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Zorn's Mon. press conference (12/15)--he feels like "Worst coach in America" (merged)


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All the crap about Zorn pointing out the players and being accountable is BS. Go back and watch all the Zorn PCs on redskins.com.

I like Zorn and he needs to be our coach for a good while. No one was saying any of this crap when the team was 6-2. People were throwing his name around for potential coach of the year. Funny how that changes once the team faces better comp and teams get a book on what the Skins do well.

I'm as frustrated as anyone and i'm totally done with the team (unitl next season :)) after this loss, but all the blow up talk needs to stop....

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I agree the players did not look very intense. What's up with Portis waving his hand in the air after Chad Johnson hands him the ball... Not a very inspired team at all. This is certainly indicative of the locker room environment and the coach.

Zorn's run may be over, but I for one hope not. For the stability of the team, you can't want to make him coach of the year early on and then run him out of town. If for nothing else but the sake of the next guy coming in Zorn needs to be given time to find his way. It's not his fault that the team has gotten old fast, and the trading away of our draft picks over the years has finally caught up with us. We are a few plays away from being 9-5, and even thought the team has looked bad and been very frustrating to watch lately, the nucleus of a pretty good team is there, Zorn just needs to adjust and hopefully improve. If Danny and Vinny throw the towel in on the Zorn experiment now it makes the next coach coming in very wary and I think it will be hard to attract the top talent to give the Redskins job a shot.

I hope we can right the ship and ride out the storm, we need to build youth in our lines, and that might take some time before we see the results.

You make good points, but let me just say this. True, we were only a few plays away from being 9-5, but we were ALSO only a few plays away from starting the season 4-5 vs. 7-2. Several of the wins we had were MUCH closer than they should have been, and we limped home while getting a few of those wins.

Also agree that we have a pretty decent nucleous, but disagree with your prediction that firing Zorn would deminish interest in potential future coaches. Frankly, I think everyone was shocked at the appointment of Zorn as the head coach. I also think most would agree that there was no shortage of those who didn't think he was ready for the job. I'd be willing to bet that sentiment was shared by those in the football coaching community as well. A Zorn firing wouldn't shock anyone. Nor would it discourage an established coach from taking the head coaching job at a franchise with our tradition, fan base and yes..........an owner who's willing to open up his checkbook. Can you think of a better scenario for a new coach?

Sure, there are issues that need fixing, and some will take time. I'm willing to be patient..........but ONLY when the right minds are pulling the strings. Zorn may be that guy one day, but he's not there yet and I'm frustrated as a fan watching Snyder & company continue to destroy this franchise with their half-witted decisions.

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This thread is sensless. Portis said himself that coach wasn't at fault, it was the players. With Clintons statement, I dont believe Zorn has lost the locker room like some of the fans think. He also should have the chance of bringing in his players, like Devin

Do you think it is possible that some higher up guy went to CP and told him NOT to say anything negetive.

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And for the record playing hard and with class doesn't go away just because it's not the 50's anymore. There's plenty of players today who play hard and earn their money.
I wasn't talking about playing hard. I was referring to this:
Players who have been trained to realize they don't have to answer to anyone, that their jobs are more secure than their own coaches, whom they have no need to fear or respect.
This is the modern day professional sports. It makes coaching difficult.
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Really appreciate the posts here by TK today, dude your the man and provide some serious insight into our future and I appreciate you sharing that with us.

As for my own feelings...Fire Jim Zorn today.

Forget the fact we've lost 5 of 6, forget the fact we just had the biggest game of the year against a one win team at the end of the season and we lost it, forget about the infighting and player comments in the media putting down the coach, and forget about the same coach going out today and showing how weak he really is when doing the opposite was the right thing to do. Today he should have gone out there kicking and screaming and saying things like "This is my team" and showing some heart. Instead he went out there today and fed into the thinking the man's weak. He's not the right man for the job and should be fired today. But the reason he should be fired isn't all of this. To those that think that Zorn should get another shot to me it all comes down to the job Zorn's done with JC.

Jim Zorn was told to come into Washington and turn Campbell into a great QB. With two games left in the year we still are in the same boat we were in last year not being sure if JC is a franchise QB or even seeing any improvement in JC from last year. Zorn was hired first and before everything else to make JC an elite QB. Zorn came in here with the reputation that he was the best QB coach in the game today. We spent the entire top of the draft trying to find more weapons for JC. We did everything this season to help JC and it's not helped one bit. Today still JC is not an elite QB and the rookies are hardly used. The whole expirament is a complete wreck and puts the organization into a huge mess. Do we sign JC long term? We were supposed to know for sure now, but we still have no idea. That sits completely on Jim Zorn (bad play calling, not motivating players, not making in game adjustments, not improving JC's play) and JC himself (not stepping up his game, not improving from last season, not reading the defenses, not producing). The guilty parties are right there. If JC had improved Next season we will likely move past both of these two men and take the organization into a new direction but it never happened. I don't think any one can say with any confidence that either are worthy of another year here. The results on the field don't call for it.

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...then we tried to get a TD with 2:08 left. Had we kicked the field goal after Rock set us up, we would have been able to try the onside kick and then even if they recovered we would have gotten the ball back.

He doesn't even know how to extend the game. The guy is a rookie head coach and never should have had the oppurtunity had DC not been in an uproar about Jim Fassel.

So let me get this straight. You feel the odds were GREATER that if we kicked a FG with 2:08. We could have Kicked the FG, tried the on side kick, all within 7 seconds, and if not recovered, we then could get the ball back with about 22 seconds left, and scored a TD. You feel those odds were GREATER then trying to score a TD, get a Onside kick, and going 30 yards for a FG?

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Zorn finally showed some ability to possibly change some of his fundamental ways of thinking but its waaaaaaaay to late as DOC has been saying. He even mentioned that he maybe needs to start thinking about deferring to the second half about getting the ball first. Then he regresses and says he thinks that the offense has confidence enough to go right down and score on the first positon.ugggghhhh

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I wasn't talking about playing hard. I was referring to this:

This is the modern day professional sports. It makes coaching difficult.

I think that's true to a certain extent, but there aren't many examples of players being so close to the owner of the team the way they are in washington. That, combined with the revolving door policies of the front office over the past few years was the point i was trying to make. Seems like with the redskins, coaches get one chance and they're done, however, players like springs and randall el are given much more leeway if they don't live up to expectations. They are allowed to have "off years", but the coaches must perform immediatley or they are tossed

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Judging from the masses here it looks like most people want Jim Zorn gone. I don't have a problem with that. The guy is way over his head. But he should never been put in this situation in the first place. It is all Snyderatto's fault. They couldn't get anyone in here, dis Gregg Williams in the process, and then hire Zorn who had never called plays before. It shows.

The media will claim "Same ol' Redskins" here when Zorn is fired, and possibly defend Zorn in the process. It's not going to be pretty.

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How is players running routes short of the first dowen marker play calling? That's execution!! And in case you forgot when we were on the thirteen, his play calling got the ball into our best "Playmaker" TWICE!!" And what hapened? He drops a pass on one of them and runs straight into the back of his o line for a two yard gain for the other.

Because it's happened so many times through out this season that clearly they aren't making the adjustments or coaching up the players the way they should be. It's not like it's only one player on the team that is doing it. One time, two times = players, three or more = coaches.

Predictable plays as defenders are always swarming close, so you can take the greatest player to ever play in many of the calls and they'd do about the same. Other than drops, which is the players fault. If you notice, I started before that there was enough blame to go around. Nobody is crispy clean...

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I agree the players did not look very intense. What's up with Portis waving his hand in the air after Chad Johnson hands him the ball... Not a very inspired team at all. This is certainly indicative of the locker room environment and the coach.

He was signalling for a taunting flag.

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All the crap about Zorn pointing out the players and being accountable is BS. Go back and watch all the Zorn PCs on redskins.com.

I agree with you. As someone who watches all the press conferences, what I see is a guy who is trying to be frank about what's going on. While that's refreshing for the press and some of us, it can weigh heavily on the players.

I've seen him take some blame, but he doesn't do it nearly as much as Gibbs did it, and probably didn't do it nearly as much as he probably should have. I have a feeling that, until the blowup with Portis and the team meeting, that he probably didn't know he was having that sort of effect, which is why we get the press conference today.

Now, there are some who will say, "Well, he should have known", but one thing that has been proven in the past is that the coaching staff and the players haven't always communicated. I remember Portis talking in 2006 on how the players were "intimidated" by Gibbs and didn't want to go in front of him to air their issues and how he usually was forced into the role.

I think a lot of Zorn's future is going to be written in how he handles the next two games and in the conversations that Vinny and Danny have with him about what the issues were this season and how they can be addressed. Personally, I lean toward that he's going to be back next year. If Danny was fully willing to give the Ol' Ball Coach a third year, it is hard for me to think that Zorn won't get a second.

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I started a thread on the presser at the same time you started this thread (mods please merge).

I don't think he's just saying what people want to hear. He sounds really dejected. You can tell he's been beating himself up.

I agree, and it's good that he knows changes need to be made, whether it's the way he runs practice, the way he prepares during the week, what plays he calls, who's playing each position... he knows he has to make big changes... in some or all of those areas.

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If all of this happens the way people above describe (firing Zorn, Williams, etc) we'll be back to the laughing stock of the league. Gibbs suppressed it for a few years but the root of the problem is still here. I feel sorry for the guy and blame the front office.

Welcome to the most screwed up organization in the league, next to the Raiders.

I kinda feel sorry for Zorn too. I really don't think all of this is his fault, and a lot of people should be held accountable, not just him.

Whose job is it to correct that? His.

He has failed. This Offense is beyond inept and I refuse to believe the players aren't smart enough to get it. It's the WCO, not brain surgery. It isn't as if we have dumber athletes than any other team. It's the Coaching and this lame Coach is a direct responsibility of the lame FO.

Maybe our players aren't as good as their cracked up to be? Maybe Z's hands are tied and he can't adjust b/c of this. Look, I don't know what the answer is, I just think blaming Zorn for all of this is completely unfair when there are a plethora of other MAJOR issues with this team that are playing a major part in why we suck.

Look, I'm not disagreeing with you. Zorn has failed the second half of this year. What I'm saying is that the reason he's failed is the exact same reason every other coach weve had in recent history has failed (Gibbs excluded to a certain extent)

I think you could be right about this.

I agree with you. As someone who watches all the press conferences, what I see is a guy who is trying to be frank about what's going on. While that's refreshing for the press and some of us, it can weigh heavily on the players.

I've seen him take some blame, but he doesn't do it nearly as much as Gibbs did it, and probably didn't do it nearly as much as he probably should have. I have a feeling that, until the blowup with Portis and the team meeting, that he probably didn't know he was having that sort of effect, which is why we get the press conference today.

The funny thing is that he has never come across to me as someone who is always trying to pass the blame on everyone else. I think you maybe right about his "frankness" playing a part in pissing off the players. But, aren't these grown men we're talking about? Are they really so pompous that they think their **** can never stink? The bottom line is that a lot of people are at fault for the decline of this franchise and until these people man up and take responsibility for their screw ups we will consistantly be a sucky or mediocre at best football team.

Also, can you elaborate on the "blow up" in the locker room. Link? I missed this (I guess b/c I haven't been as active on the board the past couple of weeks).

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A few thoughts come to mind from the PC.

1) Zorn said he feels that he's laying a good foundation. What is it? Hard to see much of an identity or foundation.

2) He says he doesn't get rattled, that he's deeply concerned but still medium. I don't buy that, and I doubt the players buy that when he's screaming at people on the sideline.

3) Also, many times this season the media has had to make Zorn "aware" of a situation with a player. Such as Carlos not knowing he was going to be held out of the starting lineup. Each time Zorn basically brushes it aside. Why does this keep happening? (I understand the obvious answer that it keeps happening because Zorn keeps brushing it aside)

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