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Zorn's Mon. press conference (12/15)--he feels like "Worst coach in America" (merged)


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People tend to agree with this one too. Again, I apologize if you've read it already.

Quit spamming. You've already been put on NNT for it. Next step is either going to be a Read Only status or a break in the action.

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Money should be motivation enough but this is the real world.. It used to be that purely being in the NFL was such an honor that alone would motivate you. Times have changed and coaches are expected to be master motivators too.

Do you really think that teams in the 50's, 60's and 70's never came out flat? Have you seen the scores of some of those games?

The coach has always had to motivate his players. This isn't new.

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In the PC, JLC was asking a lot of questions. Here's his WP write-up on the PC.


Click on the link for the entire article

Owner Daniel Snyder and executive vice president of football operations Vinny Cerrato have made no public statements of support for Zorn, or said anything about the course of the season the past few weeks. They know that rumors of Zorn's job security are becoming increasingly commonplace, but the coach said he was not bothered by the lack of public remarks and said he and his staff feel they are getting solid backing.

"It's not like I'm getting the silent treatment," Zorn said at one point. Snyder and Cerrato speak with him regularly, he said, including after Sunday's defeat. "I feel we are getting tremendous support from both of those guys ... I can tell you that honestly," Zorn said.

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Quit spamming. You've already been put on NNT for it. Next step is either going to be a Read Only status or a break in the action.

That's all i needed to hear. How come it doesn't say that in my avatar or i didn't get a notification. I'm not trying to be a dick, just want to know what i did to get that and how i get the privaledges back? I posted in the tech section too but didn't get an answer.

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He might be the worst offensive coach in America.

Oh wait, that's Brian Stinespring of Virginia Tech.

Zorn's problem is his lack of asjustments. He hasn't changed anything all season. The only way I'd have him back is if he gets an O cordinator.

Virginia Tech's offense showed immense improvement towards the end of the year, and Tyrod and his receivers are starting to make stuff happen...

Zorn's offense is just getting worse..

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He might be the worst offensive coach in America.

Oh wait, that's Brian Stinespring of Virginia Tech.

Zorn's problem is his lack of asjustments. He hasn't changed anything all season. The only way I'd have him back is if he gets an O cordinator.

Virginia Tech's offense showed immense improvement towards the end of the year, and Tyrod and his receivers are starting to make stuff happen...

Zorn's offense is just getting worse..

No one is worse than Stinespring.

No one.

But Zorn is doing his best to stoop to that level.

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Its not the coaching, he is a great coach. With players like that, its hard to coach.

A great coach? That is giving way too much credit.

Not to start anything but do you think this same group of slack players would have performed like this for say.....Bill Cowher? Not a chance. The coach makes a big difference.

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I agree the players did not look very intense. What's up with Portis waving his hand in the air after Chad Johnson hands him the ball... Not a very inspired team at all. This is certainly indicative of the locker room environment and the coach.

Zorn's run may be over, but I for one hope not. For the stability of the team, you can't want to make him coach of the year early on and then run him out of town. If for nothing else but the sake of the next guy coming in Zorn needs to be given time to find his way. It's not his fault that the team has gotten old fast, and the trading away of our draft picks over the years has finally caught up with us. We are a few plays away from being 9-5, and even thought the team has looked bad and been very frustrating to watch lately, the nucleus of a pretty good team is there, Zorn just needs to adjust and hopefully improve. If Danny and Vinny throw the towel in on the Zorn experiment now it makes the next coach coming in very wary and I think it will be hard to attract the top talent to give the Redskins job a shot.

I hope we can right the ship and ride out the storm, we need to build youth in our lines, and that might take some time before we see the results.

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Wow what a difference a year makes....When we found out Joe was leaving, most of us thought that it would be ok. GW was picked to be next...the team played hard but still needed some line help... It would all work out.. right?

After a long embarassing coach search we end up with Zorn. I honestly was pissed but still held out hope.

As I see it now, This guy is done here, GW needs to come back and finish what He and Joe and Al started. We were on the road and Danny decided to hang a left.

Get back to the real business and snag GW...let him send Vinnie away and get a GM that has a fresh outlook. Its nice to dream.

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Do you care to support your assertion that he's a great coach? Or should we just believe what you say?

It is clear that Zorn is a great QB coach. He has the instincts to teach and improve players. Both Matt Hasselback and JC have improved under his coaching. Is he a great head coach right now? No, but he may just have the desire and instincts to be a pretty good one in the near future. While some of the blame goes on his shoulders, it is not his fault that the skins lines have gotten old fast, and the traded away draft picks over the years have finally caught up to them.

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GW has said he's open to coming back. You also know his family is still here & not down in Jacksonville, right. :)

Please tell me why in the heck we would want GW as our next HC? Please dont say "Because the players respect him"! Those "professional players" we put on the field yesterday dont deserve to put on the Redskins helmet. Rock said yesterday that players are now playing for their jobs. Im sorry that should have been the mindset from start of training camp.

I say we hire Ty Pennington as our next HC because its obvious we need an extreme makeover. If we hire GW as our next coach I believe we are simply putting make up on a pig. We cant mask our problems anymore. We need a guy like Cowher who will demand and deserve respect and get the players needed to be sucessful in the NFCE.

This team killed my spirit yesterday and I could care less how we finish these last two games. Until I die I will root for the emblem on our helmet, but as for the players we have on this team and the management who put them in place they could all go away.

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It's funny that he came out with this after EVERY newscaster said he needs to take some blaim and how they liked Blache because he was more of a stand up guy.

The next day he comes out with this.

Someone said that they players lost this game...we had 1rst and goal from the 1 yard like and we didn't give the ball to Portis (coaches decision)...then we tried to get a TD with 2:08 left. Had we kicked the field goal after Rock set us up, we would have been able to try the onside kick and then even if they recovered we would have gotten the ball back.

He doesn't even know how to extend the game. The guy is a rookie head coach and never should have had the oppurtunity had DC not been in an uproar about Jim Fassel.

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People tend to agree with this one too. Again, I apologize if you've read it already.

Zorn Isnt the problem!!

Wow, you're completely all over the place.

First of all, this isn't 1954. This is 2008, players have 9 figure contracts. Welcome to the present.

And what are you going on about all this Zorn has balls and such? If Portis is such a primadona and Zorn has balls, then how was there no repurcusion for Portis publically insulting his coach? I was shocked that he didn't even get fined. I thought it was a one game suspension for sure.

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Wow, you're completely all over the place.

First of all, this isn't 1954. This is 2008, players have 9 figure contracts. Welcome to the present.

And what are you going on about all this Zorn has balls and such? If Portis is such a primadona and Zorn has balls, then how was there no repurcusion for Portis publically insulting his coach? I was shocked that he didn't even get fined. I thought it was a one game suspension for sure.

I think not giving him the ball on the goal line this week was a reprocussion. I think if he had suspended him it would have further divided the locker room, wouldn't have solved anything, and put them in less of a position to win against the bengals. He did the smart thing. He got what he wanted, portis backed down and practiced the whole week and on the 1 yard line he went with what he thought was the correct call, instead of just giving it to portis. The plays didn't end up working unfortunatley but at least he got to run the plays he wanted without having to worry about if portis' feelings were hurt.

And for the record playing hard and with class doesn't go away just because it's not the 50's anymore. There's plenty of players today who play hard and earn their money.

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