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What do you think of the new site?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the new site?

    • Amazing
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can u please refer where the mods went wrong?
you really should put some substance with that link, thats a long thread and Im not gonna read it and try to gleam out of it what your mania did.

If I was on a jury I would say to the judge "hes guilty, can I go to hooters now cause hes not gonna make a good case".

As these two members stated, you need to point out the exact posts.

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Everybody wants the title or the avatar... but nobody wants to do the work.

The people selected to be moderators are generally members who have established a presence (seniority) of at least a year... if not more. Right Pete (who took 5 years)? Pete's also spent plenty of time working on avatars and graphics in the past for this site.

And those that didn't have such seniority.. established themselves by undertaking HUGE efforts - basically on their own - on behalf of ExtremeSkins and its membership. Right Sol (Warroom forum)?

Om ran multiple contests... wrote articles... and proved he was a valuable resource... beyond 10,000 one-liner chat posts.

You know what it takes to be a moderator?

1. You have to establish yourself and be a presence.

2. You have to establish yourself here over a period of time. It's a pretty good level of indication if you stick it out on ExtremeSkins for a few years... that you dig the community.. and you can be committed.

3. You have to be a valuable member and personality. There's plenty of members with 10,000 posts who have shown no commitment or interest in this site beyond "saying whatever is on their mind". Post quantity doesn't count.

4. You have to show you actually give a damn about the site, its members. You need to police the community... even though you aren't a mod. You should be directing the newbies... preferably politely. Maybe even a donation in the past which shows you cared enough to INVEST in the site (effort, money, etc). Posting doesn't count.

5. You have to show your trustworthy. If you're given a task... complete it. And don't just finish it... exceed expectations.

6. The staff has to LIKE you. Yeah, you have to work with 7 other people. they're volunteers... it isn't fun working with people you don't like. You deal with it when you get paid (salary).. you sure as hell aren't going to volunteer your time to work with people you don't trust, respect and enjoy.

7. You have to be online. A lot. Work, family, etc isn't an excuse. This place has to be moderatored... and you have to be accessible.

8. You have to accept the fact that coming to ExtremeSkins to talk about football... is no longer. 90% of you ES experience is now work.. dealing with politics, complains, emails, PMs..

And that's just the beginning.

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ok, to all the buttsniffers in the room, thread hijacking is against the rules. almost every post in PG's thread by a MOD was completely off topic.

Actually, no they were are talking about the degradation or lack there of, in reference to the tailgate.

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ok, to all the buttsniffers in the room, thread hijacking is against the rules. almost every post in PG's thread by a MOD was completely off topic.

Extreme, your fading very fast. Point out the posts that are hijacking that thread.

There's an old saying that goes.........

Put up or shut up

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I think your going to have to be more specific then posting the entire link' date=' Extreme. Just a suggestion, but I would post specific posts by a MOD that broke the rules.

I personally think this is a great board otherwise I wouldn't spend so much of my precious time here :) . I have met many of the MODS personally and I found them to be very cool people. I also think the majority of the MODS are cool people online as well. I see them participating in the threads and I don't see an abuse of power. Art is the only MOD I think is personally a dick, but that doesn't make him a bad MOD.[/quote']

Even if we had any claim to the website I have to say no. In this case democracy will not work. The best we can ever hope for is for enlightened despots and that is what we have, so it is all good.
As these two members stated, you need to point out the exact posts.

I agree 100% This is an amazing website and the mods do a wonderful job. Even when I disagree with your opinions! :silly: Try putting yourself in their shoes for awhile. It is not easy to keep everyone in line here. Without them this board would be a disaster. If there is a specific incident you are trying to express please show me the exact quote where I can give you an opinion.

ok, to all the buttsniffers in the room, thread hijacking is against the rules. almost every post in PG's thread by a MOD was completely off topic.

Have you ever thought their is a method to their madness?

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I don't think it's necessarily a good thing for us to have votes on who should be a Mod. Because it'll only make things worse, for two reasons. Reason 1: We'll have a bunch of people running around here trying to be Wannabe Mods; trying to look good in the "eyes of the mods" to hope they get the opportunity to be elected. On the flipside from that, the current Mods would feel like they'd be walking on eggshells trying to make sure they don't offend anyone.

Having said that, I've met a few of the Mods from here, and I'd even consider some friends ... one of which I got into a little bit of a debate with yesterday. And I'm sure that if someone, anyone, feels a Mod has overstepped his authority, I think that if we just PMed that Mod and told him, they'd be more than happy to correct that behavior. If you feel so strongly that the Mod went over the line, then PMing, OM or Blade would probably also be helpful. But we have to remember that the Mods are people too, they will occasionally go overboard. But I think that trying to force them to be robots would be a bad thing for the board itself. We don't need board politicians, we need Mods. I think for the most part, that's what we have.

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ES is a dictatorship with multiple dictators. Some MODS do a great job, some do a horrible job. I won't name names though, it's uncalled for. Everyone in here has noticed that certain MODS get away with anything they want. They break the rules, they start fights, and bash posters just like regular members do. The only difference is, when we do these things, we get a vacation. They get a line of brown-nosers telling them how great they are.

i believe the term you're looking for is "oligarchy", and i think the mods to a fine job here. at other sites you'll see the mods are a lot more whiney (won't allow any heated (good) debates...)

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I'm don't think it's necessarily a good thing for us to have votes on who should be a Mod. Because it'll only make things worse, for two reasons. Reason 1: We'll have a bunch of people running around here trying to be Wannabe Mods; trying to look good in the "eyes of the mods" to hope they get the opportunity to be elected. On the flipside from that, the current Mods would feel like they'd be walking on eggshells trying to make sure they don't offend anyone.

Having said that, I've met a few of the Mods from here, and I'd even consider some friends ... one of which I got into a little bit of a debate with yesterday. And I'm sure that if someone, anyone, feels a Mod has overstepped his authority, I'm that if we just PMed that Mod and told him, they'd be more than happy to correct that behavior. If you feel so strongly that the Mod went over the line, then PMing, OM or Blade would probably also be helpful. But we have to remember that the Mods are people too, they will occasionally go overboard. But I think that trying to force them to be robots would be a bad thing for the board itself. We don't need board politicians, we need Mods. I think for the most part, that's what we have.

Good points SSM. I dont want to have to deal with politics here as well... Beyond the politic threads. Heh... At least those I can just ignore.

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SSM has even hit on me... but he hasn't since I left my ES mod position.

What can I say, man, I like the power. Unfortunately you can't provide that for me anymore! :silly:

I'm going to try not to take this off-topic. But it has been awhile since I've talked to you DH. I hope all is well. I know you've been crazy busy.

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