have an issue trying to explain how he keeps showing up at crime scenes before everyone else. I'm also thinking that Dex needs to use more sedative since his guys keep waking up! I'm also trying to figure out what is gonna happen to Rita's kids, my guess is that they're grandparents will probably take custody.

I like that the characters are becoming much more developed, but Mazuka needs some development, the horn-ball routine is wearing thin without more character development.

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Eventually, you know Debra is going to find out about Quinn's extra curricular investigation of Dexter.

Because it would push her even farther into the mind-****ed state she's perpetually in, not being able to trust anybody, etc. :ols:

And because it'll **** over Dexter even more.

Also, eventually the guy the Quinn hired WILL see Dexter do something fishy...how long until he starts tailing him? No way Quinn is just paying him to search his records, etc.

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*Way out theory alert* What if the guy Quinn has following Dex is one of the guys that involved in all the Lumen stuff. He gets the goods on Dex and Dex and Lumen have to off him before he can tell Quinn???

Not sure what, but I see some big twist coming.

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*Way out theory alert* What if the guy Quinn has following Dex is one of the guys that involved in all the Lumen stuff. He gets the goods on Dex and Dex and Lumen have to off him before he can tell Quinn???

Not sure what, but I see some big twist coming.

That would be a twist for sure, but I think its too....clean.

I think Dexter's gonna have to kill his way out of this one...and it'll be against The Code in some way. Or something.

I mean, don't you just think it'll be too convenient for Quinn and his IA buddy to both eventually turn out to fit The Code? I do.

Not to mention that it would be pretty lame to have Lumen pull another Lyla and save his ass from his Code again.

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I think something has to be up with the nanny, otherwise they wouldn't make such a big deal out of her character. I mean, why not just have a babysitter or something? I think they introduced her character for a reason, I just don't have any guess yet as to why.

Yes! I've felt the same way since they first made a big deal out of her.

Unless they just want a mother-figure type on the show for Harrison and to be "involved" with Dexter's parenting...idk. That's too easy :ols:

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I think something has to be up with the nanny, otherwise they wouldn't make such a big deal out of her character. I mean, why not just have a babysitter or something? I think they introduced her character for a reason, I just don't have any guess yet as to why.

I'm totally with you on this one...I said the same thing to my roommate and he said they just needed someone to watch Harrison...but there's just something about her. If you think of anything let me know cause I'm at a loss for why there's somethin off about her...I just can't put a finger on it.

I really don't want Dexter to have to kill Quinn. I like him :) Quinn should just back off before he has to die.

I also thought Julia Stiles was really annoying when she called Dexter to come help her. I get that she was freaking out but she kept arguing with him and getting defensive when he came there to save her ass. Seriously, not that I know much about killing people, but if I asked someone to help me with something I wouldn't spend half my time arguing with them and screwing everything up.

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So I started watching this a few months ago, stopped for a bit after finishing season 2 and then restarted after getting all the seasons for my birthday. I was caught up today after watching the last 9 episodes from season 4 last night and the 6 from season 5 today.

Love this show, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Julia Stiles show up this season.

I'm really curious to see what's going to happen with her.

As for Quinn, the guy is such a jackass.

He gets shadier and shadier every episode.

He's completely obsessed with Dexter and eventually it's going to get him killed or ending up crazy.

That isn't to say that I don't enjoy his storyline though.

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He gets shadier and shadier every episode.

He's completely obsessed with Dexter and eventually it's going to get him killed or ending up crazy.

Agreed. But idk what he expects to find with Dexter. I mean, even Doakes never actually thought he was the Bay Harber Butcher, until he caught him in the act. He just knew something was up, and then found the blood slides.

And Quinn has even less to go on, he just suspects he knew the Trinity killer. But I don't think he seriously suspects Dexters also a killer....never mind a killer of 60+ people :ols:

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Agreed. But idk what he expects to find with Dexter. I mean, even Doakes never actually thought he was the Bay Harber Butcher, until he caught him in the act. He just knew something was up, and then found the blood slides.

And Quinn has even less to go on, he just suspects he knew the Trinity killer. But I don't think he seriously suspects Dexters also a killer....never mind a killer of 60+ people :ols:

He suspects that Dexter killed Rita. From that perspective, he has a lot more to go on than Doakes ever did (pre-slides).

I like where it looks like they're taking the Quinn/dirty homicide guy next week. But I was really expecting him to be outside at least one of the houses Dexter and Lumen broke into. That could have gotten interesting.

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My waaay out there theory is that Lumen is involved in the prostitute ring somehow, and what she is doing is using Dexter to kill off these guys to cover her tracks. He will find out by the end of the season and he will end up killing her.

I also think Quinn backs off his investigation in order to truly get closer to Deb, but the guy investigating Dexter keeps on going, and then they have a showdown by season's end as well.\

Something just seems off about Lumen to me. She doesn't react like a normal person does to murder and/or death It's one thing to say you want someone dead, but to be there and witness it, and then she wants to keep on doing it. Makes me think she wants them dead for another reason than just revenge.

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New Female Cop

That chick's been shady from day 1. I thought the same thing, especially after she said she went back and got info from the shop owner.

I think Sunday's episode effectively gets the latina cop off the suspect list, those guys found her gun and went straight to shooting, they don't know her. Although this whole situation has Lt. Laguerta in some serious trouble.


I'm interested to see what's gonna happen with the nanny. At first I thought there might be something sketchy about her, then I thought maybe her and Dexter would get it on, and now I'm not sure. haha
*Way out theory alert* What if the guy Quinn has following Dex is one of the guys that involved in all the Lumen stuff. He gets the goods on Dex and Dex and Lumen have to off him before he can tell Quinn???

Not sure what, but I see some big twist coming.

I think something has to be up with the nanny, otherwise they wouldn't make such a big deal out of her character. I mean, why not just have a babysitter or something? I think they introduced her character for a reason, I just don't have any guess yet as to why.

Agreed, I don't think the writers are so lazy as to just insert a nanny into the equation just to have a sitter for Harrison, she's there for a reason, but I don't think she's shady, instead I think she offers the type of character that Rita used to be for Dexter; i.e. a moral compass, since no one else apparently has one. :ols: I also like Dexter's struggle with her faith, that's a really nice character development move. I do agree that we're going to find out more about the nanny, something we didn't suspect but I don't think she's crooked; maybe a dark past.


I'm sure Quinn will probably end up on Dexter's table at the end of the season. Something will pop up and he will "fit the code", or Dexter's new partner in killing will do the deed.

I am not sure you can have another woman whom Dexter is involved with killing another cop investigating him.
I also think Quinn backs off his investigation in order to truly get closer to Deb, but the guy investigating Dexter keeps on going, and then they have a showdown by season's end as well.\

Looks like Quinn wants to start backing off of Dex at least he's not really willing to push the legal lines until he has his hands forced by the guy he's paying to look into Dex. I don't think Dexter could realistically handle either one of them on his table; if he kills the investigator he'll have Quinn more determined than ever, and if he kills Quinn then he'll be right in the middle of the spotlight again even more than before. But, one thing that we've seen since late last season and this season is Dexter's willingness to deviate from his standard MO when he has to in order to create a confuse the investigations.


My waaay out there theory is that Lumen is involved in the prostitute ring somehow, and what she is doing is using Dexter to kill off these guys to cover her tracks. He will find out by the end of the season and he will end up killing her.

Something just seems off about Lumen to me. She doesn't react like a normal person does to murder and/or death It's one thing to say you want someone dead, but to be there and witness it, and then she wants to keep on doing it. Makes me think she wants them dead for another reason than just revenge.

Lumen is pretty busted up emtionally, and in some ways she's like the Jimmy Smitts character but without the control issues that he had, she's got her dark passenger and I think the scene where she was getting a pat down in the airport and when she went into the room where they held her shows that she's broken inside. Sunday I think pretty much absolved her of any nefarious connections with the guys who killed the other girls. I like the team aspect of this new adversary for Dexter though it's a nice twist. As for Lumen herself I think she's a good partner for Dexter, although we've seen how that has worked in the past, her difference is that she's emotionally driven and not nearly as controlled as the Smitts character which is going to get Dexter into trouble.

Dexter's Father; i.e. The Code

Anyone else notice that Dexter isn't relying so much on his father or the code any more? That all pretty much went out the window since Rita's death, sure he makes occasional appearances, but he's not in Dexter's ear nearly like he has been. Seems that Dexter is becoming more and more his own person rather than what his father created him to be. I think the disillusionment of his father's past, and realization that his father regretted creating Dexter, added with Rita's death has really put Dexter out on his own this season.

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One possible twist could be that Quinn meets his demise. It may not be Dexter that does it, but maybe right when Quinn finds the truth about Dexter, he some how dies in a freak accident or something. I have a feeling that Quinn kicks the bucket.

Same, personally I think he eventually runs afoul of the guy he's paying to look into Dexter.

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One possible twist could be that Quinn meets his demise. It may not be Dexter that does it, but maybe right when Quinn finds the truth about Dexter, he some how dies in a freak accident or something. I have a feeling that Quinn kicks the bucket.

they already did something similar with Doakes though, I would hope the writers would be able to do something different this time around

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My guess is that it will be Lumen that somehow saves Dexter.... by killing Quinn. After they finish off killing off all her former abductors.

Certainly plausible, she'll be shot and Dexter will watch his secrets die with her. Just gotta wonder how that gets resolved though, "Why did she kill him?" Randomness rarely sits well.

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