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The Worse Thing That Could've Happened This Year - Colt Brennan on IR


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Obviously, it would be great if we were still in the playoff hunt and JC looked like the QB of the future.

But with the season over, what is their to look forward to this year? Anyone who thinks just because mathmatically we have a chance at righting the ship is delusional beyond any means. The 2-5 record is not the issue with this team - the players/coaching/FO/etc. is the issue and that won't change this season.

Couple of years ago when the season went to the sh***er, Redskins fans had "the potential franchise QB" Jason Campbell to look forward to. Hell, it made me watch every game that year eagerly.

In Gibbs' first year, it was the chance of seeing our team progress. It was expected our first year would be a building block year.

Can you imagine for a second if Colt didn't go on IR? In the miracle event that he wasn't named starter this week, he would eventually get to start some games down the stretch to see if he was potentially the answer.

If he played well, you could take OL in the first round knowing that you may have your franchise QB already on the roster.

I'm still going to watch all of the games and root for the Skins to win - I don't know any other way. But what am I watching for? Nothing, really. Maybe Marko and Barnes start eventually and hopefully one of them shows promise. In all likelihood, we are going to have a new QB, new coach, new OL, perhaps new rb, etc.

Maybe we will somehow turn it around and win 8 of 9, make the playoffs and Disney will make a movie about us. But I doubt it, and I wish we had something to look forward to other than the 2010 draft. <sigh>

** edit: little more clarity on my point **

I'm not a "Cult of Colt" guy. Do I think he has a chance of being great in this league? Yeah, of course he does. Every QB that makes the NFL has that chance. What's the most likely scenario? He is comp fodder, nothing more. Everyone can say anything they want about Colt - good or bad. In reality, he is an unproven guy with little chance at making it in this league.

A little chance at making it is a lot better than no hope (Jason Campbell). And to a lot of people's comments about the OL, I absolutely agree it makes it that much harder on anyone, let alone a 6th round project that has never taken a snap in the regular season.

But don't tell me that if he was healthy and Zorn said "We're starting Brennan this week" that nearly every Redskins fan would be excited about the upcoming week. Hope is a beautiful thing, no matter how unlikely it is. That's the point of my thread.

I 100% realize we have many other problems than QB, specifically OL. But look at Aaron Rogers in Green Bay. Go to NFL.com and see how many times he's been sacked. You'll see that he's been sacked 31 times - 11 more times than Campbell. You know what? Throw out the stats. Just go back and watch the last two Green Bay games. The guy is getting MURDERED. Absolutely killed. You know what though? He has a 110.4 QB rating. 110 point freakin 4. That's the best in the NFL. He's completing over 65% of his passes, thrown 14 tds and only 2 picks. Green Bay is also 4-3 fighting for a playoff spot.

Great QBs make plays despite short comings. If Campbell was the answer, we may not be 5-2 with our o-line. But we'd be in the playoff race despite all our defencies. We might end up 8-8 or 9-7 and fall just short, but we'd be going into the off-season knowing we have our QB and knowing we just need to get him an OL.

I'm not saying Brennan is Aaron Rogers. There's a 1% chance he can be. But that's 1% more than Jason Campbell.

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Though I agree with most replies that Colt probably will never amount to being a starting QB in the league, the point of the OP is a fantastic one. Wouldn't it be nice to have a young QB to play? There's a CHANCE he could pan out and that chance would be worth the excitement. Even if he proved he's in way over his head, we'd know and we'd be able to address QB1, QB2, and QB3 in the off-season. Either way, it'd be a nice situation to be in.

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OP is right to an extent. Brennan going on IR and not playing was a huge blow. Now we don't have concrete proof that Colt is a scrub and not knowing this gives his cultists hope.

Funny how not knowing provides the Colt-bashers with the knowledge he sucks.

I wonder where we'd be if Colt had gotten all the reps, attention, and experience Campbell has....

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For Colt's career it is probably a good thing that he could not play this year. When we get the new GM and new coach they can begin to evaluate whether or not he should stay on our roster. At least Colt now is not associated with all the negativity, the losing record, etc. that this year's players will have to live with moving forward into next year. I expect several veterans won't be on this team next year.

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What is the difference between Colt Brennan and Jason Campbell?

With Campbell, we and every defense knows what he is going to do, and it is boring.

With Brennan, we, the Redskins coaching staff and every defense all have no idea what he is going to do, and it is interesting.

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What is the difference between Colt Brennan and Jason Campbell?

With Campbell, we and every defense knows what he is going to do, and it is boring.

With Brennan, we, the Redskins coaching staff and every defense all have no idea what he is going to do, and it is interesting.

What has he done to warrant starting in the NFL?

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The OP is right and the reason is simple. At some point in time the Redskins are going to realize that they are NOT in playoff contention and may actually do something drastic, like I dunno, plan for the future. How do you accomplish this mind blowing task you ask? You play the young players. Sometimes I really hate being a Redskin fan. **** me.

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