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Thanks PCS.

I was hoping Taze would come in here and be like, "Oh yeah, we dropped Tazette on her head like 20 times and she isn't retarded." Then everything would be better.

Oh man, I just read this, scary stuff but I'm sure he will be ok.  We didn't have a changing table, we put the mat on top of her dresser, she almost rolled off numerous times, I just got lucky.


Hell, even paranoid as I was early on, always scared, cautious, etc. she still managed to nearly roll off in that 2 second split window of opportunity while reaching for another diaper, etc.   


She did fall off the couch once, little older than that, but it scared me.  She was fine.  When she was maybe a year and a half old, I remember I was watching football, then heard that dreaded thud, followed by screaming/crying.  I turn around and she had taken a face plant on the kitchen floor.


Blood everywhere, her lip had busted and her few teeth cut the inside of her mouth too.  I freaked out.  She was fine though.  They are pretty tough little buggers from age 6 months on.  Your not a horrible father by any means.  

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When our first child was a few months old, i came from home work expecting to see wife and baby. Door was wide open, dog left out of crate. We didn't have cells yet, so i figured she'd gone to the store. Then i checked the answering machine (i know, right? ).

Wife: 'i was carrying eli up the steps and i fell and he hit his head and he's bleeding and we've been here thirty minutes and the doctor hasn't seem him yet"

So i sprint to my car, speed thru town, run two stop signs before the words really sink in and i realize that if he's at the ER and no one has seen him for thirty minutes, he's probably ok.

I get to the hospital, and my mother-in-law has my son in her lap. He has a scrape on his nose. He's laughing and playing patty cake with his Grams.

My wife was still sobbing in the corner.

Your kid will be fine. Their skulls don't fuse and fully harden for a few years for a very good reason.

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Talk about throwback Sunday, man it's been forever since I heard that song.


Yeah man. It was completely random. Heard something on TV and the song just popped in my head... I had to listen to that joint. Reminded me of being young. When he says "It's one-nine-nine-trey", I said damn it's been that long.


Kicking rocks...

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Your kid will be fine. Their skulls don't fuse and fully harden for a few years for a very good reason.


Thought about that and forgot to add to my post, but spot on Major.  They start out with more bones until they fuse, making them flexible and like living rubber bands (to a certain extent).

Yeah man. It was completely random. Heard something on TV and the song just popped in my head... I had to listen to that joint. Reminded me of being young. When he says "It's one-nine-nine-trey", I said damn it's been that long.


Kicking rocks...

That and "How many ho's in '94 will I be bangin?"

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Major Harris, I love you. Thanks my dude.

Kid is good. Woke up this morning, crying for food like any other day. Red mark on his head is gone. Most importantly, he isn't a Cowboys fan.

Still can't help but feeling super guilty and like a bad dad. Being hung over doesn't help either.

PS, Taze is like super dad and that's way cool.

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Glad to hear the little guy is fine Springy.  Tazette has smacked her head on the door, island in the kitchen, etc.  One time, I remember she was sitting up in her bed, falling back, told her to stop.  Next thing, I hear "DING" followed by crying/screaming.  


She had fallen back and hit her head on the metal frame of her bed.  Hell, a few days ago, she asked for a hug and tried to jump up in my arms, which caught me off-guard, so when I tried to catch her, she fell straight down and smashed her head on my knee and hit the ground.


Of course, she blamed me, yelled at me, etc.  called me the worst dad ever.  It's a never ending evolving experience :P



Edit:  it's been almost 7 years since she was Lil Springs age, hard to remember all the bumps, bruises.  Now stuff is coming back to me in spurts lol.

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And Springy, you're not a bad dad by any means.  Because you feel bad, regretful, etc. shows how much you love your little guy.  There are a lot of parents out there that could care less when that stuff happens.  


The best parents over blame themselves, especially when these things happen.  It's a perfectly normal reaction.  Heck, I blamed myself and felt horrible when Tazette took that face plant.  I was sitting down, watching football, wife was in the laundry room.  


But I felt bad cause she was running and I wasn't paying attention that she had on regular socks (ones without grip on the bottom) and was not barefoot that it would most likely end up in her slipping on the kitchen floor and busting her ass.  


I will say this, she was barefoot when running around in the house and I was 200% focused from there on out.  No way was she gonna do that again.

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Is the site way distorted for anyone else? Like the way the threads titles are aligned and such? Thread pages are lining up vertically instead of horizontally which is just making everything look weird. I don't know if this is a new change, a glitch, or if I clicked on something by mistake.

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Yeah, Springy, you have the good dad reaction. It's impossible not to beat yourself up, really. But,Like Taze and others have said, we've all been there.

Lil Enforcette has fallen off the couch on my watch. And when that happened I freaked out and felt like ****. Thankfully, she has been just fine after falls. Kids are tougher than we think.

And now that she is running around and getting into normal toddler mischief, if she takes a lil tumble, she will say "I'm OK". We just have a Dads Concern. I'm glad your boy is OK!

Oh yeah, Happy Mamma's Day to the RTT Fam!

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