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The Hangover = one of the funniest movies I have ever seen...


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It was really funny. Not "hilarious I need to instantly see it again" funny. But still pretty damn good. Zach Galifianakis is a frickin genius.

One thing I will say is the "man ass/ penis" sight gag is getting a little old for me. Once in a movie is funny. More than that is just a little more than I need to see.

But still some absolutely hysterical scenes. Galifianakis pretty much stole the show. His discussion on card counting and his wolf pack speech had me rolling. As did his song in the car (Ed Helms singing and playing the piano was great as well, this should be a real breakout role for him too) I really hope they both do more movies.

Also, FightingIrishMan is making very little sense in this thread. I'm not sure which is stranger to me, calling The Hangover "too raunchy" while praising Forgetting Sarah Marshall (which is a great movie, but veeery far from "clean," or actually thinking Chuck and Larry was funny. (Which, yes, I actually did watch after landing on it flipping channels so I can say first hand that it sucks)

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1) anybody that says "when i went to university" loses credibility in my book. Seriously who talks like that?

2) I dont think its just crude humor. I mean what I like about movies like this (superbad, etc.) are that they are what hanging out with your boys is like...

The movie was pretty good and what you should expect. I dont think society is going to **** either becuase of the movie or because the movie is how life in america is lol

its a movie...lighten up

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Anyone who grew up in Europe, they all say that over there. They don't use 'college' as we do here.

if american english was good enough for jesus it should be good enough for him...

HAHA ok seriously some guy said that in some newsclip i was watching one day hahaha

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Chronicle Telegram (Elyria, Ohio), April 27, 1927

An official of the Rockefeller Institute states that, among hundreds of letters of denunciation received by the institution during the past year, one was from a man in Arkansas who took the view that all this modern education is dangerous, and that the new-fangled practice of grounding preachers in Latin and Greek is especially pernicious. They ought to be taught English, he said, adding in conclusion: "If English was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me."

ok i had it mixed up...but still an awesome quote to use

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I thought the movie was pretty funny and Zach Galfrsdrtuhsklhxilopkis was ****ing hilarious! He didn't even have to say anything to be funny. The scene where he was coming down the escalator in his suit made me LOL.

Also: "Would you please put some pants on? I feel weird having to ask you twice." :hysterical:

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also is 10 bucks seriously that much to some of you?

and when have movies ever been dirt cheap?

some of you act like movies used to come with a BJ or something? You could probably name about 50 movies (and thats being generous) that you genuinely consider worth the cost of admission

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Back in my high school days we had $2 movie theaters.

i mean in terms of purchasing power? and relative to COL

like...candy has more than tripled since i was a kid...still not breaking the bank though...neither is a movie

you go to a movie to go out...

makes a lot cheaper night than a bar in most cases lol

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I saw a bootlegged copy and the guy turned the camera off right as the credits started rolling, so now I never get to see the awesome last 5 minutes until DVD (cant afford movies right now :()

What a retard! (the cameraman, not you :silly:) (oh and that's pronounced ra-tard, or however you'd write it)

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I saw a bootlegged copy and the guy turned the camera off right as the credits started rolling, so now I never get to see the awesome last 5 minutes until DVD (cant afford movies right now :()

I saw the same bootleg on moviesister.com. The idiot turned the camera off right after it ended:mad:. Very funny movie though, not the funniest like some people say. I still have Coming to America as the funniest:)

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I just got back from seeing it. Not really impressed. Neither my brother or myself laughed until the baby playing with himself at the table...and that was pretty much it. Zach Galifinakis (sp) had some good moments and he deserved a more prominent role. The only other part I enjoyed was the credits. I love crude humor but this was boring, weak and sadly predictable. Where is the wit and timing? Do those concepts exist anymore?

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