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Zorn's Mon. press conference (12/15)--he feels like "Worst coach in America" (merged)


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Dang, you're a hardass these days...:silly:

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People tend to agree with this one too. Again, I apologize if you've read it already.

Zorn Isnt the problem!!

Someone needs to tell him throwing money at the problem isn't the only solution, or even a good one. YOU CAN"T BUY TEAMWORK OR CHEMISTRY.

Honestly the people i felt the worst for today, besides the fans, were the few players on the field who I KNOW truly want to be here and don't treat it as the Dan Snyder personal spa and relaxation center.

Rock Cartwright: Nothing but 110% from this guy every time i see him. Honestly his kickoff return in the 4th quarter was one of the best plays ive seen from the team all year. Are there more talented guys on the team? Of course, but i saw him fight for EVERY inch of that run to get HIS TEAM into a better position, knowing that they needed all the help they could get, knowing it was HIS ONLY CHANCE TO HELP HIS TEAM. And how does his team repay him? Our primadonna running back, the one who complains about getting benched and not getting the ball enough, has TWO chances within the 20 yard line to make a play. He drops one pass, and runs straight into the back of his own line for a two yard gain. I don't know about you, but I would rather have seen cartwright out there, at least HE wasn't going through the motions.

Mike Sellers: Yes, MIKE Sellers. Ignored for most of the season, he is another player who LOVES what he does and makes the absolute most of every opportunity given to him. He had an extremely tough day, with two calls in a row going against him that were so close they needed to be officially reviewed. Was i dissapointed? Of course, but watching him on the sidelines, i knew no one in the world was more upset in that moment than him. More talented guys on the team? Sure, but they don't play with half the enthusiasm and take it upon themselves to make plays the way he does. Yes, he didn't get us the touchdown, but he did get us two huge first downs early in the game that were later given away to punts because of the rest of the offense's inability to match his intensity.

London Fletcher: The ONLY player on defense today who didn't look like he was falling asleep and just walking around asking "is it time to go home yet." He was literally beating the ground in frustration because of the missed opportunity to get a pick, KNOWING how much his team desperatley needed a spark. Compare this to H.B. Blades, a player with so many squandered opportunities to make plays on blitzes that the commentators felt the need to go back and call him out on national television. I felt sick listening to Siragusa talking about how flat and lifeless our defense looked.

and finally Coach Zorn: Here is a guy who comes in and has to work with a bunch of players who he had no choice in drafting. Players who are used to getting their way and caring only about their individual stats when things get tough. Players who have been trained to realize they don't have to answer to anyone, that their jobs are more secure than their own coaches, whom they have no need to fear or respect. Knowing that the team owner has no patience and refuses to blame losing on the players. He comes and sees players not executing, not TRYING, not giving him a chance to succeed or implement his offense. And he calls them out on it. Brings them down a peg by telling them what no one else in the organization has the balls to. You aren't getting it done. Plain and simple. And because they don't want to hear it or work harder, the players simply quit on the coach. They blame the playbook that he publicly stated needed to be simplified because they couldn't handle it. On the field today he looked mystified and completley helpless. Why? Not because he didn't know what plays to call, but because none of the plays he called were being executed. No one was playing to win, and when that happens, the coaching becomes the most obsolete position i the game. It doesn't matter who is calling the plays if the players won't do it, if they don't give it a CHANCE to work.

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Yeah, and he also said the reason they don't have time to TURN UPFIELD is because they aren't running the routes correctly and their timing with the QB is off. I saw that show too.

Whose job is it to correct that? His.

He has failed. This Offense is beyond inept and I refuse to believe the players aren't smart enough to get it. It's the WCO, not brain surgery. It isn't as if we have dumber athletes than any other team. It's the Coaching and this lame Coach is a direct responsibility of the lame FO.

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Good for him. Glad he is progressing as a coach. I can't wait till next year when he has a full year to work with Campbell and the rest of the offense.

Progress... ? What progress? Taking 14 games to accept responsibility for something, when the rest of the NFL figured it out six weeks ago, is progress... ?

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Whose job is it to correct that? His.

He has failed. This Offense is beyond inept and I refuse to believe the players aren't smart enough to get it. It's the WCO, not brain surgery. It isn't as if we have dumber athletes than any other team. It's the Coaching and this lame Coach is a direct responsibility of the lame FO.

Look, I'm not disagreeing with you. Zorn has failed the second half of this year. What I'm saying is that the reason he's failed is the exact same reason every other coach weve had in recent history has failed (Gibbs excluded to a certain extent)

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I can't decide if I want Zorn to stay or go. At times I think he is in over his head and that he has lost the team and at others I feel like when we were 6-2 we heard all this talk about him being Coach of the Year, Portis and Campbell as MVP candidates, Fletcher for DPoY, and now that we are losing its the exact opposite. His play calling lately has been horrible, but I'm not sure if that is all him or if its Campbell constantly checking down to the RBs and Cooley. I'm not sold on Campbell yet and if he doesn't show anything by next year, I think its time for Colt.

I do think that most of the problems with this team come from the front office. Vinny has to go. When you look at all the rookies playing well and helping their teams this year and then you see ours, you realize that if we had a real GM, that we might not be in this situation now. The key to a good draft is the late round picks. Its not hard to find studs in the first 2 rounds, but its the late round picks that seperate the contenders from pretenders. Look at teams like the Patriots, Giants, Chargers, Steelers, etc. they get good players in later rounds and even find some undrafted rookies to contribute. We need to have someone in our organization that can do the same thing. Those draft picks are cheaper and we could develop them into our style of player.

I'm one of the most optomistic fans you will find, however, the longer Vinny stays here, the less optomistic I am becoming. This team has a great fanbase, an owner who is willing to spend money(unlike some, granted it might not always be the right decision, but at least he is willing to spend money), and the current players that can win. We need to start young and build back up. That not such a hard thing to do in the NFL, look at teams like the Ravens, Dolphins, Falcons. They were all horrible last year and all 3 could possibly go to the playoffs this year. We just need a few smart drafts and we can be back in this thing. All is not lost. Hail Skins!

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This thread is sensless. Portis said himself that coach wasn't at fault, it was the players. With Clintons statement, I dont believe Zorn has lost the locker room like some of the fans think. He also should have the chance of bringing in his players, like Devin

So why then is the entire thread senseless? I started it because of comments I heard as the press conference was airing.

How bout directing your comments to the specific posts. AND.......if you don't agree with the sentiment here, you can either state your own case or simply change the channel. :D

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Why bench campbell it's not his fault. Oh wait you're one of those football ignorant morons that think it is..

It's not all his fault but he certainly deserves his fair share of the blame. The OL protected him fine yesterday but he still made poor decisions, couldn't read the defense and was way too quick to check down to his backs...all par for the course for JC. It's sad too because I've been a big supporter of his since Brunell was benched but it looks like his time is up.

Lots to fix on this team but Jason Campbell doesn't get any more free passes, stop acting like he's a great QB that is being held down by his team, he's a mediocre QB with a mediocre supporting cast.

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I tend to agree that the players looked totally uninspired yesterday. BUT.....why do you think that is? Even in his second stint we NEVER saw a team give up on Gibbs like this. Not ever.

That's pretty telling in my opinion.

Agreed. I like Zorn, he's a good friend of mine, but I'm seeing guys just quit.. Something is seriously wrong and you're right we never saw this with Gibbs. I've said it before and I'll say it again. You could be the smartest coach in the world if you can't get your players to play your useless.

Money should be motivation enough but this is the real world.. It used to be that purely being in the NFL was such an honor that alone would motivate you. Times have changed and coaches are expected to be master motivators too.

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1) If he really does feel like he's in over his head, he may take the demotion.

2) As the offensive coordinator he could focus on the offense. As the head coach he needs to be involved in every aspect of the game. People don't realize it, but there's alot that goes into being a head coach. You need to know defensive gameplans and need to pay attention to what the defense is doing during the game. You need to pay attention to special teams. You need to keep focus on the players, see who's playing well, who may be hurt, who may be crying like a little girl on the sideline. Then in the middle of that you have to call plays.

Being the head guy is ALOT of distractions. There is QUITE a difference between coordinating and being the head coach. His offense doesn't have his full attention... As a coordinator... it does.

There is another problem. If Zorn were to be demoted to OC, what HC is going to want to come in knowing Zorn has never been an OC and want him to call his plays. Isn't that the same kind of issue we had to begin this year. We hired a OC before we got a HC. I would think a HC would want to pick his OC or at least have someone in that position that has had some experience

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