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The Worse Thing That Could've Happened This Year - Colt Brennan on IR


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I can see and appreciate your point, but throw me in the group that wonders why its so important to see if our 6th rd QB pick can play or not.

Was this guy really drafted to compete for a starting job? I more or less think we took a flyer on him in the 6th rd, like most 6th and 7th rd draft picks are.

He had a good pre-season against 3rd stringers his rookie season and look pretty awful this year against 1st and 2nd teams.

I admit it would be interesting to see him play, because i've lost all hope in Campbell, but I really don't think we're missing out on anything.

If he didn't play for the Redskins and we didn't have 2 really bad QBs on the active roster right now, none of us would be talking about Colt as the next great thing. He's popular because we are bad and as I said earlier, the most popular guy in an NFL city, when the team is bad, is the back up QB, in this case it skips Collins, and filters down to Colt.

Without sidetracking this any more, I think Colt's critics are way too dismissive of his college career. His accuracy at Hawaii is eye opening and impressive. I don't care if you're playing for Chico Community College, accuracy like that is remarkable. Small school? He was recruited by big school Colorado and left when he got into trouble. And many small school QBs make it in the NFL. Sugar Bowl smackdown? If you break down highlights of that game (I have), Colt's performance was as good as could be expected given the intense pass rush pressure he was under. He completed passes to checkdown receivers while in the process of being drilled into the turf. 6th round draft pick? He was projected much higher before injuries hindered his pro workouts.

Can he play in the NFL? I don't know if he can play any more than those who already know that he is a bust. I'd like to find out. The last quarter of this season would have been a good time to find out.

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If you break down highlights of that game (I have), Campbell's performance was as good as could be expected given the intense pass rush pressure he was under. He completed passes to checkdown receivers while in the process of being drilled into the turf.

For those of you that think Colt's presence behind center would end the woes of the Washington Redskins.

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The next worse thing is to see what JZ has turned JC into. With Zorns great training he has managed to turn JC into a Highbred QB, Part Byron Leftwich part Jamarcus Russell LOL. The farther JC gets from JZ the better chance he has somewhere else. Colt was fortunate in this situation to be away from all this Cluster. Cause right now our offense looks like figure skaters playing a hockey game!!:hysterical:



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Without sidetracking this any more, I think Colt's critics are way too dismissive of his college career. His accuracy at Hawaii is eye opening and impressive. I don't care if he's playing for Chico Community College, his accuracy in college was remarkable.

Hasn't pretty much every QB from Texas Tech and Hawaii in recent history had huge stats in college? Any of those guys in the NFL?

I trust NFL scouts, sure you can point to late round guys that turned out to be great but for the most part, the best guys are drafted early.

If Colt could play, he wouldn't have been a 6th round pick, the odds are very very low that he'll have any success in the NFL.

But again, i'll agree, as bad as this season has gone and as bad as Campbell is, i'd rather see Colt back there, I think he'd be awful, but at least it would be something different and finally end this discusson on whether not he can play or not.

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For those of you that think Colt's presence behind center would end the woes of the Washington Redskins.

Ha! Good one. But compared to the "time" he had to throw in the Sugar Bowl game, he could crack open a beer and sip it behind the Redskins line.

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Hasn't pretty much every QB from Texas Tech and Hawaii in recent history had huge stats in college? Any of those guys in the NFL?

I trust NFL scouts, sure you can point to late round guys that turned out to be great but for the most part, the best guys are drafted early.

If Colt could play, he wouldn't have been a 6th round pick, the odds are very very low that he'll have any success in the NFL.

But again, i'll agree, as bad as this season has gone and as bad as Campbell is, i'd rather see Colt back there, I think he'd be awful, but at least it would be something different and finally end this discusson on whether not he can play or not.

Well I'm glad you trust the scientific certainty that is the NFL draft.

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Even Tom Brady only put up 14 vs pressure.

Pretty good point. A team that was being discussed as being the greatest team in NFL history going into the Super Bowl, being 18-0, with who some call the greatest QB in history, go beat, because of QB pressure.

The point being, the Redskins are no where near one of the greatest teams in history, Campbell is no where near one of the best QBs in history, throw in the fact that he's laying on his back after nearly every play, and it's really no wonder that we are 2-5, hell we'd be 0-7 if the schedule wasn't so soft.

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Based on the numbers, why wouldn't I?

Tom Brady's success doesn't translate to success for Colt.

I'll give you 7 reasons why.

Warren Moon. Jim Hart. Dave Krieg. Kurt Warner. Jeff Garcia. Jake Delhomme. Tony Romo sits to pee.

Quarterbacks ranging from pretty good to Hall of Famer. And all UN-drafted.

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He can't be any worse than JC. And if he is it wouldn't matter because we're not winning any games now anyway.

Man I hate that our Offense sucks. Why me why me all the time. I Love and hate this team at the same time. I guess what I'm trying to say is, its so hard being a Redskins fan.

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I'll give you 7 reasons why.

Warren Moon. Jim Hart. Dave Krieg. Kurt Warner. Jeff Garcia. Jake Delhomme. Tony Romo sits to pee.

Quarterbacks ranging from pretty good to Hall of Famer. And all UN-drafted.

And I could name probably some where in the neighborhood of 100 high draft picks that were just as good or better than the guys you mentioned.

I believe I said based on the numbers, so what did you do to disprove my point? You named 7 guys in the history of the NFL.

Didn't you just prove my arguement that based on the numbers Colt probably won't be any good?

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I guess Colt fans blind themselves to the fact that the line is a mess and it isn't likely that ANY QB is going to do well behind it. I saw that bowl game against Georgia, and Colt didn't have any answers when he didn't have the protection. Also considering that his preseason was somewhat lackluster and that he'd be throwing to the same guys that Campbell has been struggling to get into the end zone, I don't think the results would be much different.

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And I could name probably some where in the neighborhood of 100 high draft picks that were just as good or better than the guys you mentioned.

I believe I said based on the numbers, so what did you do to disprove my point? You named 7 guys in the history of the NFL.

Didn't you just prove my arguement that based on the numbers Colt probably won't be any good?

The argument is that once a player is in the NFL, it doesn't make a damn bit of difference if he was drafted high, low, or not. Judging how a good a guy in the NFL is based on where he was drafted doesn't make much sense.

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The argument is that once a player is in the NFL, it doesn't make a damn bit of difference if he was drafted high, low, or not. Judging how a good a guy in the NFL is based on where he was drafted doesn't make much sense.

Thats just flat out not true. A vast majority of the players in the NFL were higher round draft picks, thats just a fact, you can't argue it.

6th and 7th round draft picks do not succeed in the NFL at the same rate as 1st and 2nd round picks, not even 3rd and 4th.

So as I said earlier, based on the numbers, emperical evidence if you will, Colt will not be successful in the NFL.

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Well this is degenerating into the same old arguments. It's like Groundhog Day.

I don't think so, I think the arguements are sticking to the threads idea.

Me and others, don't believe that Colt being put on IR was the worst thing that could have happened, because in our opinion, he's not any good so we aren't missing anything.

Others believe that it was the worst thing because now not only are we suffering through a terrible season where we probably won't win anymore than 4 or 5 games, we have to watch a QB that the organization has made pretty clear, they are done with.

I can see the merit on both sides actually. It certainly would hurt anything to see what Colt can do, so it's ashame that he can't play this year, but in my opinion, its not that bad of a break thats on IR, he's not an NFL QB.

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Chase Daniel and Colt have become friends. I'll bet money Colt called Chase after the Saints continued their undefeated streak tonight. I'll bet Chase told him that Drew Brees has NFL qualities that we all admire. Chase has a real leader to follow. We have a bunch of mush at our QB leader position.

To all you Colt detractors, get back on the Campbell bandwagon where you belong.

You can pull that bandwagon out of the ditch. You can do it!

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