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About DWinzit

  • Birthday 02/15/1963

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  1. It's so unfathomable and yet.... Thank you RR and JDR for not taking Darrisaw who fell into our lap then slipped right on through or fingers
  2. So excited that this team has true leaders. It's been years since that really has existed. I can't express how disappointing it is to read talk of Davis not fitting with this teams schemes plans. I had him pegged as really breaking out with the new scheme. I find myself skeptical about Magee's starting future but dang, if they hit on him what great vision they showed. With that, how exciting next years FA and draft will be!
  3. Wasn't sure I'd ever again see players taking less to play for Washington...YES!!!!!
  4. Absolutely, he is a good kid who only did right by this organization and took a thumping. If they had options on where to send him, it was doing him a solid shipping him to Seattle over most other organizations. He will have a better shot there.
  5. The defensive nucleus and coaching are going to be the catalyst for a much improved unit across that side of the ball. Can not wait!
  6. Horrendous to read this yet might very well be true. Barton was younger and a little faster but had less leadership skills and instincts. His added youth/speed was lost as he was always late to the play because he couldn't see it or feel it until after it began. Johnny come lately if you will. I will never understand how in the full off season JDR, RR and defensive staff came up with Barton as an upgrade. And an upgrade to the point of, why draft a LB?....even if there is one that does everything we need sitting there round after round
  7. Luvu was #1 on my FA want list. As excited as I am that we were able to bring him in, wow to what these elder vets are bringing to the table as leaders. Wagner so far has been the most pivotal addition. His presence is felt by the whole team, both sides of the ball and staff!
  8. It's going to cost him any kind of bragging right for having a good team. I'm thrilled they kept McCarthy. DQ will have those to meetings circled on the calendar. Our team is on such a positive trajectory while Jerrah has his team nose diving. 😁
  9. Stink was a G that became a good player when healthy around other very good players. The team didn't really give up on him. It was a combo of health, team cap issues and Norvulous having the helm of the team. He seemed to always be injured but working through the pain as much as possible having 29 surgeries, 20 on the knees over his 12 seasons (6 with both Washington and Denver). If Backtari can still play T at a top level I don't see why they wouldn't be looking at him, assuming they think he can stay healthy. He has however only player 13 games over the past 3 years
  10. I figure they saw something in him but not enough to say, hey this dude is a stud and worth it to pay out a 5th option...especially not with a lil extra baggage in the form of stupidity tickets
  11. Refreshing to hear Terry praising Dotsons hands and hand usage off the line. It will be great if that dude can get separation quickly with Daniels and his quickening read and release
  12. I don't see Jennings as anything special, just disgruntled with his contract I guess. He was a 7th round pick and had 19 catches last year. The 49ers grabbing Pearsall at pick 31 hurt Jennings feelings and mine too. I thought he'd be a great pick for us. He also started a run before our pick at 36 that took out a number of WR's that felt like good picks for us, Legette and McConkey being the key other dudes. I'd move to have seem Peters board leading up to 36. I'd think it was filled with WR's and a few T's
  13. Magee starting out over Jamin...WOW. That's going to be interesting to watch. When I heard DG was hired I assumed Jamin and Quan would be perfect fits for their plan. Sounds like I hit on Quan but WOW. I sure hope Forbes doesn't end out being a nothing burger...damnit
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