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Guess what? I like IP matches.

Guess who's gone three times now? :)

There were definitely some clues floating around:

Here Extreme pats himself on the back: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2391626#post2391626


tarhog's post about leinart giving up nfl to dance


extreme's post about the most f'd up story i've ever read, a brilliant read if you haven't read it yet.

as you might know, these were not the only 2 april fools threads, but i thought they were the top 2. extreme's story was my favorite, i think we should pitch in and give the winner a prize or something.

And here does it again:http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2424014#post2424014
best original piece


extreme's april fools story

it was priceless, and had me fooled :doh:

Here he is proud of his own username: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2415777#post2415777
i like that one and sweet sassy molassy, nomoreyuppies, and cowboyslayer
And here he talks to himself: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2415199#post2415199
good job extreme, i always thought you were an idiot :laugh:


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The incredible stupidity leading to threads of this sort is simply amazing.

Note, the brand isn't a personal insult. It is, as the rules outline, an attack of the idea and content. A great deal of the problem at ES is people think the no call out rule means you can't taunt a member for something stupid he's said here. You can. You should. Keeps people honest.

What you can't do is post restraining orders against people or other wholly off board related material.

Earlier in this thread, Bugs' suggested I was the only mod he personally thought was a dick. My gosh, isn't this a violation of the "respect" rule and no personal attacks? Uh, no. Why? Because we ask for the content of the individual's posts to be thoroughly engaged and attacked. Conclusions as to individual character or personality may be gleaned from content. And, drawing your conclusions doesn't make you in violation of the rules.

Taking board content beyond the board and threatening someone or bringing in out of character schoolyard garbage here is a violation.

For the most part, stuff here isn't that hard.

For example, there's actually no anti-hijack rule here. You want to make every thread end up with bunnies, that's great. Of course, we'll get you for SPAM or other things just to have fun with it :).

Each mod has a different approach for moderating the board. I tend to do so within threads, forcing ideas to be debated and engaged and attempting to maintain, even with some passion, the conversation through an ordinary course of the discussion. That's why I rarely take mod action against people, as I want them to feel fully free to engage the conversation with as much passion and belief as they can.

Mine is copied by some, not by others. It's not a vote or a uniform application of anything here. Sometimes we just see someone and say, "Gosh, I think my life would feel better if he weren't here." And bye. A lot of you should be awfully glad we're as lenient as we are :).

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Seriously...the fact that he took all of that time to do that...especially in that one thread :doh: :laugh: ....he must've been attention deprived as a child

Talking to yourself is one thing. Having a three way conversation with yourself is a whole different ballgame. :laugh:

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Recently I have been in contact with some members here through PM's, and we have come to realize the same general thought, though just an idea at this point.

Looking back, anyone else wonder if Extreme actually had any PM correspondence with people other than himself?

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DjTj missed some other clues as well.
That was only the first page of CowboySlayer's recent posts.

This sequence of posts is really funny too - props to a few astute members who realized something fishy was going on: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2158570&postcount=39

These three posts in a row are probably the most amusing though: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2414906&postcount=108


Originally Posted by GSF


I'm a degreed agronomist, and I've been in the growing business for over 10 years. I've been working with Hispanics and illegal immigrants for much longer than that.

you knowingly and willingly work with illegals, so anything from here on out that you say is completely irrelevant.....

GSF- OWNED :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

GSF- OWNED :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

thanks for the support

good job extreme, i always thought you were an idiot :laugh:


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Wow this is getting weird.

Hes a great writer though. And he has some talent.

You have to have a little bit of respect for this guy.

His writing actually wasn't that good. His imagination got all our attention, but the writing in itself was below average for a 26 year old.

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