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What do you think of the new site?  

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I've said it before, I'll say it again:

The BEST thing we could probably do is make those who complain the loudest actually moderate the site for couple of weeks.

They'd shut up so fast you'd wonder if they hadn't swallowed their foot. :)

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Ya know, if you have three accounts banned, then there's a damn good chance that your fourth account will get banned before it ever gets approved. You might want to think about that before trying for a fifth account.

Just sayin.:)

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Ya know, if you have three accounts banned, then there's a damn good chance that your fourth account will get banned before it ever gets approved. You might want to think about that before trying for a fifth account.

Just sayin.:)


unbelievable :laugh:

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While I am somewhat pleased to see the way this turned out am I the only one troubled by it even existing in the first place? Some days I am so thrilled that I go to bed early.

It is easy to write this all off on Extreme(s), but he isn't the only one riding that edge, and apparently the few that voted basically against the existing mods make me wonder a tad.

It bothers me some too that the mods have to defend themselves no matter how scurrilous and unfair the charges. Most of the people on/in ES take much and pay nothing, this is for all purposes a gift form guys that care that much about the team, and all they ask is that most people try and act kinda civil most of the time sorta.

I've seen other boards and the way they are run, some of you would cry if realized just how good the mods are here.

<The preceding was an unpaid commentary not representative of any faction or clique>

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Surprise, surprise...:laugh:

So now that you've found out your biggest supporter is a psycho with multiple personality disorder, you changing your tune at all?? :whoknows:


I believe what I wish, that is the beauty of this country. I just choose to take action in a not so public manner.

Are you trying to make this another Jrock/PG back and forth debate battle? Thus finally closing this thread?

I may think that some changes could help out ES.. if that makes me a bad person or a bad member here... Then I will do what I do brah. ;)

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How about this. PG/Jrock/Bone settle your differences via PM.


I agree and I have said that a number of times. :cheers:

Umm, if you're trying to sound local Hawaiian, that would be "brudda"

And the PM thing sounds like a good idea

Nope. I am not trying to sound like anything. I say brah because I say brah.. :doh:

The PM thing IS a good idea. I am all for it.

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I agree and I have said that a number of times. :cheers:

Nope. I am not trying to sound like anything. I say brah because I say brah.. :doh:

The PM thing IS a good idea. I am all for it.

Then, allow me to be blunt.

Shut up & do it. :)

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How about this. PG/Jrock/Bone settle your differences via PM.


I'm cool....I said what I had to say, and it was relevant to the thread. No need for PMs here. Maybe I'll start talking about Jabba the Hutt because apparently random spiels about Star Wars are okay, but relevent comments about the thread (confrontational as they may be) are not.


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ES is a family. In my family, when one of the kids balks at one of my rules.. my reply is almost always the same...

This ain't a Democracy, if you don't like the rules, you're welcome to leave!"

Point is, .....Art & Co. started this this thing....nurtured it....helped bring it through the growing pains....made a few mistakes on the way, (what parents haven't?), and along with the Mods & posters, made it what it is today.

I don't always agree with 'em, but, if I don't like the rules,I can always heed my own advice......

Oh yeah....I voted "No".....

Since all the mods are male, in your analogy would the heads of the household be in a polygamous homosexual relationship? If that's the case, then how did us the children get here?:whoknows:

This thread was pure comedy. Extreme was always one of those posters I could never really take seriously. I wouldn't exactly call him a convincing liar, just an indignant one.

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How about this. PG/Jrock/Bone settle your differences via PM.


Damn I just log on and I see my name already. TK why don't you go pick up your action figures *****. I told the mods who gave me my time out that I'd be cool if people would leave my name out of their posts and who brings it up again, TK.

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Arts Banathon happened in 2000. So this place wasn't perfect afterall in the good 'ol days. Go figure. :)

That was posted on February-11th-2004, at 01:58 PM. Seems you can't read a time stamp. Go figure. :)

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That was posted on February-11th-2004, at 01:58 PM. Seems you can't read a time stamp. Go figure. :)

Haha. I just hit the bumped thread and realized I read his join date. :doh: Thought I'd get in her to fix it before being busted. The force is strong with you.

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The answer to the question is "Yes"

The mods should be elected by the current mods. The reason for this is they understand what it takes to control a site like this. This is not a popularity contest in anyway it is work, and like DH and OM said many here would **** their pants if given that type of responsiblity.

I do not know the age of the original poster, but this generation behind me that feels they are entitled to everything is starting to get on my nerves. I deal with it at work, and do not need to worry about when taking some mental refreshment time here on this site.

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