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Just now, skinsmarydu said:

Yes!  Playing bass is a piece of cake to start...gets harder when you get to "Disposable Heroes".  :ols::headbang:

I was playing "Living After Midnight" about an hour after I got my first one.  

...sorry, I know you didn't ask me, but thought I'd throw that in there.  I was a piano player since 7, but a 6-string gave me fits, so I got a bass.


I should toss it out that I have zero experience with any instrument, I don't think I'm tone deaf, possibly tone dumb?

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4 minutes ago, Dr. Do Itch Big said:

no Way you get your protein needs off pure fruit

I KNOW, I knew that before I started, I was telling them that!  Even my best friend who is a vegan uses plant based protein powder and says there's noticeable difference.  I was trying to lose fat, not muscle mass, this was going to cost me both, just not worth it.

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2 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

I KNOW, I knew that before I started, I was telling them that!  Even my best friend who is a vegan uses plant based protein powder and says there's noticeable difference.  I was trying to lose fat, not muscle mass, this was going to cost me both, just not worth it.

Quinoa and vegetables.  And lots of water.  No soda. 

Hubby lost about 65 lbs doing that, with no exercise...now he actually mows the grass when necessary.  :ols:

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3 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

Quinoa and vegetables.  And lots of water.  No soda. 

Hubby lost about 65 lbs doing that, with no exercise...now he actually mows the grass when necessary.  :ols:

That's funny : ), but he wasn't exercising, I like working out and helps with the depression (everywhere I read highly recommend it)


I got a white board in my second bedroom with muscle groups, exercises I've picked to target them, weights and max reps and it brings me joy watching those numbers go up. 


It's a measurable accomplishment without the pressure of a deadline or unreasonable end goal, I'll know based on how I feel and look when to level out, not in competition with anyone.  Right now I'm thinking somewhere around 225-230 and being able to bench 10 reps of more then I weigh, see what that looks and feels like, and I know I got 20 pounds of fat I can get rid of.

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39 minutes ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:



I heard that playing bass was easier (depending on the type of music you play) because you can go with a 4 string and the frets and neck are larger.  Is that true?  And if so, what would you recommend for someone starting out that knows nothing about playing?  

Too bad you didn't bring this up a few years ago, when I was still making instruments (I specialized in lefties).


A 4 string bass will have a slightly narrower neck (1.5" at nut vs 1 11/16"), but more space vertically between frets, since a bass typically has a 34" scale length as opposed to 25" (give or take a half inch), and chords are played as arpeggios (one string and note at a time), rather than having to press down on six strings at once.

The key to being a good bass player is a strong sense of timing. While guitarists naturally accent solos on the 1 and 3 beats, a bass player has to lock in with the drummer on the 2 and 4 to hold the band together. You can be a competent bass player just by hitting the root note of a chord at the right time. A sense of rhythm is more crucial than a great tonal ear.

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1 hour ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:

@TryTheBeal!  Question about playing guitar since I know you can shred.  I bought an electric guitar about 10 years ago, tried to teach myself and failed.  I have big hands and found it extremely difficult to be able to play a lot of chords because I couldn't position my fingers right without having to cramp them up where it felt unnatural.  I realized that I would never be able to play/learn anything.  So it got packed in storage 9 years ago.


Now after doing some research I've actually read that they make guitars where you can have a bigger neck and the strings spaced out more (or the frets? or both?).  Anyhow, I have no desire to purchase another guitar, also being a lefty limits me as there seems to be limited stock at stores and I don't want to have to pay a lot of money (knowing nothing about guitars, I wouldn't be able to just shop online for one).


anyhow, I heard that playing bass was easier (depending on the type of music you play) because you can go with a 4 string and the frets and neck are larger.  Is that true?  And if so, what would you recommend for someone starting out that knows nothing about playing?  


1). I kinda get your deal regarding big hands/certain chord shapes but really, big hands are considered advantageous.  Allows you to explore different approaches and techniques that a lot of folks could never pull off.  SRV, Van Halen and especially Hendrix are known to have had exceptionally large hands.  I myself can easily palm a basketball.


2). You can definitely find differing neck/nut widths out there.  All the way from 1 11/16” on Strats up to 2”+ on nylon acoustics and Jazzboxes.  Also look at “neck radius”.  Flatter radius necks(Gibson/PRS) play wider than rounded or compound necks(Fender/Ibanez).  Go to the acoustic room at a nice store and kick a few around.  You’ll find something that agrees with you.  Then spec it and see what other models have similar specs.


3). Bass is technically “easier” in the sense that they practically have fewer strings on a larger neck.  And having larger hands will definitely be a benefit.  BUT...it’s really a thoroughly different approach than guitar playing and requires a mostly different skill set. Think of the difference between a trumpet and a tuba.  It’s a lot like that.  


4). You should be able to find a decent used LH Fender Squier P or Jazz Bass in the $200-300 range easily.  Cop that and a Fender Rumble 15W and you’re all set.  


Good luck and have fun!



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Going to get my mom so she can move in with me a couple days early since she can see her breath in her house.  If it goes past a month like they said, then we'll go from there. 


Stressed me out a couple of weeks ago when I realized it was inevitable, but I'll be fine.  I don't even feel like going back to group therapy, I don't want to hear it from them, none of them agreed with me on this,  neither did my friends (only closest friend did), and only a couple of yall with conditions and immediate family. 


Is what it is, I prayed on it and got the all clear.  I know some people are going to shake their head at this, but I've given it a ****-ton of thought and honestly believe this is the right thing to do. Not looking for a Christmas card, we've looked this over, has to be done.

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9 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

Going to get my mom so she can move in with me a couple days early since she can see her breath in her house.  If it goes past a month like they said, then we'll go from there. 


Stressed me out a couple of weeks ago when I realized it was inevitable, but I'll be fine.  I don't even feel like going back to group therapy, I don't want to hear it from them, none of them agreed with me on this,  neither did my friends (only closest friend did), and only a couple of yall with conditions and immediate family. 


Is what it is, I prayed on it and got the all clear.  I know some people are going to shake their head at this, but I've given it a ****-ton of thought and honestly believe this is the right thing to do. Not looking for a Christmas card, we've looked this over, has to be done.


Good luck bro.  You got this man regardless. Advice is just that, something to take into consideration when making decisions.  But at the end of the day you have to live with your choices, not anybody else.  Gotta go with your gut and what’s best for you both short and long term.

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2 hours ago, skinsmarydu said:

Yes!  Playing bass is a piece of cake to start...gets harder when you get to "Disposable Heroes".  :ols::headbang:

I was playing "Living After Midnight" about an hour after I got my first one.  

...sorry, I know you didn't ask me, but thought I'd throw that in there.  I was a piano player since 7, but a 6-string gave me fits, so I got a bass.


****ing Disposable Heroes.  What a great song.  The bass in the beginning is awesome. 

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Love the band Free and Paul's other band Bad Company.  I saw them at the Capital Center long ago during the Run with the Pack tour.


Boy, this brings back memories of The Zombies withe Rod Argent and then Russ Ballard and the songs he did that were used on Miami Vice, Voices.  That album, Russ Ballard has great songs on the whole album.


Great music!  Thanks for the trip down memory lane!


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11 hours ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Love the band Free and Paul's other band Bad Company.  I saw them at the Capital Center long ago during the Run with the Pack tour.


Boy, this brings back memories of The Zombies withe Rod Argent and then Russ Ballard and the songs he did that were used on Miami Vice, Voices.  That album, Russ Ballard has great songs on the whole album.


Great music!  Thanks for the trip down memory lane!



7 minutes ago, Malapropismic Depository said:


I saw Rodgers live with BC a few years ago, and was amazed how his voice, even at his age sounded as good as ever.


Can verify this.  Saw Paul solo on the Rock Legends Cruise two years ago and, although he’s lost a little bit of his top end wail, his voice was more or less perfect.


It was astounding really.  A pro’s pro and a living legend still out there delivering the goods on a nightly basis.

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God, Everclear! I remember one Halloween party where we got a new large trash can, filled it with Hawaiian Punch, several pints of Everclear, ice, and cut up oranges. We filled a couple of canteens with it for later, then party time. At about 5am we broke out the canteens, punch never tasted so good! Of course we were pretty buzzed on pot too.


This was before my daughter. Partying like that came to a screeching halt after that.

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