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The Hangover = one of the funniest movies I have ever seen...


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Wow, your kiddin me right? Porkys? Revenge of the Nerds? In your top ten of all time?

40 yr old Virgin?

Wedding Crashers?


Knocked Up?

Something about Mary?

Trading Places?


Why have NEITHER of you mentioned Team America? That is probably the funniest movie of all time, IMO.

hahahah look at jrock pullin' from perez!!!

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I saw it the other night- it was a good comedy, I liked it. Wouldn't quite say it was as funny as some of you are making out- "top 5" my ass :). However, definitely a funny movie.

The character with the beard had me cracking up all movie


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I saw it last night and I laughed the whole damn time, bu definitely not top 10 worthy.

My top 10 comedies (in no particular order):

Blazing Saddles

Young Frankenstein

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

The 40 Year Old Virgin


Animal House

Office Space

Robin Hood: Men in Tights

The Princess Bride

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hmm, I could never narrow it down to 10. However a few of my favorite all time comedies, in no particular order:

Blazing Saddles

Planes Trains and Automobiles


Young Frankenstein

Three Amigos


Christmas Vacation

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You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack... it grew by one. So there... there were two of us in the wolf pack... I was alone first in the pack, and then Doug joined in later. And six months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys, I thought, "Wait a second, could it be?" And now I know for sure, I just added two more guys to my wolf pack. Four of us wolves, running around the desert together, in Las Vegas, looking for strippers and cocaine. So tonight, I make a toast!

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geeze im glad someone brought this thread up. I watched this movie a while back now. And comedy is all im about. I understand EVERYONE has their own opinion on whats good comedy. Honestly this movie was well over-hyped. I really felt like i was going to watch the funniest movie ever, but frankly it was just a pretty good movie, with SOME funny scenes. The baby handjob was hilarious That was really the only thing REALLY FUNNY throughout the movie. Overall though, funny movie. Wouldnt consider it a Classic.

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hmm, I could never narrow it down to 10. However a few of my favorite all time comedies, in no particular order:

Blazing Saddles

Planes Trains and Automobiles


Young Frankenstein

Three Amigos


Christmas Vacation

I must be an old fuddy duddy. I like Wedding Crashers. This humor leaves me wondering what is so funny?

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Well, ok ...

I really enjoyed films like this...

I now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Talledega Nights

O Brother where Art Thou


I just found this "film" to be way over the top. It doesn't have to be rated triple R to appeal to the masses and be funny.

I guess it just comes down to preference. Yeah, I acted like that when I went to University.... didn't make it right. It was more embarrassing than anything. My point was trying to make a point regarding the state of humor in film....and imho that film was trash. It was much worse than anything that has come previously. It is like a new low.

That's all.... just an opinion.

Really? Dude, you just contradicted yourself with that one. The kids sitting at the table talking that way to their grandfather. "Shut up Chip, or I'll go ape-shyt on you!" is good wholesome humor? Not exactly Sinbad. That whole scene at the dinner table is a riot to me, but by your standards how is that any different than any other scene in a raunchy R rated film? Plus, the dude loses his wife to his best friend whose bangin' her (we can surmise) and he moves right in to boot :hysterical: I haven't seen Hangover but the critics love it too. 78% on Rottentomatos.com is damn good. So, they're doing something right...just sayin'

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Really? Dude, you just contradicted yourself with that one. The kids sitting at the table talking that way to their grandfather. "Shut up Chip, or I'll go ape-**** on you!" is good wholesome humor? '
You've been here long enough to know better than this.

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Yes, I saw it for the first time tonight and I to believed it lived up to the hype. I can't remember I laughed that much during one movie in my entire life. "Guys, you ever see a baby do this" "Carlos, not at the table"

not even Team America? That movie, the first time I ever watched it, made me laugh harder than anything, ever.

Hangover doesn't touch it.

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I'm not sure if this was already shared, but I heard on the radio today that Lindsey Lohan was asked to play the role Heather Graham played, but turned it down after reading the script saying that the movie would not do well and would be a flop. They are saying its one of the worst careers moves she could have ever made.

I guess Herbie was that much better, lol

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