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Well, if anything, this thread brought us the term "buttsniffers". :rolleyes: Which means, " You guys disagree with me so........" Basically, I was and am under the impression the Mod election process is in fact, a democracy. Just a smaller version of one. :D

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to hold TK back from that button and go find Jumbo his knives.

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As long as we're here, it's an opportunity to present something regarding rules. Just like in many other life examples, not all rules demand 100% compliance 100% of the time. That does not mean they should be disregarded because they exist to be applied at the moderators discretion. We let the vast, vast, majority of minor offenses slip by, or settle for a fellow poster pointing it out (which we love), or maybe say something in a post or if needed a PM without taking some other action.

There are mitigating factors that may become involved. If you have a rule against a kid talking in class, or an employee being late, you may cut more slack for a solid contribution that usually is on top of stuff, versus a habitual offender, or even just one who gives you a ton of crap when you do say something to them versus someone who is agreeable and cooperative.

And that does mean you can’t advocate a disagreeing position, you just should think about how you’re doing it. We do this for free to make this a well-run place where all types of people get to do pretty much what they want and have fun. I’ll guarantee you if we ran it just by our personal likes instead of our principles, some of you would really notice the difference. :) But we are also only human. That's the world folks. There’s more, but that's enough for now.

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OK, so I'm not accused of hijacking this thread, I will actually speak on the topic at hand.

1) this site was not founded on a democratic system. It wouldn't have gotten this far if it had.

2) While it's not a public vote, for what it's worth, the staff comes up the names of a few members who they feel could fit the bill as a mod when there's the need. These people are discussed, and finally agreed on who out of the group fits best.

3) I never asked, nor did any of the staff ask to become part of the staff. Ego has nothing to do with it.


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I'm guessing...

I don't think this is really about you, Tarhog. Extreme may have been upset with something you've done, which acted as a catalyst for this post.

However, you mentioned that story he wrote, which turned out to be false. Ever since that, I haven't taken anything this guy's written seriously. I mean every other day it seems like he's posting something controversial or taking shots at someone with an opposing view.

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I don't have an issue with the idea (it is the offseason afterall) but rather the pissy, whineyassed tone used to propose it.

And the clock is still ticking......

It truly was a whinyass emo kind of thing. Remember the days when whiny wasn't something you wanted to be, TK? ;)

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I don't think this is really about you, Tarhog. Extreme may have been upset with something you've done, which acted as a catalyst for this post.

However, you mentioned that story he wrote, which turned out to be false. Ever since that, I haven't taken anything this guy's written seriously. I mean every other day it seems like he's posting something controversial or taking shots at someone with an opposing view.

thats why I flatter him in the extreme all the time

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No, I meant from. You know, like Tarzan swinging from a vine.

ZoED is just upset because I'm not swinging from his. Sorry buddy. Maybe next time.

Not hardly. Honestly as soon as I started reading the thread and saw the direction it was going I said to myself "I wonder how long it's going to take Who Dummy to kiss a mods ass." Then in typical fashion, ta daa! Post #8 slurp, slurp, slurp the MOD's are great. Gulp, gulp, gulp TK is my hero. :wavetowel Go MOD's it's your birthday, we're going to party.............Nevermind it's just too easy. :D

Look the MOD's have a tough job and seem to be extremely patient and tolerant for the most part. Alot more than I would be. Extreme I like you dude but I think you're a little of base here brother.

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3) I never asked, nor did any of the staff ask to become part of the staff. Ego has nothing to do with it.

If I wasn't the founder... I never would have been elected to be part of the ES staff :laugh: That's the truth... and I can admit it.

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Allright, I was here last offseason. Granted only for a month or so and I never saw anything like what's been happining this last day or so, this is getting rediculous. Every 2 or 3 months a venting thread is warranted, but two in two days? Get over yourselves. If you don't like it here...leave. A lot of us do like it. Just the way it is. I don't give a **** what you think about my opinion of it, I'm not here to make anyone happy but myself. But geez, I am starting to be embarassed by this giant boatload of crap. What sort of overly emotional freaks are you freakin people? Have you been so coddled your whole life that somehow you imagine this sort of whiney ****ing is acceptable? It's not. It's a cryin freakin disgusting shame.



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I'm guessing (or, if it makes anyone feel better, assuming), that this is related to my closing of praise gibb's 'Whats wrong with the Tailgate' thread, since it was cited here, and since pg is also posting in this one. Thats just a guess though. Just for informational purposes, I closed that thread because it was starting to get personal and ugly - something I don't think benefits anyone. Thats the only reason it was closed.

I respect that you closed it. I have no hard feelings towards you at the least. I do however look at your "since PG is posting in this one" comment and I just kind of roll my eyes. You know why I am..

I always hear folks talking about all the 'banning' we do - truth is, we rarely ban anyone. And if we do, its usually after several timeouts and warnings. We allow threads like this, basically giant 'eff yous' to remain open.

Usually that is the case. I agree though, I have visited other boards and I see how little you can get away with over there.

I am speaking from experience because I was in fact banned a while back for a week because of a post towards a fellow poster. No warning.. just a ban. But, this is not a whine or complaint. It is just a note.. Obviously, I broke a rule bad enough to get banned. I repect that. :)

I would hope theres more to this than just those two issues....

I can't wait till the season starts. I bet I'm not the only one.

I agree! How much longer until kick-off?! :)

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There are few absolutes in life, but I've got one for you.

To the (currently 6) ones who voted yes to the poll. If somehow I was put in charge of the board, with complete and total control of every aspect of it's being, within an hour and a half the surviving 3,471 members would be screaming from the rooftops for either the immediate reinstatement of the current administration, or my asassination.

Or both.

I defy anybody to name a better site on the internet.

Porn sites not included.

Perverts. :D

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If I wasn't the founder... I never would have been elected to be part of the ES staff :laugh: That's the truth... and I can admit it.

Then what is the explanation for TK?

:silly: :laugh: :silly: :laugh:

Just jokes!

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There are few absolutes in life, but I've got one for you.

To the (currently 6) ones who voted yes to the poll. If somehow I was put in charge of the board, with complete and total control of every aspect of it's being, within an hour and a half the surviving 3,471 members would be screaming from the rooftops for either the immediate reinstatement of the current administration, or my asassination.

Or both.

I defy anybody to name a better site on the internet.

Porn sites not included.

Perverts. :D

what about porn sites that pixilate out the naughty bits?

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However, you mentioned that story he wrote, which turned out to be false. Ever since that, I haven't taken anything this guy's written seriously.

Absolutely. I am with you on that one, Kevin.

And who is a guy that's hardly been here three months to try and re-write laws on one of the most well-established fansites on the web? Yes, he has the right to state his opinion to the MODS, but there is something called a private message. I smell an attention whore.

Before I stop my ranting, I'll add one more thing. Anyone this guy calls a "brown noser", or a "buttsniffer" translates to "anyone who doesn't agree with Extreme."

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