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"My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I..
got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window..
and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'll all be gray,
but your picture on my wall
It reminds me, that it's not so bad,
it's not so bad.."

Greatest chorus/hook ever?

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Man, I have posted a few times about one of my fave old TV shows was Man From U.N.C.L.E. and how I wondered if someone would ever revisit it. Looks like it will happen.  :)


Could 'Man of Steel' star Henry Cavill be 'The Man From U.N.C.L.E.'?




(Our search is yet to be enabled and can't bump my "previews of coming attraction thread" even using Google search. there's already been a couple upcoming flicks I've heard about that I haven't been able to post on, but could't resist this one)

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I may have to go job hunting soon, for the first time in a very long time.

Health inspector was at the restaurant when I left work yesterday, and things were NOT looking good.  Got a text an hour later from a co-worker that the owner was really upset, so I have no idea what I'm walking into today.

(Nevermind the fact that the owner was asleep in the office with his ****ing shoes off when she arrived, and she was so quick on my heels to the back of the place that he had no warning...absolutely hilarious, I must admit.)

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There's an interesting article in the New York Times today about China's growing influence over the American food supply. I would highly recommend taking a look at it. 




If you dined on tilapia recently, chances are it came from China. And that artificial vanilla you just used to make cookies? It, too, may have made the same long journey to your kitchen in the United States.

A growing amount of food commonly consumed by Americans — ranging from canned tuna and mandarin oranges to fresh mushrooms and apple juice — is now being imported from China. By the end of last year, the United States imported 4.1 billion pounds of food products from China, according to the Agriculture Department.
American imports of Chinese food products gained more attention on Wednesday, when Smithfield Foods, one of the biggest and oldest pork producers in the United States, agreed to sell itself to Shuanghui International, one of China’s largest meat processors. 
The $4.7 billion deal amounts to the largest takeover to date of an American company by a Chinese one. Although Smithfield emphasized that the deal was intended to deliver more pork to China, not the reverse, it nonetheless prompted concern about China’s expanding role in the American food supply and the implications that might have for food safety in the United States. 
“We are importing more and more food from China at the same time we are hearing more and more about food scandals involving Chinese companies,” said Patty Lovera, assistant director of Food and Water Watch who testified in Congress at a hearing on Chinese food imports. Food safety problems, like melamine deliberately put into pet foods and baby formula as well as unsafe levels of cadmium in rice, have plagued China. The latest episode involved fox, rat and mink meat that was doctored with gelatin, pigment and nitrates and sold as mutton.
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BTW, I thought Mark Hamill was great in the story arc/finale of Criminal Minds this season (worded to avoid "spoiler" just in case).


P.S>---Kool, no change in my spellchecker (using chrome's tool with it's suck-filled vocabulary). 

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I seem to be the only one not really into all the super hero movies, or super heroes in general. I mean I've seen the Batman ones, and I think the Spiderman one. But I just don't get the craze.


It starts during childhood. If you weren't into the comics/tv shows as a child, then you aren't going to be into it as you get older.


Can't wait for the X-Men Days Of Future Past movie. I've been clamoring for that episode (either that or The Savage Land//Rise Of The Apocalypse) ever since the first X-Men movie came out

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