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The Hangover = one of the funniest movies I have ever seen...


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Well, ok ...

I really enjoyed films like this...

I now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Talledega Nights

O Brother where Art Thou

Forgetting Sarah Marshall? Really? Did you have your eyes covered for the penis that was blatantly shown for about the first 15 minutes of the movie? Was the humor in that movie so much more crude in this movie? If so, great. I think I'll find this movie just as epic as the other numb skulls posting in this thread.

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The wifey and I saw it lastnight and we thought it was very entertaining. Hardly any slow spots in the movie. I don't know if it's one of the funniest movies I've ever seen, but it was funny.

For those thinking it was crude? Take a deep breath and relax and enjoy life. We all need to loosen up a bit.

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LOL @ the decline of comedy...I went to this movie with the sole purpose of being entertained....it wasn't a movie where you had to think...you just shut off your brain and enjoy what your watching. It was hilarious plain and simple...I don't get how people are going into this movie thinking it's going to be something like the Royal Tennenbaums. It's called "The Hangover" for goodness sakes...it's like going to a Chris Rock stand-up show and being appalled by his material....

two things...

1. I think a sequel should be in the works that focuses on Stu and Heather Graham.

2. Tu-ta-loo motha..............................


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Well, ok ...

I really enjoyed films like this...

I now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Talledega Nights

O Brother where Art Thou


I just found this "film" to be way over the top. It doesn't have to be rated triple R to appeal to the masses and be funny.

I guess it just comes down to preference. Yeah, I acted like that when I went to University.... didn't make it right. It was more embarrassing than anything. My point was trying to make a point regarding the state of humor in film....and imho that film was trash. It was much worse than anything that has come previously. It is like a new low.

That's all.... just an opinion.

You like movies with "substance"? And you like Talledega Nights? :doh:

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It was funny without being overly crude.

I don't understand why only one other person can see what I am trying to say. Obviously I am failing in some fashion.

I'll be completely honest. Maybe I am wound too tight this weekend, but the folks who are posting in this thread that is entertaining and funny without admitting that its base and crude humor......

well.... I have lost a lot of respect for some of the folks here. Forgive me for expecting more.

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It was funny without being overly crude.

I don't understand why only one other person can see what I am trying to say. Obviously I am failing in some fashion.

I'll be completely honest. Maybe I am wound too tight this weekend, but the folks who are posting in this thread that is entertaining and funny without admitting that its base and crude humor......

well.... I have lost a lot of respect for some of the folks here. Forgive me for expecting more.

Well it is what it is...but you are contradicting yourself, because you said you walked out due to the crude humor, but didn't Forgetting Sarah Marshall have wieners exposed during the movie? Crude humor, no? Also, get off your high-horse....LOL @ you "losing respect" for people because they have a different opinion.

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Never saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall so I can't comment on that

I can...

Fighting is complaining about "smut" in this movie but outside of a couple seconds at the end Forgetting Sarah had just as much "smut"

edit: Just realized he walked out so didn't even see then end...

In that case:

I just found this "film" to be way over the top. It doesn't have to be rated triple R to appeal to the masses and be funny.

What exactly in the film are you talking about?? :whoknows:

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Good movie. I'd put it ahead of Forgetting Sarah Marshall (a movie which I really liked). Both movies were just about as raunchy as each other, so I don't get the comments comparing the two. This movie was definitely NOT as raunchy as Walk Hard.

As far as I'm concerned, for a movie to be very funny, it pretty much as to be rated R in my book. You just can't do certain things with a PG-13, most of it having to do with language. That is just the way it is.

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ok I just saw it. It was funny...but I wouldn't call it hysterical. And I was in no way laughing throughout the whole movie. I don't know what scenes some people are talking about if they are saying their abs hurt from laughing so much. There was no scene that did that to me. The baby by the pool scene wasn't even funny....maybe it's because I'm a girl and I usually don't find these "guy comedy" movies so hilarious.

The last movie I can remember laughing hysterically over in the theater was Team America. Borat also made me laugh a lot. The Hangover is good, I won't deny that, just definitely not the funniest thing I've ever seen. Definitely not top 5.

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This is the best movie I have seen in a long time. I was afraid it would disappoint, but it was actually five times better than I ever thought it would be. Terminator 4 and Star Trek were both kind of ho-hum in my opinion. Not as good as I had expected. If anyone is trying to choose between the three, choose the Hangover, definitely. If you were let down by T4 or ST and are afraid of being let down by this too, have no fear. If this movie looks like your cup of tea, it will have you cracking up from start to finish. There were so many scene where I was just thinking to myself "I can't believe they just did that!"

The only negative thing I can say is the trailer kind of ruins a couple scenes, so don't watch it unless you need to be convinced to see the movie... they're still funny, but it's always better when you don't know where the jokes are going until they hit you in the face. The Tyson scene is amazing, but imagine how wonderfully shocked you would be if you had no idea Tyson was in the movie before you saw it.

I will stop rambling now. Definitely don't hesitate to see this movie!

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I got dragged to this movie by my wife and stepson who said the movie reviewers couldn't stop praising it.

We laughed ourselves into a coma during several scenes. It starts pretty slowly and gets as crazy and nasty as Borat but even funnier. People were cheering and clapping loudly after this movie ended. We had to sit in the FRONT ROW in a HUGE theater in Tysons Corner because it was so packed.

Scenes where we fell out of our seats were with the two officers doing their demo for the kids... this ranks up there with any comedy scene in any comedy movie I've seen.

The Tiger stealing scenes on video were so funny people were clapping in the theater.

This movie challenges you because it fools you into thinking it's going to be as sickenly cliche as the Tom Hanks Bachelor Party movie and it makes a right hand turn exactly where you think it's going to crash into all the bad movie scenes from this genre of the Vegas buddy bachelor party movies.

The ending with credits rolling is so funny and shocking that only Sasha Baron Cohen could possibly compete with it. I wish it went by slower so we could have savored the laughs longer. Truly classic comedy...

Top five funniest movies of all time for me. And I got dragged there... go figure.

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Reading through this thread I find it humorous how different some people's tastes are in comedy. I can't wait to see this movie, the previews made it seem like an Old School style comedy.

Crude humor is and always will be popular. This isn't some new thing, if you think it's because of people today, look back to some of the movies in the 80's and 90's. Even prior to that, it's not like Cheech and Chong's style of comedy really made you sit down and think lol.

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Some of you guys must not be too familiar with Zach Galifianakis, the guy with the beard. Probably the funniest and most INTELLIGENT comedians out there today. Rarely uses any foul language unless he goes off into improve, but yea.

I'm so glad to see him in this movie, and see this movie becoming very successful. He deserves it.

if you like Zack G. you gotta see "Out Cold" it is hillarious.

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I got dragged to this movie by my wife and stepson who said the movie reviewers couldn't stop praising it.

We laughed ourselves into a coma during several scenes. It starts pretty slowly and gets as crazy and nasty as Borat but even funnier. People were cheering and clapping loudly after this movie ended. We had to sit in the FRONT ROW in a HUGE theater in Tysons Corner because it was so packed.

Scenes where we fell out of our seats were with the two officers doing their demo for the kids... this ranks up there with any comedy scene in any comedy movie I've seen.

The Tiger stealing scenes on video were so funny people were clapping in the theater.

The ending with credits rolling is so funny and shocking that only Sasha Baron Cohen could possibly compete with it. I wish it went by slower so we could have savored the laughs longer. Truly classic comedy...

Top five funniest movies of all time for me. And I got dragged there... go figure.

This is weird to me. You laughed yourself into a coma??? The officer scene? Why is someone getting tazed so hilarious? I mean it was humorous, but not hilarious.

It's a very slap-stick comedy. I appreciated the bearded guy's quips more than the physical humor. Physical humor isn't that funny to me, but guys seem to eat it up.

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