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2024 Presidential Election- 11/5/2024 : Prosecutor/Coach vs Felon/Couch *******


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14 minutes ago, China said:

Trump says he’s going to do a ‘Play by Play’ of State of the Union


Former President Trump said he will do a “Play by Play” of President Biden’s upcoming State of the Union address.


“I am pleased to inform you that tomorrow night we will be doing a LIVE, Play by Play, of Crooked Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address,” Trump said in a Truth Social post on Wednesday, not clarifying as to what platform the “Play by Play” would happen on.


“I will correct, in rapid response, any and all inaccurate Statements, especially pertaining to the Border and his Weaponization of the [Department of Justice], FBI, [attorney generals], and District Attorneys, to go after his Political Opponent, ME (something never done before in this Country!),” Trump continued. “We did this once before to tremendous success – Beating All Records. It is important for the Country to get the TRUTH!”


The former president made a similar announcement last year about doing a “Play by Play” of Biden’s address, saying that if the speech was “properly done, and if Joe has just a modestly good night, this speech has the opportunity to rival any of the World’s great orators, including, Lincoln, Washington, and, of course, the late, great, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Sir Winston Churchill.”


Click on the link for the full article



I'm calling it now: his "play by play" is gonna be a disaster lol...the only thing it will succeed at is drawing MAGA Republicans' attention to him instead of listening to Biden directly. Trump will proclaim that "more people listened to me/read my play-by-play than listened to Sleepy Joe"...the feeble-minded among his supporters (which, let's face it, is like 92% of them) will parrot whatever nonsense Trump belches out and will claim it's complete fact for no other reason than Trump said it...and 70% of his play-by-play will talk about how the 2020 election was "stollen," how the "corrupt" DoJ is interfering with the election, and how Obama doesn't deserve another term and how incompetent Nikki Haley is as Obama's vice president--which, 6 days later, he will claim was just him being sarcastic.

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Eyebrows raised as Viktor Orbán to visit Donald Trump in Florida


Hungary’s Viktor Orbán is putting his chips on the table with a trip to visit Donald Trump, as the US and Europe prepare for key elections later this year.


The longtime Hungarian prime minister, who has faced repeated criticism from the US government over democratic backsliding and his friendly relationship with the Kremlin, will be arriving in the US this week without an invitation from the White House.


In an almost unheard-of move for a Nato country’s leader, he is not expected to meet anyone from the Biden administration.


Instead, he is scheduled to speak on Thursday on a panel with the head of a conservative thinktank, the Heritage Foundation, before meeting Trump in Florida on Friday.


The visit, which comes at a low point in Hungary’s post cold war relationship with Washington, is being watched closely in foreign policy circles, in part due to fears that Orbán could use his access to the Republican presidential candidate to promote Kremlin talking points on Ukraine.


Click on the link for the full article


Perhaps he's coming to negotiate a deal between Trump and Putin, money for Trump's legal fees/judgments in exchange for some of the national defense documents that Trump managed to keep away from the FBI.

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1 hour ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:



I'm calling it now: his "play by play" is gonna be a disaster lol...the only thing it will succeed at is drawing MAGA Republicans' attention to him instead of listening to Biden directly. Trump will proclaim that "more people listened to me/read my play-by-play than listened to Sleepy Joe"...the feeble-minded among his supporters (which, let's face it, is like 92% of them) will parrot whatever nonsense Trump belches out and will claim it's complete fact for no other reason than Trump said it...and 70% of his play-by-play will talk about how the 2020 election was "stollen," how the "corrupt" DoJ is interfering with the election, and how Obama doesn't deserve another term and how incompetent Nikki Haley is as Obama's vice president--which, 6 days later, he will claim was just him being sarcastic.

Donald J Trump: “I shat my pants ironically.”


Also Donald J Trump: “Joe Biden shat in my pants.”

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1 hour ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:



I'm calling it now: his "play by play" is gonna be a disaster lol...the only thing it will succeed at is drawing MAGA Republicans' attention to him instead of listening to Biden directly. Trump will proclaim that "more people listened to me/read my play-by-play than listened to Sleepy Joe"...the feeble-minded among his supporters (which, let's face it, is like 92% of them) will parrot whatever nonsense Trump belches out and will claim it's complete fact for no other reason than Trump said it...and 70% of his play-by-play will talk about how the 2020 election was "stollen," how the "corrupt" DoJ is interfering with the election, and how Obama doesn't deserve another term and how incompetent Nikki Haley is as Obama's vice president--which, 6 days later, he will claim was just him being sarcastic.


And then if Trump gets back into the Oval, his moron supporters will demand that everyone "respect the office."

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35 minutes ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

Joe needs to have a big night. 

Let’s do this. 



He won't have a big night...he'll most likely do just fine, but to me "big night" would mean not having anything for Trump and his MAGA loons to point to as signs that he's an imbecile, which they will take Biden clearing his throat as a sure sign he's lost his marbles...along with "big night" being he re-energizes the voting base. Which, considering Dem voters for some reason seem to take glee in predicting Biden's mental collapse as much as MAGA does, most likely won't happen, either. Best I would hope for is for FOX talking heads to begrudgingly admit he did indeed do "just fine."


I'm not sure if I'm a pessimist or a realist lol...

Edited by Califan007 The Constipated
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6 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

I'm not sure if I'm a pessimist or a realist lol...

Those are valid points. It just feels like Joe has some ground to make up (perceived or real), and I’d like for tonight to be a solid kick start to his re-election campaign.


He really shouldn’t HAVE to do anything of note to beat somebody like Trump, but the truth is that Biden is not very popular. His approval ratings are poor which I think is the big distinction between this election and the last one. 

Personally, it’s probably a bit of fear on my own behalf. I am a white, straight male, and I’m terrified of another Trump presidency. I can only imagine how other people must feel. 

Let’s hope that Joe can bring this thing home over the next seven months. 

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Just answered a call from an unknown number and it was a "political survey" about Alexandria, so I said I'd participate.  For about 4 minutes, they asked standard local political questions, what do you think about traffic, what about the arena, what about crime.  Then it became painfully obvious that it was a not-quite-cleverly designed campaign call from Steven Peterson, one of the 3 people running for mayor this year and formerly the President of a big real estate development company (the one that did National Harbor).  The next 4 minutes was the person saying good things about Peterson and then asking "does this make you much more likely to vote for Steve, somewhat more likely, or it doesn't matter?"  There was no "much less likely" option.  


I guess this is the type of thing you do when you are running for major of a town small enough where the job of mayor is a part-time position, but you are rich AF.


Also, I'm not really one to vote for a closet Republican running on his "business experience" when his main qualification for becoming the President of a big privately-held real estate development company was, check notes, being the son of the founder.  Probably going to be pretty hard to run in ALX when you have exactly the same resume as Trump. 

Edited by PleaseBlitz
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Ted Cruz launches group to entice Democrats to vote for him


U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s campaign is rolling out a new effort encouraging Democrats to cross party lines and vote for him this November after U.S. Rep. Colin Allred officially secured the Democratic nomination for Senate on Tuesday night.


The coalition, called Democrats for Cruz, will attempt to entice people on the left side of the aisle who are unhappy with the party’s current leadership. It’s a marked change for Cruz, who has spent the vast majority of his political career as a GOP firebrand unwilling to court Democrats.


Click on the link for the full article

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Yeah, can't understand the logic of Micki Stout in Cali's post. She sounds like a dyed on the wool Republican, but if you're using language (like Bill Barr) implying that Trump is unfit for the office, you don't vote for him. Period. Even if you're not going to vote for Biden.

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40 minutes ago, China said:

Ted Cruz launches group to entice Democrats to vote for him


U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz’s campaign is rolling out a new effort encouraging Democrats to cross party lines and vote for him this November after U.S. Rep. Colin Allred officially secured the Democratic nomination for Senate on Tuesday night.


The coalition, called Democrats for Cruz, will attempt to entice people on the left side of the aisle who are unhappy with the party’s current leadership. It’s a marked change for Cruz, who has spent the vast majority of his political career as a GOP firebrand unwilling to court Democrats.


Click on the link for the full article


I had to laugh at this. I think Cruz is the most hated Senator by Democrats of any state and mostly in Texas.

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Santos will be there. And for those wondering how he got an invite;



Between the lines: As a former member of Congress, Santos still retains floor privileges — technically allowing him to attend the president's annual address. House rules would bar him from walking onto the floor if he was convicted of a crime.




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48 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

The speech is irrelevant because Biden has no congress to pass anything he suggests.


I would assert that Biden's handling of this Congress has been the biggest triumph of his Presidency. 


After 30 years the Congress holding the nation hostage and demanding that somebody else cut Social Security and Medicare, it was Dark Brandon who successfully got a commitment to take that off the table. 


After demanding that Congress pass their own budget, that they're willing to own, he successfully eliminated the threats of shutdown, and actually got a bipartisan budget. From a Congress that really, really, wanted to trigger a recession. 


Heck, he's controlled Congress better than three Speakers of the House have. 



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