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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Demento Farty 45


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12 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

Florida did, per CDC, have a 11.1% higher covid death rate than more metropolitan states like California in 2021 (and 26% higher covid death rate than New York State that year). 


And I'm pretty sure that Florida is still falsifying the death numbers.  


In the early days of Covid, a whistleblower leaked the fact that all the Covid deaths in Florida were being sent to Tallahassee.  And they were going through the death numbers, and not counting the death of anybody who's permanent, legal, address wasn't in Florida.  Which, between tourists and people living here part of the year, was reducing the death numbers by a big chunk.  


The media started filing open records requests, every day, with the county health departments, for every death certificate from yesterday, and counting how many death certificates listed Covid as one of the causes.  And gee, the numbers were bigger than DeSantis' numbers by about 1/3.  


Florida's response was to:  


1)  Fire the whistleblower.  (And they were able to make the firing stick, despite the state having a law protecting whistleblowers from retaliation.)  

2)  And the legislature passed a law, stating that death certificates were no longer public records if the death certificate mentioned Covid.  


I certainly see no reason to assume that they're not still doing it.  

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‘The DeSantis people are rookies’: Even Trump critics say he’s running circles around DeSantis



Donald Trump has always been an agent of chaos. But these days his campaign operation is a picture of order.


Despite the legal turmoil surrounding him, Trump has been methodically undercutting Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — snatching up congressional endorsements, blasting attack ads and dominating news cycles. It’s a campaign operation characterized by an unusual level of organization and discipline — one that’s chipping away at his likely chief rival before he even jumps in the race.


“Trump came to New Hampshire the other day [and] rolled out 51 endorsements,” said Fergus Cullen, a former New Hampshire Republican Party chair and early member of the “Never Trump” movement. “There was nothing like that the first time or the second time.”

By comparison, he said, “the DeSantis people are rookies.”


Trump’s onslaught has been disorienting for the nascent DeSantis operation. The Florida governor, who’s expected to announce his candidacy in the coming weeks, plans to make the case that he will counter Trump’s circus with a sense of normalcy that positions him to do what many Republicans fear Trump cannot: Defeat President Joe Biden. But that argument is running head first into the tidy — and muscular — organization the former president is putting together.


In recent weeks, Trump’s team has worked to bank wins before DeSantis officially enters the race. They have rolled out policy videos focused on a second Trump term and made hires in early voting states. They have developed relationships with state party leaders, met with lawmakers at Mar-a-lago and worked the phones to steal endorsements from DeSantis in his home state. Trump is even doing a town hall event with CNN, a former cable news foe of the ex-president, in an effort to reach more mainstream audiences. Now DeSantis — a politician who places a high premium on control – will be forced to catch up.


This article is framed as "why DeSantis is ****ed" but DeSantis is already dead.  This is bad news for the general if Trump World has figured out how to actually conduct a professional campaign. 

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1 hour ago, PleaseBlitz said:

snatching up congressional endorsements


Every time one of these endorsements happens, I wonder what Trump has on that person to force them to endorse right now. Imagining a call or a visit from a Trump ally that either is a  "remember, we have X, Y, and Z on you. If you don't come out now and support our guy, we'll leak that, and you're career, family, and life will be over" Or.... "Hey Congressman Jerkface, it would be a shame if this information came out about you just as you're getting ready to run for re-election. If you come out and endorse our guy today, nobody will ever learn of this."

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59 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:


Every time one of these endorsements happens, I wonder what Trump has on that person to force them to endorse right now. Imagining a call or a visit from a Trump ally that either is a  "remember, we have X, Y, and Z on you. If you don't come out now and support our guy, we'll leak that, and you're career, family, and life will be over" Or.... "Hey Congressman Jerkface, it would be a shame if this information came out about you just as you're getting ready to run for re-election. If you come out and endorse our guy today, nobody will ever learn of this."


I mean, the base loves Trump and congresspeople can't keep being congresspeople if they get primaried.  I don't think Trump has anything on anyone, I just think the vast majority of GOP congresspeople are spineless and care about keeping their jobs far more than they care about democracy, national security, their own self respect, etc. 

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On 4/20/2023 at 2:25 PM, China said:

Republicans are alarmed about a Mastriano for Senate bid. Even Trump.


MAGA firebrand Doug Mastriano is inducing panic among GOP officials as he inches closer toward a 2024 bid for the Senate after a disastrous showing in his Pennsylvania governor run in 2022.


Among the concerned is none other than Donald Trump.


The former president has privately told Republicans he fears that Mastriano, a far-right state lawmaker in a critical battleground, would hurt him in a general election if they were on the top of the ticket together next year, according to three people familiar with the conversations.


Mastriano, who attempted to overturn the 2020 election and sought to outlaw abortion with no exceptions, lost Pennsylvania’s gubernatorial contest last November by 15 percentage points. His tease of a comeback bid has sparked alarm within GOP circles that he would cost the party any conceivable chance they had of unseating Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) in 2024.


“Trump’s not dumb,” said a top GOP donor who was granted anonymity to speak frankly about private deliberations. “He knows Mastriano will hurt him in Pennsylvania.”


Trump has also relayed to Republicans, including at least one senator, that he would be reluctant to endorse Mastriano for Senate because of his concerns that he would pull him down, the three people said. That’s not the only reason he may stay out: A person close to Trump said it is unlikely he will be as involved in 2024 down-ballot races across the country since he is busy running himself. Trump is currently more interested in seeing who endorses him.


Click on the link for the full article


Questions about Doug Mastriano’s thesis spur university fraud probe: reports


A Canadian university has launched a formal probe into allegations of academic fraud against state Sen. Doug Mastriano, according to news reports.


A panel of three academics will investigate issues involving Mastriano’s 2013 doctoral dissertation from the University of New Brunswick after scholars came forward claiming it contained hundreds of inaccuracies, fabrications and omissions, the CBC reported.


The investigation comes six months after the university told the Associated Press it would create a committee to review Mastriano’s dissertation, as well as policies for graduate study and complaint processes.


Mastriano last fall blamed the controversy on “left-leaning professors” who took issue with his political views.


“...I did have concerns that some of the left-leaning professors there would hold my politics or my military background against me,” he told Real America’s Voice radio last November.


James Gregory, a University of Oklahoma scholar who first raised questions about Mastriano’s thesis on the World War I Army hero Sgt. Alvin York in 2021, confirmed to the CBC this week that his allegations were found to warrant a formal investigation.


Click on the link for the full article

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4 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

If voters truly think either of these things, then I have no faith in our future. 


As Chris Christie said on the talk show today, its all about inflation. And that's what happens when you pump trillions of dollars into the economy due to covid. A good chunk of that money happened under Trump, but Biden is the incumbent now and is feeling the brunt of voter dissatisfaction over it.

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@The Evil Genius

That polling is flashing big red warning letters to Biden and Dems way.  Propaganda / just saying BS works. 


"We never had a debt ceiling issue under Trump."

"I don't care about fascism as long as I have a job..." 


Voters are increasingly fickle and unpredictable, but most think Trump has a better mental capacity?  The guy who did the J6 coup?  Who just came out and said "I'm Donald Trump and I can still grab as much .... as I want to because famous people can do it." 


I can't believe MAGA is still around... that movement was supposed to die in 2020.

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Mostly it is emo reactive morons who participate in telephone polls.


Currently there happens to be a much higher percentage of such folk on the right wing of our political dodo bird.



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Too far away for polls to matter at this point.  Who is motivated to pick up the phone?  

I was watching a video by a stastician recently.  One variable that makes a difference is who picks up the phone. 

Right now democrats are satisfied.  We have Biden as president.  No motivation.

Now if the trend continues in May next year, maybe I would worry.

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