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Next Day Thread: No Effort Version - Dallas vs. WFT II


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First time I’ve ever chosen to roll

over and go to sleep during the first half of a WFT prime time game no matter how bad it was going.  But I’ve never been more convinced that there was less of a chance of making a competitive football game than I was last night.


That has to be one of the worst losses in our history or am I making that up?

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16 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

First time I’ve ever chosen to roll

over and go to sleep during the first half of a WFT prime time game no matter how bad it was going.  But I’ve never been more convinced that there was less of a chance of making a competitive football game than I was last night.


That has to be one of the worst losses in our history or am I making that up?

Same. Turned it off at end of q1. Didnt even care any more.

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4 days between games, Covid outbreak and WFT players talking about being winded in practice.  Depleted defense with no linebackers.  Dallas then smartly spends most of the day in a hurry up offense.


For offense, Heinicke's last two games were both against Dallas.  He can not hang with that defense.  He's folded both times.  Can't read what's happening.  His throws are way off target. We now have two consecutive games showing that Heinicke has a blueprint to failure.  He is unfortunately not the future.


Nothing else to talk about really.

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5 minutes ago, Alcoholic Zebra said:

4 days between games, Covid outbreak and WFT players talking about being winded in practice.  Depleted defense with no linebackers.  Dallas then smartly spends most of the day in a hurry up offense.


For offense, Heinicke's last two games were both against Dallas.  He can not hang with that defense.  He's folded both times.  Can't read what's happening.  His throws are way off target. We now have two consecutive games showing that Heinicke has a blueprint to failure.  He is unfortunately not the future.


Nothing else to talk about really.


Heinicke stunk. I'm saying that outright so that no one here tries to twist what I'm about to say as defending him. I'm not. This is a separate yet related issue:


Our offensive line was terrible. I saw some plays where our tackles barely even attempted to get in the way. Interior is obviously depleted. But it was a jailbreak on every play. The OL was terrible last night. Even for what it was.


Give some credit to the Dallas front but there were literally plays where our OL barely got out of their stance. That is unacceptable. 

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I was chalking this up to the effects of the short week, but then remembered that the Eagles also played on Tuesday against us and manhandled NY. Granted, there is a world of talent difference between the Giants and Cowboys, but still.


I expect Rivera to have this team ready to roll next Sunday to at least be competitive with Philly, if not outright win the game. If the Eagles come in and have their way with us, I'll start to have doubts about whether Ron is the right guy to lead this team in the future.

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Complete debacle- not much to say about the game other than it obviously ranks as one of the worst performances I can remember as a fan, which covers 49 years.


As bad as we were, the two most concerning things to me coming out of the game are: How we're going to solve the problem of Prescott's dominance over us and if last night was the beginning of Rivera losing the team.


Prescott is now 9-1 against us and it's starting to feel like Brady's dominance over Buffalo and Rodgers' dominance over Chicago. I fully get that Prescott hasn't accomplished anything compared to Brady and Rodgers, but my point is that dominance like Prescott has had against us is hard to flip and it will be very difficult for us to win the division in the years to come as long as he has our number and owns us how he has. Obviously, last year doesn't count, as Prescott was injured and didn't play in either game against us when we swept Dallas and won the division.  


As for Rivera, I think he is a respected guy around the league, but my concern when we hired him was that he often looked like he was in a fog on the sideline in Carolina and I'm seeing that more and more with us. I would've liked to see him go over there and take control of the Allen/Payne situation instead of acting like he didn't know anything was going on. There were also consecutive plays where Smith-Williams and then Toohill on the very next play were running onto the field as Dallas was snapping the ball- Back to Back plays this happened!!


Injuries/Covid aside, that was an inexcusable performance that- right or wrong- falls more on the coaching staff than it does the players. Uninspired, undisciplined and unprepared play in a must win game against your biggest rival is a coaching issue- in my opinion.


Forget the playoffs, I just want to see how the team reacts in these final two games, because if they're flat and uninspired I'm going to go into the offseason down on Rivera as our coach.

Edited by fearlessNelms
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The roof has definitely fallen in on our season. Last couple of weeks have broken us. We were never great. Not were never total crap. We’ve been on balance average. Last couple of weeks have exposed the weaker elements of our roster.


Time to go 6-11 and go from there.

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Cowboys pass rush against our O line is what many of us expected from our D line this season.    I'll give them a pass but I expect that to be fixed next season. 


If I had to pick one thing that has disappointed me the most is Dallas pass rush >>>> WFT pass rush.  their defense as for turnovers >>>>> our defense.


If you told me before the season Dallas' defense is distinctly better than ours, I'd think no way.  But sadly their defense is a clear peg better than ours IMO.  And they have a QB and we don't.


I do think our pass rush can catch up.  We got to make other upgrades too obviously.  QB is obviously the all hands on deck spot for the off season.  Collinsworth said to death on the broadcast, you need a QB to win in the league, clearly suggesting we don't have that guy.  He's right. 





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For what it's worth, I watched to the bitter end. I don't know why because it just made me miserable.


It was obvious that we were totally out-matched and out-played in almost every aspect of the game, although I don't think this can be blamed entirely on lack of effort, although this did play a part in the later stages.


Blaming losses on injuries is often scoffed at, but with the amount of starters who were out, they have to at least be acknowledged. Covid only compounded the lack of available players which resulted in a perfect (****) storm.


I don't think that Bates or McLaurin deserve frowns, but I wouldn't really argue the point.


There has to be some fallout from the Payne/Allen incident. I honestly don't know what Payne was thinking when he poked Allen on the forehead like that, it showed a great deal of disrespect and I think many people would have reacted the same way Allen did. It was just lucky that Allen missed his punch because it could have been a lot more serious.


The coaches have to shoulder some of the blame because it's their job to build the roster, install the schemes and design the plays. I would give Rivera at least another year, I'm on the fence regarding Turner, but I would sack Del Rio immediately. I think he is a bad coach and in way over his head.


TL/DR: **** game, **** result, **** dallas.

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38 minutes ago, KDawg said:

Heinicke stunk. 

Our offensive line was terrible.

I saw some plays where our tackles barely even attempted to get in the way.

But it was a jailbreak on every play.

The OL was terrible last night.

This is what I thought about all night long

Our OL that has done such a good job all year even with all the injuries and COVID was not even on the field

And I agree with @London Kev, the game has past by JDR

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That was on obviously a complete beat down.

But I don't understand what Jack Del Rio is doing. Last two weeks he has run the most basic defense scheme on 90% of plays. No stunts, next to no blitz. Just a 4 man rush with a soft zone.  It's like playing prevent defense the entire game.


I get that we have backups and 4th stringers in some spots but the logic makes no sense. He should have just been doing 5,6 even 7 men rushes the entire game.  

Yes, makes the risk of a big play more but by sending only 4 and doing the soft zone you allow the QB to just take all the time in the world and find the open guy.

Plus with backups and guys that haven't played together much they are more then likely to blow a coverage.


Any NFL coach can game plan against a 4 man sorry zone defense being run 90% of the time.



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Crappy game. Crappy crappy crappy total crap. Crappity crap crap. Have i said crap enough yet? Probably. But I’ll say it once more. CRAP!!! 

prescott is 9-1 against us.....9-1. **** me. 


i knew deep down that there was no way we’d win going into last nights game, but the fan in me wanted to believe “any given Sunday”. 


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I saw this coming from a thousand miles away.  A healthy team playing at home that has owned Washington for decades against a very depleted WFT.  I was so disinterested I forgot to make a prediction in the prediction thread.  I would have predicted 42-10 Dallas.  But the massacre that occurred was even worse than what even I imagined.


I had predicted a record of anywhere from 6-11 to 8-9 before the year started.  Well, the team has 6-11 directly in its sights.  And to be perfectly honest, their record could easily have been 4-11 after yesterday's beatdown.


Let's not get it twisted now.  The team has good talent minus a QB, WR, an OL, a LB or two, a CB, and a S.  One major thing that they don't possess is luck in regards to key injuries.  Every year it's wash, rinse, and repeat when it comes to injuries.


The depth of the team is significantly better, but multiple injuries, COVID, the lack of a QB, and playing on four days rest were too much to overcome culminating into what happened yesterday.  I think the team is very close to being consistently good if they can find their long-term answer at QB and can avoid their annual injury epidemic.

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3 out of every 4 seasons, the ***skins start out a mediocre team.....then the injuries pile up and by the end of the season they are one of the worst teams in the league.


1 out of every 4 they either stay healthy or get on a hot streak to maybe make the playoffs and lose a wildcard game.


I'm not sure the coaching staff really matters all that much. A good qb could mitigate the lack of depth, but that's a crapshoot with a good pick. It's a lottery ticket when you're picking in the middle of the pack most seasons due to being mediocre when healthy at the start of the year.


I'm really hoping I can force myself to jump ship when they rebrand the teams as the Washington Hotdogs and officially change the team colors to ketchup and mustard, but I think I'm too much of a masochist to do so. Just can't manage to give a **** about any other team, for some reason. I don't take pride in it lol


Also, I don't get why people think Prescott is anything special. This team just sucks and he plays behind a good OL (that is allowed to hold against the Skins) with a good running game. I don't really care that much, but they aren't doing anything in the postseason with him.



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I’ll just say this— I don’t think every time a team gets destroyed it means they didn’t play with effort. Sometimes that might be the case, but not all the time. I’m not sure I felt last night was a case of us not trying hard enough. Felt more to me like a case of reality catching up— the reality of Covid, injuries, short week, traumatic incident, and ALSO lack of talent in areas where they WEREN’T affected by those things. 

I mean, David Mayo, Milo Eifler, Jeremy Reaves, etc I bet were all trying REALLY hard out there. But maybe that just doesn’t matter. I think our QB plays with pretty good effort— didn’t change the fact that he was horrendous on the field. 

In two years, I’ve never felt this team didn’t care or didn’t play hard. Last night was probably the first time they had absolutely zero level of competitiveness, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the effort was lacking. I do think the confidence was probably shattered, and sometimes that makes you look bad. 

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22 minutes ago, kleese said:

I’ll just say this— I don’t think every time a team gets destroyed it means they didn’t play with effort. Sometimes that might be the case, but not all the time. I’m not sure I felt last night was a case of us not trying hard enough. Felt more to me like a case of reality catching up— the reality of Covid, injuries, short week, traumatic incident, and ALSO lack of talent in areas where they WEREN’T affected by those things. 

I mean, David Mayo, Milo Eifler, Jeremy Reaves, etc I bet were all trying REALLY hard out there. But maybe that just doesn’t matter. I think our QB plays with pretty good effort— didn’t change the fact that he was horrendous on the field. 

In two years, I’ve never felt this team didn’t care or didn’t play hard. Last night was probably the first time they had absolutely zero level of competitiveness, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the effort was lacking. I do think the confidence was probably shattered, and sometimes that makes you look bad. 

In total agreement. We had complete scrubs out there playing. One of our LBs didn't even have a Sunday Night Football intro recorded, it was just his picture. I'm 35 years old, been following the NFL since like 1998, and I have literally NEVER seen that before.


People confuse effort with ability. We're not that good even when fully healthy, but we were completely battered going into the game. On the flip side, the Cowboys are about as healthy as they've been all year and coming off a full week of rest(while we played a road game on a Tuesday and then had to travel on the road again).

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It's always been a popular fan sentiment here that when we get our butts kicked, it's because the players weren't trying, coached up, don't care, etc.  This goes from regime to regime, Gibbs-Zorn-Shanny-Gruden-now Ron.  I think the reason this feeling is so popular is because A. It's easy to confuse ability with effort and B. It's the easiest fix to think it's simply the coach's fault - that if we just had a coach who could get through to the players, they would run through brick walls for them and <insert any other coaching cliche here>.


I'm not absolving Ron and the gang from all blame considering the team got whooped by 6 TD's.  I don't think the gap in the team WFT fielded vs. the team the Cowboys were able to field last night is 42 points worth of talent disparity.  However, it's easy for things to snowball when it starts going badly.  For example, the defense came out sacking Prescott on 1st and 2nd down, leaving Dallas to punt.  Our offense gets the ball and literally immediately gives them the ball back.  You just can't have that stuff happen when you are a severely undermanned team playing on the road.  It was easy to see from that point forward this was going to be a soul crushing defeat.

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15 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

In total agreement. We had complete scrubs out there playing. One of our LBs didn't even have a Sunday Night Football intro recorded, it was just his picture. I'm 35 years old, been following the NFL since like 1998, and I have literally NEVER seen that before.


People confuse effort with ability. We're not that good even when fully healthy, but we were completely battered going into the game. On the flip side, the Cowboys are about as healthy as they've been all year and coming off a full week of rest(while we played a road game on a Tuesday and then had to travel on the road again).


No, people don't confuse effort with ability.


Our offensive linemen at times weren't even moving. Our LBs weren't dropping into zones. They didn't realize Terrence Steele was an eligible receiver. I could go on and on about why there was a lack of effort.

1 minute ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

It's always been a popular fan sentiment here that when we get our butts kicked, it's because the players weren't trying, coached up, don't care, etc.  This goes from regime to regime, Gibbs-Zorn-Shanny-Gruden-now Ron.  I think the reason this feeling is so popular is because A. It's easy to confuse ability with effort and B. It's the easiest fix to think it's simply the coach's fault - that if we just had a coach who could get through to the players, they would run through brick walls for them and <insert any other coaching cliche here>.


I'm not absolving Ron and the gang from all blame considering the team got whooped by 6 TD's.  I don't think the gap in the team WFT fielded vs. the team the Cowboys were able to field last night is 42 points worth of talent disparity.  However, it's easy for things to snowball when it starts going badly.  For example, the defense came out sacking Prescott on 1st and 2nd down, leaving Dallas to punt.  Our offense gets the ball and literally immediately gives them the ball back.  You just can't have that stuff happen when you are a severely undermanned team playing on the road.  It was easy to see from that point forward this was going to be a soul crushing defeat.

 See the above.


I'm MORE upset at the lack of effort than the beat down. The guys out there stunk. But if you watched that and saw every person on that field giving a great effort I really don't know what game you watched.

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One thing is, I dont wanna hear about who we didn't have.  


We didn't have to win last night, but we needed to acquit ourselves better than that.  Couldn't even be competitive for a quarter.


The Saints have a host of important people out tonight, I bet they don't get blown out by 42.

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