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hmmm this thread reminds me of something

Rebel Leader has an uncanny ability to upset the settled order of a discussion forum. Other Warriors may be excellent in single combat, but Rebel Leader's charisma, political instincts and verbal skills enable him to rally collective assaults powerful enough to overthrow the Royals and silence Cyber Sisters. Rebel Leader may draw allies from almost any of the other Warrior classes, but he can usually count on Loopy in the early stages of the conflict, and Sycophant after the revolution is well underway. Once the revolution has succeeded, however, Rebel Leader quickly loses interest in the cause. As is the case with false King-Fu Masters, the bones of wannabe Rebel Leaders litter the battlefields. .

Extreme is a wannabe rebel leader


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does anyone remember that old thread where I made fun of extreme for a long time without making fun of him directly. man I made myself laugh so hard that night, but I cant remember the thread.

We might not agree with his position but we don't need to be downright mean to the poor guy.....ease up a bit :(

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I'm surprised no one else got to this first.....


Contrary to what some may think, we don't enjoy having to be the "bad guys" at times. I have nothing against Extreme, but when you call out staff members, you dam well beter have something to prove your point.

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We might not agree with his position but we don't need to be downright mean to the poor guy.....ease up a bit :(

Yet another quality post. People get very vicious for no reason. Just because you dont agree with someone as Bugs so correctly put it, that is no reason to attack him. Not everyone has, but some have. Ease it up a bit people.

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What can I say, man, I like the power. Unfortunately you can't provide that for me anymore! :silly:

I'm going to try not to take this off-topic. But it has been awhile since I've talked to you DH. I hope all is well. I know you've been crazy busy.

I've got a son now :) who turned 9 months yesterday (pic included below). He keeps me busy. I'm a full-time student now... I've got 3 oral/practical exams next week and a quiz... and 6 final exams the next week.. so school is killing me too. And my youth football team is going 2 days a week now...

Life is insane. But it keeps me sane :)

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I've got a son now :) who turned 9 months yesterday (pic included below). He keeps me busy. I'm a full-time student now... I've got 3 oral/practical exams next week and a quiz... and 6 final exams the next week.. so school is killing me too. And my youth football team is going 2 days a week now...

Life is insane. But it keeps me sane :)


He is so cute!

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It's probably a bad idea but the idea doesn't offend me in the least. I will say that there's a few posters who better hope to hell we never put their membership on this board up to a popular vote, or even a mod vote :laugh: .

I don't have an issue with the idea (it is the offseason afterall) but rather the pissy, whineyassed tone used to propose it.

And the clock is still ticking......

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also isnt this the second, if not more, in the line of this guys threads attacking either our community or mods? So maybe to some I may come across as mean, but Im really just mocking him. So Im really just flattering him right, mocking is the extreme form of flattery isnt it. im not trying to flatter him, but hey we are slaves to axioms. :silly:

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This thread was a guise for Extreme to display his disapproval of the Mod's way of going about things. Now that the guise has been unraveled, I think it's pretty clear that Extreme has stripped the "attention whore" title from anyone who may have previously owned it.

And no, I think voting on Mods is a bad idea. The founders of this board chose the members who they saw fit to be their helping hands. Those moderators chose the next moderators, and so on. It all traces back to the founder of the board. There is no arguing against that, or changing that.

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If people got banned from this site for hijacking threads, there wouldn't be anybody in here. So if your complaint is that the mods hijacked a thread, then my question to you is this: Why should we hold the mods to a higher standard than we hold ourselves?

The mods continously cut people slack on this site. They deserve the same consideration.

[/brown-nose mode]

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Everything in the world that truly runs smoothly, is a democracy. It keeps order a little better, because things go with the flow of the majority. ES is not like this, and the MODS wonder why it gets so hairy in here sometimes.

Where on earth did you get this idea? One of the most inefficient things on the planet is a democracy. For example, what we have in this country is a representative republic. Our Congress is messy enough, but jeez! Look at any Parliament where the members directly represent the proportion of voters! Any time they have to make a hard decision, they have to deal with coalitions falling apart, and sometimes the whole government falls apart, and you've got a paralyzed mess on your hands.

If things get hairy here at ES, it's usually because someone gets stupid. Then the Mods get to handle it.

Thanks, mods, you do a great job! Seriously! (Kiss kiss...)

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I'm guessing (or, if it makes anyone feel better, assuming), that this is related to my closing of praise gibb's 'Whats wrong with the Tailgate' thread, since it was cited here, and since pg is also posting in this one. Thats just a guess though. Just for informational purposes, I closed that thread because it was starting to get personal and ugly - something I don't think benefits anyone. Thats the only reason it was closed.

I always hear folks talking about all the 'banning' we do - truth is, we rarely ban anyone. And if we do, its usually after several timeouts and warnings. We allow threads like this, basically giant 'eff yous' to remain open.

I've interacted with Extreme - I actually offered him game tickets at one point because I enjoyed a thread he posted so much - but then found out he'd made the whole thing up. And I've gotten on to him about some pretty off-color cartoons he posted, not because they offended me, but because we do have some need to keep things reasonably above board here. Even then, I allowed him to post the links to them once he hosted them elsewhere.

I would hope theres more to this than just those two issues....

I can't wait till the season starts. I bet I'm not the only one.

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