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Recently I have been in contact with some members here through PM's, and we have come to realize the same general thought, though just an idea at this point.

MODS on ES are the ones in charge. They are here to keep the peace, guide the misguided, and help us follow the rules. Generally, they keep order........Or, that's how it should be.

I know most members here will agree, whether they state their true opinion or not, and I also know that only the truest of the ass-kissers will bash me for this thread thinking it gives them some sort of "advantage", although there is no advantage to be had.

ES is awesome. I love it. There is only one thing I would even change about it. That is the reign of the MODS.

Everything in the world that truly runs smoothly, is a democracy. It keeps order a little better, because things go with the flow of the majority. ES is not like this, and the MODS wonder why it gets so hairy in here sometimes.

ES is a dictatorship with multiple dictators. Some MODS do a great job, some do a horrible job. I won't name names though, it's uncalled for. Everyone in here has noticed that certain MODS get away with anything they want. They break the rules, they start fights, and bash posters just like regular members do. The only difference is, when we do these things, we get a vacation. They get a line of brown-nosers telling them how great they are.

The MODS will surely be against this, and if so nobody should be shocked by it, it's an ego thing. I think that MODS should be elected, with the exception of guys like Om and Blade that have basically made this place something out of nothing. Nominees should be chosen based not on post count, but by a tenure of 2 years or more as a regular poster. After a certain time frame, say one season and offseason, they should be up for re-election, based on performance as a MOD, and face a new set of nominees.

This is a system I believe would work greatly, and help to make things run a little smoother, and cause less tension amongst the members. I think we should also have a set number of consecutive terms that someone can be a MOD, say 4 seasons, till they become permanent MODS.

As it is right now, MODS nail people for the exact same things they are free to do without consequence. If they new they were having their performance watched, they'd be a little more apt to do what they are supposed to, instead of being like ha ha i'm a MOD, i can do what I want.


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Nice knowin' ya, since this basically equates to a Mod call out thread.

So let's see who gets away with what.

If you stay you can say you got away with something.

If you go, you'll know your theory is correct that the mods are Nazi's

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Nice knowin' ya, since this basically equates to a Mod call out thread.

So let's see who gets away with what.

If you stay you can say you got away with something.

If you go, you'll know your theory is correct that the mods are Nazi's


That was funny. :laugh:

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OK, I'm in a pretty nasty mood. You have a short time to provide some clear cut cases of Mods breaking rules, or doing things that regular members get in trouble for.

The clock is ticking...................

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OK, I'm in a pretty nasty mood. You have a short time to provide some clear cut cases of Mods breaking rules, or doing things that regular members get in trouble for.

The clock is ticking...................

Seems pretty fair. You should be able to find lots of examples as you were so moved to post this. Feel free to openly link those violations here and, frankly, it does little good to make a post of this sort without naming names. You'd likely get more done doing so privately, but, we're not likely to worry overly much if you did so in public.

Do bear in mind though that as mods WE actually wrote the rules. So, when attempting to outline those we broke, you may discover we know them well enough to know them better than you :).

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Huh...is this serious or another one of those crazy jokes some people like to pull???

Mods are dictators? Really....I mean...cmon now....do you think elections would work? What is wrong with those who are working (for free mind you) to help make this a better place, choose their own??

(This will be the first time I've used this)


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Recently I have been in contact with some members here through PM's, and we have come to realize the same general thought, though just an idea at this point.

Hmmm...whoever could you be talking about? :shhh:

MODS on ES are the ones in charge. They are here to keep the peace, guide the misguided, and help us follow the rules. Generally, they keep order........Or, that's how it should be.

I know most members here will agree, whether they state their true opinion or not, and I also know that only the truest of the ass-kissers will bash me for this thread thinking it gives them some sort of "advantage", although there is no advantage to be had.

Yes, I agree. The Mods are in charge. :wtf:

ES is a dictatorship with multiple dictators. Some MODS do a great job, some do a horrible job.

Translation: some mods agree with me and some mods disagree with me.

The MODS will surely be against this, and if so nobody should be shocked by it, it's an ego thing. I think that MODS should be elected, with the exception of guys like Om and Blade that have basically made this place something out of nothing. Nominees should be chosen based not on post count, but by a tenure of 2 years or more as a regular poster. After a certain time frame, say one season and offseason, they should be up for re-election, based on performance as a MOD, and face a new set of nominees.

No, its not an ego thing. Its a BS thing. As in, you're full of it. The mods busted their ass to build this place and make it what it is today. Then you, member 53,487, have the audacity to come in and tell them that some of them are doing a horrible job? You have the audaicity to call anyone who supports the mods and "bashes" you is an ass-kisser??

WTF is the matter with you?

Personally, I have donated my hard-earned money (shut up Bonef1de) to help this site along before the merger. There are many on here who donated way more than I did. You're some insignificant pissant who probably got put in his place by a mod, and now are all riled up about it. Or maybe you're posting for a certain someone who just got *****-slapped by the mods multiple times in his very own call-out thread. I don't know.

My suggestion to you is that if you're that unhappy here, leave ES and start your own message board. Shoulder the costs of bandwidth, monitor the technical difficulties, and do everything else required for running a message board. Then, in 5 years, when you've established your board for what it is, I'll come in and start ****ing about your mods and how they're doing a terrible job. Until then, I suggest you STFU and enjoy this site for what it is; the best damn Redskins fan site on the internet.

In fact, I don't even know why I took the time to respond to this...you're not even worth it.

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I must say.. is it fair to ban Extreme for speaking his mind? Assuming the ability to provide examples of course. True, this could be taken as a call-out thread but, if read through the eyes of a non-Mod or say member, you can see that he is questioning whether a change is in order. Agree or disagree would be the way to go. Naturally, explain why you are for or against it.

Perhaps it would have been better to talk through a PM rather than a public thread? :whoknows:

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I'm actually going to answer this question seriously.

Absolutely not.

The fact is that moderators are frequently called upon to exercise impartial judgement in difficult circumstances. They can't be worrying about popular opinion, because they have to do what is right, regardless of how it is perceived at the time.

I favor unelected moderators for the same reason I favor unelected judges in the real world. Judges (moderators) who have to face election spend too much time trying to appease the majority (frequently at the expense of the minority, which I might note, frequently includes you, Extreme) and not enough time basing their opinions on what's right. That even includes the moderators who can't bring themselves to use the word right (I'm not naming names, but you know who you are ;)).

Both approaches have their downsides, but I feel that appointed is the way to go.

An further point is that this is not a democracy, anyway. The Redskins own this board, and may do what they please, pursuant to any agreements they may or may not have signed with previous ownership.

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I think the key thing to realize is that being a mod is a LOT of work. It's not just about banning people you don't like, although that's definately a perk. ;)

Do some mods flaunt the rules sometimes? absolutely. But it's thier house. That's the key thing to realize. We go home and they clean up the mess.

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It's probably a bad idea but the idea doesn't offend me in the least. I will say that there's a few posters who better hope to hell we never put their membership on this board up to a popular vote, or even a mod vote :laugh: .

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Nice knowin' ya, since this basically equates to a Mod call out thread.

So let's see who gets away with what.

If you stay you can say you got away with something.

If you go, you'll know your theory is correct that the mods are Nazi's

I'm not going to be a nazi unless I get a vintage Luger or a Schmeisser out of the deal, get to ignore their ideology as I see fit, and change the swastika for a smiley. :mad:

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I think your going to have to be more specific then posting the entire link, Extreme. Just a suggestion, but I would post specific posts by a MOD that broke the rules.

I personally think this is a great board otherwise I wouldn't spend so much of my precious time here :) . I have met many of the MODS personally and I found them to be very cool people. I also think the majority of the MODS are cool people online as well. I see them participating in the threads and I don't see an abuse of power. Art is the only MOD I think is personally a dick, but that doesn't make him a bad MOD.

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