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That made as much sense as "60% of the time, it works every time."

he got in trouble for violating rule 18, which says that you need not take the advice of your fellow posters or something......my question is, how do you take fellow posters advice while being gone over 2 hours????

and how can you refuse advice if you arent ignoring it while arguing your point????

pretty hard to do, i thought. unless i missed something :whoknows:

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what's that, common sense?

if you got in trouble for something you didn't do, wouldn't you be pissed?

look at t this way; its like a cop aresting a criminal for an offense like a parking tiket or whatever when they know they commited another crime but dont have the warrent for arest.

edit: sory for the grammar and spelling erors im a little wired right now...

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what's that, common sense?

if you got in trouble for something you didn't do, wouldn't you be pissed?

Okay, so I looked up Rule 18, and it seems like this is EXACTLY what Extreme did in this thread:

18. Adhere to the advice and recommendations of the ExtremeSkins.com Staff. Moderators are appointed because they exemplify the characteristics, attitude and values consistent with the standards set for the site. They have been instructed to enforce board rules, guidelines and policies exercising as much restraint as possible, and in such a way to encourage free expression of opinion. They have been entrusted and empowered with the ability and authority to achieve that standard.

ExtremeSkins allows a wide range of discussion. Please refrain from unfounded charges of censorship or other moderator action taken against a member on the grounds an ExtremeSkins Staffer (or team official) simply didn’t like the content of the opinion. We will never remove content from our community based on our personal views of the validity of that opinion. The team will not prevent any communication that is harsh or critical of the team. As a member, if you are engaged for a violation of the rules and happen to have expressed a viewpoint in opposition to that of the ES Staff, the engagement is due to an actual rule violation and not due to the content of the idea. The simple expression of our viewpoints that may be contrary to those of any member is not action against you and should not inspire charges of censorship. ES Staff members have an opinion they are allowed to express too.

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what's that, common sense?

if you got in trouble for something you didn't do, wouldn't you be pissed?

Lack thereof is more like it.

What didn't Extreme do? Start this thread? No, he did that. Call out Mods? Did that too. Insulted ppl in this thread? Yep, that happened as well

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he got in trouble for violating rule 18, which says that you need not take the advice of your fellow posters or something......my question is, how do you take fellow posters advice while being gone over 2 hours????

and how can you refuse advice if you arent ignoring it while arguing your point????

pretty hard to do, i thought. unless i missed something :whoknows:

1) Maybe you should actually READ #18 so you know what it says.

2) Because he logged BACK on & completely either skipped over it or ignored it & instead chose to respond to a completely different post. Not hard to see if start at the beginning of the thread & read it straight through.

3) Seems you missed alot. Start at #1 above.

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look at t this way; its like a cop aresting a criminal for an offense like a parking tiket or whatever when they know they commited another crime but dont have the warrent for arest.

so what you mean, for example, is it's ok to rape someone because you know they want it, but they're playing hard to get? :rolleyes:

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so what you mean, for example, is it's ok to rape someone because you know they want it, but they're playing hard to get? :rolleyes:


Wow, you make a lot of sense. Dude, thats like saying trees like to mate with purple pandas only while their snuffle is growing through the protuse region of the spinal column.

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so what you mean, for example, is it's ok to rape someone because you know they want it, but they're playing hard to get? :rolleyes:

I don't mean to be the jerkoff here...but I don't think it's rape if they want it, making that scenario impossible. :whoknows:

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pssst your sig is retarded

5. Please be respectful of your fellow members. Every registered member agrees, upon registration, not use these forums to post material or topics which are knowingly false, defamatory, deceptive, inaccurate, racist, insulting, abusive, inflammatory, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually graphic, physically threatening, invasive of another's privacy or otherwise in violation of any law, including stalking or otherwise harassing individual members.

Personal attacks or threats will not be tolerated. Go after the idea, not the poster. Free debate within the parameters outlined herein is welcome on these forums, and diversity of opinion lies at the heart of a good debate. Toward that end, every member is free to have their own opinion so long as it is expressed in a civil manner, is within the subject matter topic of the forum and does not otherwise violate forum rules.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: sorry, had to do it. i like bandwagons

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Jeez, hes been a member for 3 months and he's already figured out how to better run the site.

I think you guys are looking at this the wrong way. He's been here 3 months and he's already figured out what needs to change around here. That perception, and the initiative to act on it, should be applauded.

Extreme = Mod material, no doubt about it.

Yes, tongue is majorly in cheek.

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Wow, you make a lot of sense. Dude, thats like saying trees like to mate with purple pandas only while their snuffle is growing through the protuse region of the spinal column.

that even makes more sense than what he responded with, im still trying to sort it out of the bad grammar while trying to stay awake.
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dude its totally on target and is totally respectfull of the poster. He obviously doesnt know his sig is retarded cause hes posted it several times, its kinda like when some dude is walking arround with his fly down some one has to take inatitive and save the humilation.

unless of course hes just a pervert, then he will get mad about it.

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: sorry, had to do it. i like bandwagons

Guess what? I like IP matches.

1. Each visitor may own a single registered account.

The ExtremeSkins staff screens and approves all new accounts. Duplicate accounts are prohibited, and the staff employs security measures to enforce this policy. Duplicate accounts will immediately closed (i.e., banned). Do not create additional registered accounts to bypass an issued ban; absent compelling circumstances, any attempt to circumvent a ban by registering a secondary account will result in a permanent banishment of all related accounts.

Guess who's gone three times now? :)

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I don't mean to be the jerkoff here...but I don't think it's rape if they want it, making that scenario impossible. :whoknows:

Not to defend him or anything, but he probably means the rapist "knows" the victim wants it, even though they say otherwise.

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