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What do you think of the new site?  

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Recently I have been in contact with some members here through PM's, and we have come to realize the same general thought, though just an idea at this point. There is only one thing I would even change about this site. That is the reign of the MODS.
who are these members? established ones? or newbies like you and me? and when i say you and me i mean mostly you, i have more hours on this site than you do and have more posts and have been a member longer. but im still new and have no right to try and dictate policy around here other than a few suggestions. what you are doing here is more than offering a few suggestions:2cents:
Everything in the world that truly runs smoothly, is a democracy. It keeps order a little better, because things go with the flow of the majority. ES is not like this, and the MODS wonder why it gets so hairy in here sometimes.
it gets hairy becuase human beings can never agree. it isnt becuase this isnt a democracy. and human beings tend to be more rash when there isnt a face or physical person connected to a screen name. let me give you an example Extreme; i can easily say **** you on this site, but in persn i would have reservations, right? a democracy s a form of government, this is a freaking message board thats free so dont get your pants in a knot.
ES is a dictatorship with multiple dictators. Some MODS do a great job, some do a horrible job. I won't name names though, it's uncalled for. Everyone in here has noticed that certain MODS get away with anything they want. They break the rules, they start fights, and bash posters just like regular members do. The only difference is, when we do these things, we get a vacation. They get a line of brown-nosers telling them how great they are.
dude maybe you need a vacation to just chill for a while becuase this is the Tailgate where the rules are relaxed, the mods do everything we do and i dont see them stepping out of line in anyway YOU or anyone else has:2cents:
damn son, your atitude stinks, nothing a nice draft cant fix. honestly i can tell you never grew up around military influence at all, that kind of atitude would get you no where as a kid. "dad you're a terrible dictator i hate you!" and dad says, "darlin get the switch, now you bend over son..."
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Two hours is more then enough time for Extreme to show proof of the staff breaking rules, starting arguments, and being egotistical.

:secret: I get the feeling that he realizes his point is moot

This is the first opportunity i've gotten to chime in on this thread. Much like the majority, I think it is a horrible idea. The people that are mods today are for a reason, as they showed the prowess and dedication to help this board run smoothly. You can't just have a popular vote and pick random people, the results would be disasterous

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you gotta let us know if you ban him, we already have the after party planned.

You're laaattte dood. We dune g0t the party startd innna stafff lounge long times ago. <hic>







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You're laaattte dood. We dune g0t the party startd innna stafff lounge long times ago. <hic>







woot I was gonna say this is my last beer, but hell tell the house to lock down cause Im putting on the party hat now. I might even break out the liquour!


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I will not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my adoring Extremeskins buttsniffers, to be supreme leader of the site.

Please, don't cry.



You're too kind.

No, really.

I can't.

Well if....

No, I can't.

Stop crying now.


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I'm guessing (or, if it makes anyone feel better, assuming), that this is related to my closing of praise gibb's 'Whats wrong with the Tailgate' thread, since it was cited here, and since pg is also posting in this one. Thats just a guess though. Just for informational purposes, I closed that thread because it was starting to get personal and ugly - something I don't think benefits anyone. Thats the only reason it was closed.

by personal and ugly, do you mean like this comment by your buddy TK?

I don't have an issue with the idea (it is the offseason afterall) but rather the pissy, whineyassed tone used to propose it.

if me, or any member had said this to a MOD, the MOD police would be beating our ass into submission

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