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2 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

So much wrong with this:


A: Trying to utilize and profit off of “the hogs” for a rebranded team.


B: The hogs don’t want them to do it.


C : They just intend to go on and do it anyways.


It’s uncanny how Dan can screw up any and everything, every step of the way.


Those commanders are sure closely tied to our great past.

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Whats funny is that Joe filed this trademark in July.


If the team at the time of reveal knew they wanted to TM Hogs and roll out a mascot surrounding the idea, they could have easily beaten Joe to the patent office and gotten in line first.


Instead, they danced around the subject while advertising to the world their possible directions, one of which being Hogs related, which gave Joe a pretty massive incentive to lock in the trademark first, something he had not done for DECADES.



Monumentally stupid bit-o branding blunder there. Unreal.

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3 minutes ago, FootballZombie said:

Whats funny is that Joe filed this trademark in July.


If the team at the time of reveal knew they wanted to TM Hogs and roll out a mascot surrounding the idea, they could have easily beaten Joe to the patent office and gotten in line first.


Instead, they danced around the subject while advertising to the world their possible directions, one of which being Hogs related, which gave Joe a pretty massive incentive to lock in the trademark first, something he had not done for DECADES.



Monumentally stupid bit-o branding blunder there. Unreal.



Reminds me of that guy who ran for office and lost by one vote and it turned out that he forgot to vote.

Like an impressive amount of stupid.

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7 minutes ago, Conn said:


Are they delusional? The Hogs just released a whole ass memo about how they will not in fact be there and have not been happy with whatever collaboration the team is lying about. Brutal 

Maybe they'll have wire models to represent the hogs with Commanders Shirts on to make them look legit.

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52 minutes ago, Conn said:


Are they delusional? The Hogs just released a whole ass memo about how they will not in fact be there and have not been happy with whatever collaboration the team is lying about. Brutal 

Why is it always in Texts?

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6 minutes ago, Zim489 said:

Why is always in Texts?

Reporters have the phone numbers of team spokespeople, I don’t think it’s that odd. What does it matter if the statement is a text, email, or notes app screenshot? It’s not really meant to be seen by the entire internet in that form probably, it’s meant to be disseminated by the reporters it’s sent to. I think it’s common practice to just post it though, so that there can’t be any mistaking the wording/context. But I don’t really see any reason why an email or something would be more professional, it’s just words on a screen. 

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4 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

So much wrong with this:


A: Trying to utilize and profit off of “the hogs” for a rebranded team.


B: The hogs don’t want them to do it.


C : They just intend to go on and do it anyways.


It’s uncanny how Dan can screw up any and everything, every step of the way. 



Dan has always - from Day 1 - tried to ride the coattails of the previous generation.  I'm not surprised by this in the least.


I cannot wait for this man to be gone.  That's an understatement.  I want the new owner to blow up everything off the field.  Coaches, FO all gone.  Not a damn one of them have the ability to push this team into the upper echelon of the NFL.  I'm just riding out this "been there a million times and done that" season.  I can't wait for it to be over and for new ownership to move in.

2 hours ago, Wildbunny said:


Those commanders are sure closely tied to our great past.

I'm hoping and praying that that is exactly where the "Commanders" will be within the next 24 months - in the past.  IMO, not one aspect of this rebranding has worked. Not one.  Uniforms, logos, stupid (and copied from another franchise) slogans of "Command this, Command that", even the ugly color change from our Redskins yellow to....whatever in the hell orange-yellow color they are using now.  


Every single thing needs to be changed, IMO.  I'm not saying everything will be, however.  

Edited by Redwards
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Imagine how awesome it could have been if the team had decided to go for Warhogs or something stupid like that as the actual team name and have Joe Jacoby show up and obliterate it.


Oh yeah, we still have that Sonny Jurgensen tribute to make. I wonder what they've got in store for that?

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2 minutes ago, NickyJ said:

Imagine how awesome it could have been if the team had decided to go for Warhogs or something stupid like that as the actual team name and have Joe Jacoby show up and obliterate it.


Oh yeah, we still have that Sonny Jurgensen tribute to make. I wonder what they've got in store for that?


I'm sure they're going to make it a very special day for Sunny.

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Team just announced that the hogs will not be attending.


The Snyder's have now decided to make the day yet another celebration of Sean Taylor.


In a predictably classy move, at half time, Tanya will be unveiling a 50 foot paper mache replica of Sean Taylor dressed in a vintage hoggette style skirt, matching blouse, and pushup bra. Finishing touches include a gold handbag, hog nose and burgundy red bottom stiletto heels. 




Limited edition hog noses with Sean Taylor's number and Mr. Snyder's signature on them will be on sale before and during the game, all proceeds going to Dan and Tanya's personal non-profit charity.



Edited by CommanderInTheRye
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7 hours ago, NickyJ said:

Imagine how awesome it could have been if the team had decided to go for Warhogs or something stupid like that as the actual team name and have Joe Jacoby show up and obliterate it.


Oh yeah, we still have that Sonny Jurgensen tribute to make. I wonder what they've got in store for that?

A normal team  with a normal owner would have dealt that before doing anything by talking and dealing with them so that never happens.

And anyway, if we were a normal team with a normal owner they wouldn't have complained at all.


This story feels like "we just want to **** up with Dan".

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