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What do you think of the new site?  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the new site?

    • Amazing
    • Cool
    • Could be better
    • A letdown

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The answer to the question is "Yes"

The mods should be elected by the current mods. The reason for this is they understand what it takes to control a site like this. This is not a popularity contest in anyway it is work, and like DH and OM said many here would **** their pants if given that type of responsiblity.

I do not know the age of the original poster, but this generation behind me that feels they are entitled to everything is starting to get on my nerves. I deal with it at work, and do not need to worry about when taking some mental refreshment time here on this site.

not all of that generation is like that...i believe in working hard for what you want and that you need to learn from the older guys.

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not all of that generation is like that...i believe in working hard for what you want and that you need to learn from the older guys.

don't pay any atention to Jbooma, those generation X'ers are malcontents, pissed off that they missed the 60's and wore diapers thru most of the 70's :laugh:. Your class of young adults are a nice group of which my son (19) is a member.

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :rotflmao:

I would hope not!! (I'll leave it to your imagination what 'peacehs and cream' are terminology for in the hip-hop world) :laugh:

Yeah, well as you probably suspected, I'm all about the hip-hop. You can call me T-diddy.

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don't pay any atention to Jbooma, those generation X'ers are malcontents, pissed off that they missed the 60's and wore diapers thru most of the 70's :laugh:. Your class of young adults are a nice group of which my son (19) is a member.

the generation x'ers are working hard right now :) and do not feel everything is entitled

the internet generation does have the feeling that they are entitled to certain things, not all of them but a lot

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But' date=' I don't even know who Jebus is? :whoknows:[/quote']

Its from the Simpsons episode where Homer avoids paying PBS a donation by going on a mission with the church to South America (or maybe somewhere in the South Pacific....I'm not really sure). Its one of the "new" episodes, so its funny, but not as funny as the older ones. Anyway, he calls Jesus "Jebus" throughout the episode. He also licks frogs and trips out, which was pretty funny....:laugh:

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I'm enjoying watching the votes come in.

It's consistent with the theory I came up with nearly 8 years ago - while watching People's Court (where the general public would vote in) - that 1 out of every 4 people is clinically brain dead.

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