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WashPost: "Cathy" Comic Strip To End In October


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The rumors are true: Cathy Guisewite, the Emmy- and Reuben Award-winning creator of the acclaimed comic strip "Cathy," has decided to retire her feature as of October.

"She's decided to end the comic on Oct. 3," Universal Press Syndicate executive John Glynn tells Comic Riffs. "She is deeply appreciative of all the relationships and all the fans, but after 34 years, she feels it is time to hang it up."

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I really miss Calvin and Hobbes - Waterson NEEDS to bring that one back for about twenty years or so. Ditto for The Far Side.

I love C&H and Far Side both, but in a way I'm glad both are done. Simply for the fact that I see strips like Cathy and Garfield exists for like, 30 years on the same 5 stale jokes. Calvin and Hobbes remains fresh to this day for me (and I own ever singly collection), and I gotta imagine that Gary Larson would've gone completely insane if he'd kept that strip up for another 5 years.

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And I'm sure there are plenty of Cathy fans who wouldn't give 2 ****s if the Redskins played their last game of football next year. The question is, why have so many of you read the comic enough to know that you hate it so much?

I'd imagine that enough of us have skimmed over it while reading other comics. I've never opened the comics specifically to read Cathy, but I've certainly read it before.

It's never been close to funny. Just bland.

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