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Zorn's Mon. press conference (12/15)--he feels like "Worst coach in America" (merged)


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I tend to agree that the players looked totally uninspired yesterday. BUT.....why do you think that is? Even in his second stint we NEVER saw a team give up on Gibbs like this. Not ever.

That's pretty telling in my opinion.

I've probably been one of the biggest Gibbs fans here and defended him religiously. But you guys are conveniently forgetting the debacle of 2006. Do the numbers 5 and 11 ring a bell? I was there for four of those games. The most painful was Brad Johnson whipping us with a receiver who was since cut this past year.

And for all those keen on bringing back GW how quickly you forget that he was a big reason for that 5 - 11 season; and the defense dropping to the bottom. Cause they felt GW cared more about his schemes than the players. Something you're all accusing Zorn of doing now.

TK I sure as hell hope you're wrong. This is one Effed up franchise already. But to bring back GW and possibly Saunders would certify our place as the Raiders of the NFC. Wow, how did our beloved Redskins fall so far?

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It will be interesting to see if Zorn is ultra stubborn and as a result, he'll stick with more of the same expecting a different result or will he just say "F iT" then proceed to put his offense into full attack mode.

I was just thinkin about the "F it" scenario today as well. Zorn knows that this week may be it for him and that the team desperately needs a spark. What is there to lose at this point? If the team as it is now can't get it done against the Bengals, then it sure as heck isn't gonna happen against Philly team that is gaining momentum.

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JC has mentioned several times that this team needs to start having fun out there. Now that there's nothing to play for, they have even more reason to have fun playing this game. This applies to JZ, too. Just have fun, like you (JZ) did at the beginning of the season, and stop having everyone around you and yourself overthinking everything.

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Someone said that they players lost this game...we had 1rst and goal from the 1 yard like and we didn't give the ball to Portis (coaches decision)...then we tried to get a TD with 2:08 left. Had we kicked the field goal after Rock set us up, we would have been able to try the onside kick and then even if they recovered we would have gotten the ball back.

He doesn't even know how to extend the game. The guy is a rookie head coach and never should have had the oppurtunity had DC not been in an uproar about Jim Fassel.

What game were you watching? They did kick a field goal with 1:47 left. You don't kick a FG and try for a Onside, when you are on the 13 and it is 1st down. That is stupid. That was their golden chance to get a TD. They only spent 20 seconds on three downs. Only thing wrong on that drive was the bad passes & catch.

I am just glad suisham didn't miss that one :doh:

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Man I feel for zorny. Personally I think he's done pretty good all things considered. See the problem is, is that alot of you fans have developed into mini snyders.

Now even if this happened to you unintentionally or not really doesn't matter. You''ve somehow allowed yourself to yelling "off with his head" after every coach this team has hired (except Gibbs).

If you look it up "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results..." How many more times? How many more coaches?

I'm not saying a couple times in the past that ditching the HC wasn't the right move (Stevie boy comes to mind). But seriously man WTH is going to want anything to do with this team after the cumpulsiveness that it's shown in the past (this statement ring a bell?)

To expect miracles every season with a new coach is simply put d.u.m.b. This is what Snyder is hoping for regardless of how many seasons it takes, for that 1 coach in his first year to win the bowl so he can say ''told ya so''. Well it ain't gonna happen.

Way to many issues and no one has the balls besides the reporter that said ''people say it's the talent on this team." You can also add the front office to that statement.

So deep down you know as well as I do in the offseason we'll grab 1 questionable playmaker who more then likely has seen his last of his glory days. We'll grab a couple of middle of the road draft picks in the draft along with at least one draft bust. We'll have the same cheesy front office and the same gimpy players that drag us down. So next year we have the same thing to talk about.


"your a madman..." "looks like I've come to the right place then"

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Wait something is wrong here.. are you sure that some of you guys are redskins fans.. Because some of you are awfully pathetic right now.. Yeah the redskins suck and can't score points.. And our FO is not the most liked but at least they try and put players on field that are good and make some decent trades to help fill some spots.. It not their fault the players don't perform so then they get other ones.. The FO just gets the players they think should help the team it up to the players to do their job and they havent...

Secondly with all the fire Jim Zorn comments, He went 6-2 and was getting praised and everything was good.. He hit a snag and is now 7-7 and probably not going to make it to the playoffs. But i swear i thought he was a rookie head coach and never was a offensive coach.. so i pretty sure that we all had to expect that this would be a bumpy season as he learned on the job. and apperently he is learning on the job as he evualting himself and the way he coaches.. this is something that most rookie head coaches do.. Look at Joe Gibbs first season as a coach it wasn't that good but then after that he adjusted and became a awsome coach.. Also he trying to teach a new system and either the players just arent trying hard to learn it or they are stupid.. To me it not Zorn as alot of the plays look like they can work but the players end up droping the football when it needs to caught to have the drive move on or there penalty make the play null and void.. So it really not Zorn fault it is the players for making penaltys at bad times and not performing to the best of their ability on a givin play.. We just need to give this system one more year and make a few changes to the personal we have and i think we will be fine..

You don't fire a coach in their first year. Most of them get figured out by the nfl and then you adjust.. and now it looks like he is on his way of adjusting. So lets just give him some time..

Also i know we are all tired of being lower then all the rest of the teams in the east in the media eyes and want to reclaim the place in the divison that we once had in the 80's and also we want to win and win a super bowl again but we shouldn't take it out on people that it doesn't belong to we are smart and loyal fans but sometimes with overreactions we make ourselves look dumb..

Campbell Should get 4 games next year to prove he can be a QB and if not colt should get a chance.. Or maybe Colt can out play him this offseason but who knows..

Zorn should stay at least 3 years to prove himself and other coaches have done worse and have same talent .. Marvin lewis, Romeo( Browns). Also teams with less talent Rod Marinelli ( lions) and they have been with same team with out going to playoffs and without winning and without looking good.. So Jim Zorn has potential let him reach it here with us and not somewhere else.. Building a winner takes time Aka: Pats, Giants.. You cannot win by replacing a coach every time he has a bad year..

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Sorry, buddy, but after reading this I just :puke: in my mouth a little.

Campbell should get 4 games NEXT YEAR? Bro we've watched him NOT progress (from a skills and decision making point of view) for years! I'm done with him. And don't tell me about new systems. His mechanics are horriffic, and systems have nothing to do with that.

OMG did you just say we should give Zorn 3 years to mature and grow as a coach, and get his personnel in place? Are you kidding me???


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I honestly thought the interview sounded like a guy who either knew he has already lost the locker room or is very close to it and is trying to get some sort of spark back.

He sounded like the guy that had a nice talk last night with the powers that be and hes grasping for a life preserver to stay a float.


To any of the good photo shoppers have fun with it.

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This is bull****. No one could have won that game yesterday with the way the players were phoning it in. I don't care if your Vince ****ing Lombardi. The PLAYERS lost that game yesterday, Zorn never had a chance. I got your baack Coach, even if the rest of redskins nation are too blind to see the real problem. Players just plain not giving a damn.

Hellooooo, who gets the players ready, isn't that the coaches job. How about getting in the players face and calling them out during the course of the game. Does zorn even get fired up, all I see him doing is throwing his plastic play card, come on zorn, fire these players up...

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Why bench campbell it's not his fault. Oh wait you're one of those football ignorant morons that think it is..

You called a guy a moron because you support Mr. Dink and dunk. He wasn't sacked yesterday. What did he do? Nothing. The guy is a bum. Please tell me a time that he destroyed a team? Please tell me his signature game? Please tell me anything he's ever done in his career? Nothing.

Fact. Todd Collins made him look bad last year. I could care less how long an old man like Collins had been in Saunders offense. JC is supposed to be young and smart. He's got the young part, but he's the moron. Not the guy you are calling names.

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IF someone is going to get canned at the end of this season, I'd rather it be Campbell than Zorn. I'm not anti Campbell by any means. I've been cheering for him since day one. But if we were to all be honest, he has not shown much improvement. Even when he wasn't turning the ball over, he wasn't scoring TDs either. Qbs NEED to move the chains, and score TDs. Campbell just isn't doing this enough. Lots of inaccurate throws, but short and on the deep balls. His biggest strength right now is his running downfield, and that's not what we want from our QB. I hope Colt gets some burn in the next 2 games, and next year we draft a QB. Campbell doesn't seem to be the guy who can take us where we want to go. Ryan Kelly and Joe Flacco have showed what an impact a QB can make. Those rookies have shown more this year than Campbell has in 3 years. Time for a change I think.

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Yeah, because Gibbs was the one COACH Snyder respected more than the players. EVERY OTHER COACH that has come in here is destined to fail because Snyder won't give them any support and always sides with the PLAYERS. Gibbs was just the exception to the rule. The players don't work hard because they don't have to. plain and simple.

Exactly! Snyder is a jock sniffer and wants to be what he couldn't be in high school: one of the guys who was in the jock click.

Still I don't see him firing Zorn so soon, and he shouldn't.

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This is bull****. No one could have won that game yesterday with the way the players were phoning it in. I don't care if your Vince ****ing Lombardi. The PLAYERS lost that game yesterday, Zorn never had a chance. I got your baack Coach, even if the rest of redskins nation are too blind to see the real problem. Players just plain not giving a damn.

Attitude reflects leadership.

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I would not give Campbell four games next year unless you mean see how he does in the pre-season games only. In our last two games this year, Zorn should put in other players at key positions so he can begin to evaluate different players on the roster who he has not seen play much this season.

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I like Zorn for the most part and think he deserves another chance but the season can't get over soon enough for him. When we were 6-2 with no adversity, anyone can handle that job but since we have struggled, he has not been a steadying influence at all and keeps sending out mixed signals.

He needs to give up the play calling and learn what being a head coach is about first.

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