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why do you got to hate on the voices? They arent the ones pushes the keys. Just cause a body is weak enough to succumb doesnt mean the voice should be punished!

your an audio racist! You need to be fired like now or some other day.

I hate on the voices because they confuse the fingers that pushes the keys. Not quite as bad as a 'put the lotion in the basket' type way, but, ya know.

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Zabba the Hutt, TK. (I think)

The Hutts are a hodgepodge of evolutionary traits. Like annelids, they are hermaphroditic, containing both male and female sex organs. Hutts are generally considered male unless they are pregnant, at which point they are referred to as female. Like marsupial mammals, Hutts nurse their young Huttlets in special brood pouches. Like aquatic sea mammals, Hutts are able to seal their slit-like nostrils, and Hutts can hold their breaths for significant lengths of time. Like serpents, Hutts can open their jaws to incredible widths, allowing them to swallow almost anything.

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I hate on the voices because they confuse the fingers that pushes the keys. Not quite as bad as a 'put the lotion in the basket' type way, but, ya know.

I dont agree, the body can always lure a small dog with a bone on a string and captrue the dog and turn the table on the lotion.

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Although we're way off topic, I had some last words to say if this is going to be Extreme's last thread. I think we should take a little bit of time to look back on his brief time here ... which I shall call the Extreme/Yuppie/Slayer era.

Anyhow, this whole thing actually struck a nerve, because Extreme/Yuppie/Slayer has always kind of troubled me. I can deal with people on the opposite side of the political spectrum who make conclusory arguments or selectively cite facts, but in my time at Extremeskins, I never ran into someone who completely made up facts, and when challenged, would claim he was finding a link, and would sometimes even post a false link or cite false information. There have been trolls like that but nobody that stuck around for 1,000+ posts. It's hard to understand why someone would be motivated to do that ... to outright lie, be called on it, to keep coming back for more, and to not be drawn into the community and come clean ... Oftentimes he was funny about it, but what bothered me was that sometimes he would respond to a members' serious inquiry with made-up facts, like here where he promised someone a link about file sharing but never came back with anything: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=151965&page=2

Recently I had been consciously trying to point out the fallacies in Extreme's arguments, but he didn't really seem to be slowing down ... I guess the fact that he was finally exposed should bring me some comfort.

In any case, after doing a little bit of searching, I found that there were a host of other posters that had pointed out problems with Extreme/Yuppie/Slayer's posts. So as a sort of epilogue, I wanted to highlight some of these moments when Extreme/Yuppie/Slayer was pwned:

One recent post that comes to mind is when Extreme claimed that his wife scored 1347 on her SAT, where TheSteve, Liberty, zoony, and jrock caught him in a blatant lie but he still refused to back down: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=156278&page=3

There was the famous 24,000 posts comment, but zoony and Om grabbed that easy prey, with kevinklein throwing in a thorough pwning a few posts later: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=152799

There's almost too many of these situations with Extreme, but his alter-egos got in the exact same kind of trouble, like when jrock called CowboySlayer on his wife's Cowboy conversion: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2278815

PCS called B.S. on nomoreyuppies when he actually tried to refute someone else's post and claimed that Chris Samuels had 14 holding penalties: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=141820&page=3

...but of course we should have seen it from the beginning, because in the thread that made Extreme famous, drums and skins was immediately skeptical and The-Rock called him on his fake link. Extreme backed off on the story but still claimed 80% of it was true ... perhaps the rest of us looked the other way because it was April Fool's Day: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=151245

But in the end, the community won, and Extreme/Yuppie/Slayer was exposed. That's what really makes this such a great place, and that's what keeps the mods at an 83% approval rating (although the real number is probably a bit higher since a certain someone may have voted 3 times). :D

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Although we're way off topic, I had some last words to say if this is going to be Extreme's last thread. I think we should take a little bit of time to look back on his brief time here ... which I shall call the Extreme/Yuppie/Slayer era.


But in the end, the community won, and Extreme/Yuppie/Slayer was exposed. That's what really makes this such a great place, and that's what keeps the mods at an 83% approval rating (although the real number is probably a bit higher since a certain someone may have voted 3 times). :D


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Great post, TJ!! I as well had been watching his posts a little more intensely than others, because I believed him to be a known fabricator.

One recent post that comes to mind is when Extreme claimed that his wife scored 1347 on her SAT, where TheSteve, Liberty, zoony, and jrock caught him in a blatant lie but he still refused to back down: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=156278&page=3

Don't forget that in the same friggin thread he claimed that his "friend" got a scholarship to JMU after 6 years of high school, a 321 (another bogus score) SAT and a 1.7 GPA. :laugh:

There's almost too many of these situations with Extreme, but his alter-egos got in the exact same kind of trouble, like when jrock called CowboySlayer on his wife's Cowboy conversion: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2278815

I should get some apologies for that one...I actually took a little heat in that thread for calling him out!!! :laugh:

Not to mention, here's another example of a "wait and see" that never came to fruition from our good friend Extreme: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2278839&postcount=20

CowboySlayer said his wife was signing up for a membership on ES, and would corroborate the story when her membership was approved. Guess what never happened...:laugh:

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Looking back, anyone else wonder if Extreme actually had any PM correspondence with people other than himself?
He has actually. :yes:

Surprise, surprise...:laugh:

So now that you've found out your biggest supporter is a psycho with multiple personality disorder, you changing your tune at all?? :whoknows:

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Nice knowin' ya, since this basically equates to a Mod call out thread.

So let's see who gets away with what.

If you stay you can say you got away with something.

If you go, you'll know your theory is correct that the mods are Nazi's

Well Extreme, it appears that you and your three accounts fell under #2 above.

I guess the Mods and a lot of others here are Nazi's :laugh:

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ES is a family. In my family, when one of the kids balks at one of my rules.. my reply is almost always the same...

This ain't a Democracy, if you don't like the rules, you're welcome to leave!"

Point is, .....Art & Co. started this this thing....nurtured it....helped bring it through the growing pains....made a few mistakes on the way, (what parents haven't?), and along with the Mods & posters, made it what it is today.

I don't always agree with 'em, but, if I don't like the rules,I can always heed my own advice......

Oh yeah....I voted "No".....

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