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Well I guess we put it up for a vote and 83% of the people here seem pretty satisfied with who the mods are now ... so you got your wish Extreme.

Meet the new mods ... same as the old mods. :king:

Democracy rules. :cool:

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Quick. Someone please tell Brice he's funny so he'll stop with the pics.

Extreme, the first part of your initial post is clearly motivated by the last. Pretty weak. It's funny, I can remember when I could count on one hand the time a mod had to step in on any thread. Both The Stadium and The Tailgate. Sure, things have grown up and with that so do the odds of posts and threads being put up that will get the attention of the mods. But that in of itself is weak to me. That shouldn't happen. Somewhere along the line some folks seemed to have forgotten the basic tenants of acting like an adult and doing so in a civil matter. This isn't the locker room or the hallway in the hightschool. This is in fact, the official website of the Redskins and a message board. It is philisophically, and in principal, a community. A growing one. People, as in real life, shouldn't need a whole lot of rules and guidelines to remind them how to act in one. Unforunatley they don't, and that's where the mods come in. They're people too and bound to make mistakes. But by and large, the job they do is hard, unheralded, and frankly deserves better than something like this. Keep in mind too, that they act many times on the behalf of members, who by PM or reporting a post, let them know where to go. So before slamdunking the mods or the site, try to keep in mind all the work that goes into running it and those that help do so. Mods and members alike.

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by personal and ugly, do you mean like this comment by your buddy TK?

You're totally clueless, aren't you. You can't tell the difference in a personal attack & a description of your tone. If you're really this out of touch with reality, perhaps this isn't the place for you. And that's ok.

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by personal and ugly, do you mean like this comment by your buddy TK?

if me, or any member had said this to a MOD, the MOD police would be beating our ass into submission

i've cussed out a mod before, nothing happened:2cents:

edit: well more cursed in the presence of than cussing out:silly:

and btw Mr. Follow the Rules i believe you are in violation fo the no prfanity rule, so please edit out that offensive word, yeah the one that says ass, thank you

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I don't think this is really about you, Tarhog. Extreme may have been upset with something you've done, which acted as a catalyst for this post.

However, you mentioned that story he wrote, which turned out to be false. Ever since that, I haven't taken anything this guy's written seriously. I mean every other day it seems like he's posting something controversial or taking shots at someone with an opposing view.

jesus dude, let it go, it was april fool's day for ****'s sake.......get over it emo crybaby

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Quick. Someone please tell Brice he's funny so he'll stop with the pics.

Extreme, the first part of your initial post is clearly motivated by the last. Pretty weak. It's funny, I can remember when I could count on one hand the time a mod had to step in on any thread. Both The Stadium and The Tailgate. Sure, things have grown up and with that so do the odds of posts and threads being put up that will get the attention of the mods. But that in of itself is weak to me. That shouldn't happen. Somewhere along the line some folks seemed to have forgotten the basic tenants of acting like an adult and doing so in a civil matter. This isn't the locker room or the hallway in the hightschool. This is in fact, the official website of the Redskins and a message board. It is philisophically, and in principal, a community. A growing one. People, as in real life, shouldn't need a whole lot of rules and guidelines to remind them how to act in one. Unforunatley they don't, and that's where the mods come in. They're people too and bound to make mistakes. But by and large, the job they do is hard, unheralded, and frankly deserves better than something like this. Keep in mind too, that they act many times on the behalf of members, who by PM or reporting a post, let them know where to go. So before slamdunking the mods or the site, try to keep in mind all the work that goes into running it and those that help do so. Mods and members alike.

Well put PCS. People cant jump at every little thing. The mods do a fine job, and are allowed to make some mistakes. Everyone does. :applause:

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Quick. Someone please tell Brice he's funny so he'll stop with the pics.

Extreme, the first part of your initial post is clearly motivated by the last. Pretty weak. It's funny, I can remember when I could count on one hand the time a mod had to step in on any thread. Both The Stadium and The Tailgate. Sure, things have grown up and with that so do the odds of posts and threads being put up that will get the attention of the mods. But that in of itself is weak to me. That shouldn't happen. Somewhere along the line some folks seemed to have forgotten the basic tenants of acting like an adult and doing so in a civil matter. This isn't the locker room or the hallway in the hightschool. This is in fact, the official website of the Redskins and a message board. It is philisophically, and in principal, a community. A growing one. People, as in real life, shouldn't need a whole lot of rules and guidelines to remind them how to act in one. Unforunatley they don't, and that's where the mods come in. They're people too and bound to make mistakes. But by and large, the job they do is hard, unheralded, and frankly deserves better than something like this. Keep in mind too, that they act many times on the behalf of members, who by PM or reporting a post, let them know where to go. So before slamdunking the mods or the site, try to keep in mind all the work that goes into running it and those that help do so. Mods and members alike.

Good post PCS....perhaps this is a microcosm of our society nowadays??


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by personal and ugly, do you mean like this comment by your buddy TK?

Originally Posted by TK

I don't have an issue with the idea (it is the offseason afterall) but rather the pissy, whineyassed tone used to propose it.

if me, or any member had said this to a MOD, the MOD police would be beating our ass into submission

Where's the beef?

If this is all you got, you got NOTHING!

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for what it's worth, which isn't much, i quit coming in here a while ago because of this same reason. i felt no need to argue my point though.

additionally, you can all crack open the beers, extreme is my cousin, and just forwarded me the pm he got from pete that banned him for violating a rule he didn't even violate because he was gone for so long, which made it impossible to violate the rule stated. :2cents:

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for what it's worth, which isn't much, i quit coming in here a while ago because of this same reason. i felt no need to argue my point though.

additionally, you can all crack open the beers, extreme is my cousin, and just forwarded me the pm he got from pete that banned him for violating a rule he didn't even violate because he was gone for so long, which made it impossible to violate the rule stated. :2cents:

Actually, he's not been banned. He's had his posting ability removed. That's it. To say he's been banned, when he's not is a good way TO get banned.

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for what it's worth, which isn't much, i quit coming in here a while ago because of this same reason. i felt no need to argue my point though.

additionally, you can all crack open the beers, extreme is my cousin, and just forwarded me the pm he got from pete that banned him for violating a rule he didn't even violate because he was gone for so long, which made it impossible to violate the rule stated. :2cents:

uhhh what?

is this like tha april fools joke or something? becuase ill be really pissed if it is and who del comes on and says FOOLED YOU!

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for what it's worth, which isn't much, i quit coming in here a while ago because of this same reason. i felt no need to argue my point though.

additionally, you can all crack open the beers, extreme is my cousin, and just forwarded me the pm he got from pete that banned him for violating a rule he didn't even violate because he was gone for so long, which made it impossible to violate the rule stated. :2cents:

That made as much sense as "60% of the time, it works every time."

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are you serious? :doh: why is that?

Umm because it's a flat outright lie. I can tell you two are related though. Neither of you seem to be able understand one lick of common sense.

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are you serious? :doh: why is that?

Because quoting false or intentionally misleading information is against the rules. You might want to read them. If you guys actually could understand them, you might not have such crap attitudes about a place you can't seem to stay away from. If it's so freaking bad here, go away and never come back. Jeez, hes been a member for 3 months and he's already figured out how to better run the site.

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