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I do what the voices in my head tell me to.


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There are none more evil then me. We've checked. Although we did come close with Jumbo. But it turns out he's just psychotic. :paranoid:

Meds aren't 100% effective for everyone. But each and every day, I'm getting better in each and every way. :mad:

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There are none more evil then me. We've checked. Although we did come close with Jumbo. But it turns out he's just psychotic. :paranoid:
why is it i find your sense of humor so great TK? although i do have to say that the CIA and FBI have come up with quite a nice file on you. they checked out Jumbo too, turns out in a past life he was the Dalai Lama.
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why is it i find your sense of humor so great TK? although i do have to say that the CIA and FBI have come up with quite a nice file on you. they checked out Jumbo too, turns out in a past life he was the Dalai Lama.

He was?

Damn. That explains why he's always saying, "Gunga gulunga," to me. I've got that going for me.

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Am I the only one who seriously LOL'd after reading Extreme talking to himself thru differnt usernames?

[ace ventura]

La-who, suh-her

[/ace ventura]


You're not alone there. I fell out of my chair...but that was because one of the legs is broken, not because I was laughing.


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I hate it when threads grow faster than I can read...


Only to have the relief of finally catching up fade to the disappointment that the thread has now pretty much died before you could even add your sage debate ending wisdom.

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Only to have the relief of finally catching up fade to the disappointment that the thread has now pretty much died before you could even add your sage debate ending wisdom.

But I did find out how to get more posts in the threads I create. Of course, that's against forum rules.

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Only to have the relief of finally catching up fade to the disappointment that the thread has now pretty much died before you could even add your sage debate ending wisdom.

Yep. Nothing worse than having a well thought out response to a post ready to enter and then find out it's too late, ( or in my case someone already said it long before I did).

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Yep. Nothing worse than having a well thought out response to a post ready to enter and then find out it's too late, ( or in my case someone already said it long before I did).

Ditch the damn dial-up. Duh.

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