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11 minutes ago, China said:

Riley Williams, Pa. woman accused of stealing Pelosi’s laptop Jan. 6, denied venue change for trial


A midstate woman charged with stealing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s laptop during the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol attack was denied her request to move her trial to a Pennsylvania court.

Riley Williams, a 23-year-old from Mechanicsburg, argued the publicity about her case makes it impossible to find an unbiased jury in Washington, D.C.


She cited a study that found the majority of D.C. residents surveyed presumed guilt for those accused of participating in the Capitol attack.


Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson wrote in her opinion that Williams didn’t prove a jury would be tainted, and said the survey missed a broad chunk of potential jurors.


“[Williams] appears to know little about [Washington, D.C.] or its people,” Berman Jackson wrote. “And she relies on a flawed survey and mere assumptions and generalizations about the jury pool.”


Berman Jackson said Williams’ issues can be addressed during jury selection.


Williams was also denied a request for potential jurors in her case to be screened with an additional written questionnaire.


Berman Jackson denied this request, citing courts that have previously been able to seat juries without questionnaires, and called the publicity around the case “relatively limited.”


Williams, who was videotaped inside the Capitol, faces multiple charges:

  • Civil disorder
  • Obstruction of an official proceeding
  • Assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers
  • Aiding and abetting theft of government property
  • Entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds
  • Disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds
  • Disorderly conduct in a Capitol building
  • Parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building

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 This was one of the worst crimes committed that day. I've been looking forward to her trial. But correct me if I'm wrong but aren't these charges similar to the other cases where people were in the Capitol?  I guess theft of government property but seems to me stealing a laptop of a member of Congress is much more series than simply stealing government property which could be a stapler.  

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For a reference point with stealing and selling secrets, we have a pretty close parallel happening in real time. 


Judge rejects plea deal in spy case because sentences weren't harsh enough



A naval engineer and his wife were to be sentenced on Tuesday for trying to sell information about nuclear-powered submarines to a foreign government — until the judge rejected their plea deals, saying they were not harsh enough. 


Jonathan Toebbe and his schoolteacher wife, Diana, were arrested in October and pleaded guilty in February to espionage charges. 



Prosecutors said that Jonathan Toebbe revealed  information classified at the confidential level, not at the top-secret or secret level. He was also the mastermind behind the plan — he smuggled the documents out of a secure facility, set up encrypted email accounts and cryptocurrency wallets, made the outreach to the foreign nation and serviced the dead drops.  

Bolding is my emphasis. Pleas were thrown out because the penalty was deemed to be to lenient. Just wanted to provide additional context for the severity of what is currently happening. 

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3 hours ago, tshile said:

The only thing you didn’t add, that I expected you to, was damage to rep with regards to current/future clients


or is that not necessarily a thing at that high of a level?


Yea, this is sort of a tough one.  Lawyers are judged professionally based on the prestige of the matters they've worked on.  Representing the former POTUS in a freaking criminal investigation against the freaking DOJ in a case involving freaking nuke codes would ordinarily be one of the most prestigious representations imaginable and would very much enhance, not damage, a lawyer or firm's rep with regards to other clients.  Ordinarily, a client would think, holy ****, if this firm is good enough for the former POTUS, then they must be incredible, and that is probably true in this case as well. 


Only, this particular FPOTUS happens to be an astonishingly grimy individual, has never hired good people, and will probably blame his lawyers for anything and everything bad that happens to him when all is said and done, which is why I went with the reasons I did and left this one off. 

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Secret Service held onto Pelosi threat until after insurrection


The Secret Service knew of a threat to Nancy Pelosi on January 6th days before the insurrection, but did not pass it along until hours after the Capitol had been breached, according to Secret Service emails obtained by CREW.


On January 4, Secret Service agents discovered a Parler account, which we’ve chosen not to name, posting a series of violent threats towards lawmakers. Other profiles with the same name appeared on Twitter, MeWe, ****ute, Youtube and Facebook.


On December 31, the account posted, “January 6 starts #1776 all over again…Fight for EVERYTHING” and listed “Enemies,” including Pelosi. At 5:55 pm on January 6, after hours of defending the United States Capitol from a violent mob, the United States Capitol Police received the post along with a message from the Secret Service: 



“Good afternoon, The US Secret Service is passing notification to the US Capitol Police regarding discovery of a social media threat directed toward Speaker Nancy Pelosi.”

The language used by the account, as we’ve now seen repeated in recordings released by the January 6th Committee, is a clear call for a violent overthrow of the American government on January 6, 2021.


It was far from the only troubling post the Secret Service found tied to this account. A Twitter post from the same day as the threat against Pelosi listed, “TIPS FOR THE BRAVE AND COURAGEOUS PATRIOTS GOING TO DC TO FORCE CONGRESS TO REFUSE BIDEN’S RIGGED ELECTION.” The “tips” included warnings such as “Keep MAGA gear hidden until AFTER checking in” at hotels, “DC is very BLUE and a hotbed for ANTIFA/BLM. Stay with the large group, especially at night,” and “be wary” of DC police officers.


As January 6 loomed, the threats got more specific.


“Biden will die shortly after being elected,” the account posted on January 2nd. “Patriots are gonna tear his head off. Prison is his best case scenario.”


“We’re all on a mission to save America. Lone wolf attacks are the way to go,” read a post the following day. “Stay anonymous. Stay alive. Guns up Patriots!!”


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Ex-Virginia cop who served as key witness in fellow officer's trial sentenced to 12 months of probation


A former Virginia police officer who served as a key witness in a fellow officer’s Jan. 6 trial was sentenced Tuesday to 12 months of probation for his role in the Capitol riot.


Jacob Fracker was an officer with the Rocky Mount Police Department when he and fellow officer Thomas Robertson entered the Capitol on Jan. 6. Fracker pleaded guilty in March to one felony count of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, and in April, he testified against Robertson before a jury. At trial, Fracker said Robertson – who he described as almost a father figure – had recruited him to join his plan to disrupt the certification of Electoral College votes on Jan. 6. Afterward, Fracker said, Robertson destroyed both of their phones in an effort to destroy potentially incriminating evidence.


A jury convicted Robertson of six counts and last week he was sentenced to more than seven years in prison. On Tuesday, Fracker appeared for his own sentencing before U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper.


Fracker faced a recommended sentencing guideline of 15-21 months in prison, and pretrial services included a recommendation in its presentencing report for three months behind bars. Prosecutors asked for six months of probation with community confinement or home detention, citing Fracker’s substantial cooperation with the prosecution of Robertson. Prosecutors and Fracker’s attorney both drew a distinction between Robertson – who Cooper last week said he believed would answer the “call to duty” again if another Jan. 6 were to happen – and Fracker.


“He has taken full responsibility without making excuses for his actions,” assistant U.S. attorney Liz Aloi said.


Defense attorney Bernard Crane drew a further distinction between Fracker, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and, until Jan. 6, member of the U.S. Army Reserves, and Robertson, who prosecutors last week alleged lied about being an Army Ranger and falsely claimed to have received a Purple Heart. Fracker, Crane said, had followed in his family’s tradition of military service and still has shrapnel in his leg from injuries sustained during lengthy deployments in Afghanistan. Crane and Aloi said it was Robertson’s false military record that allowed him to draw Fracker in and recruit him for Jan. 6.


“I don’t think it’s an overstatement to say that Mr. Robinson blew up Mr. Fracker’s life,” Crane said. “But he’s not here to make excuses. He’s incredibly sorry for what he did.”


Because of his felony conviction, Crane noted, Fracker’s military and police careers were over. He asked Cooper to factor the weight of those losses into his sentence.


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7 hours ago, China said:

Ex-Virginia cop who served as key witness in fellow officer's trial sentenced to 12 months of probation


A former Virginia police officer who served as a key witness in a fellow officer’s Jan. 6 trial was sentenced Tuesday to 12 months of probation for his role in the Capitol riot.


Jacob Fracker was an officer with the Rocky Mount Police Department when he and fellow officer Thomas Robertson entered the Capitol on Jan. 6. Fracker pleaded guilty in March to one felony count of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, and in April, he testified against Robertson before a jury. At trial, Fracker said Robertson – who he described as almost a father figure – had recruited him to join his plan to disrupt the certification of Electoral College votes on Jan. 6. Afterward, Fracker said, Robertson destroyed both of their phones in an effort to destroy potentially incriminating evidence.


A jury convicted Robertson of six counts and last week he was sentenced to more than seven years in prison. On Tuesday, Fracker appeared for his own sentencing before U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper.


Fracker faced a recommended sentencing guideline of 15-21 months in prison, and pretrial services included a recommendation in its presentencing report for three months behind bars. Prosecutors asked for six months of probation with community confinement or home detention, citing Fracker’s substantial cooperation with the prosecution of Robertson. Prosecutors and Fracker’s attorney both drew a distinction between Robertson – who Cooper last week said he believed would answer the “call to duty” again if another Jan. 6 were to happen – and Fracker.


“He has taken full responsibility without making excuses for his actions,” assistant U.S. attorney Liz Aloi said.


Defense attorney Bernard Crane drew a further distinction between Fracker, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and, until Jan. 6, member of the U.S. Army Reserves, and Robertson, who prosecutors last week alleged lied about being an Army Ranger and falsely claimed to have received a Purple Heart. Fracker, Crane said, had followed in his family’s tradition of military service and still has shrapnel in his leg from injuries sustained during lengthy deployments in Afghanistan. Crane and Aloi said it was Robertson’s false military record that allowed him to draw Fracker in and recruit him for Jan. 6.


“I don’t think it’s an overstatement to say that Mr. Robinson blew up Mr. Fracker’s life,” Crane said. “But he’s not here to make excuses. He’s incredibly sorry for what he did.”


Because of his felony conviction, Crane noted, Fracker’s military and police careers were over. He asked Cooper to factor the weight of those losses into his sentence.


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If he's really remorseful and repentant, part of his probation should be to declare in public often the Big Lie and how propaganda was used to recuit him into the false belief of Trump and his RICO cabal.

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Judge Orders Justice Dept. to Redact and Release Version of Affidavit Used to Search Trump’s Home


A federal judge on Thursday ordered the government to redact and ultimately release a version of the highly sensitive warrant affidavit that was used to justify a search by the F.B.I. last week of former President Donald J. Trump’s private home and club.


Ruling from the bench, the judge, Bruce E. Reinhart, said that there were portions of the affidavit that “could be presumptively unsealed.”


“Whether those portions would be meaningful for the public or the media,” he added, was not for him to decide.


Judge Reinhart’s surprising decision struck a middle course between the Justice Department, which wanted to keep the affidavit entirely under wraps as its investigation into Mr. Trump’s handling of classified documents continued, and a group of news organizations, which requested that it be released in full to the public.


Warrant affidavits — which are written and sworn to by federal agents before a search takes place — contain detailed information about criminal investigations and are almost always kept under seal until charges are filed.


As part of his ruling, Judge Reinhart ordered the government to send him under seal proposed redactions to the warrant affidavit by next Thursday at noon. He said he would review the suggestions and decide if he agreed with them.


“This is going to be a considered, careful process,” Judge Reinhart said.


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Suspect in Pelosi laptop theft wants off house arrest to visit Pa. Renaissance Faire


A Mechanicsburg woman accused of stealing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s laptop during the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol wants to be let out of house arrest to visit the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire this weekend, according to court documents.


Riley Williams, 25, filed the request in federal court to be permitted to visit the annual event in Manheim.


Williams has remained confined to house arrest since January 21, 2021, with exceptions only for work, school, health treatment, attorney visits and court obligations.


Her filing was the second this week. Earlier in the week, Judge Amy Jackson denied Williams’ request to transfer her trial out of Washington, D.C. back to central Pennsylvania. 


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On 8/12/2022 at 5:19 PM, EmirOfShmo said:

Interesting info related to the request by the DOJ to get surveillance video of MAL from June. 




On June 22, Kash Patel announced that he had just been made a representative for Trump at the National Archives. (h/t to Suburban Gal for these links)

I can tell you now that I am now officially a representative for Donald Trump at the National Archives. And I’m going to march down there — I’ve never told anyone this, because it just happened, and I’m going to identify every single document that they blocked from being declassified at the National Archives.

The next day, Kash described that that letter, making him Trump’s representative to the Archives, “just came in, literally before I came on the show” the day before.

As it happens, June 22 is also the same day that the FBI sent a subpoena to Mar-a-Lago for surveillance footage.

On June 22, the Trump Organization, the name for Mr. Trump’s family business, received a subpoena for surveillance footage from cameras at Mar-a-Lago. That footage was turned over, according to an official.

According to a John Solomon column that was actually the first to report details of this purported cooperation in June, the subpoena specifically asked for surveillance videos covering the room where Trump had stashed his stolen documents.

Around the same time, the Trump Organization, which owns Mar-a-Lago, received a request for surveillance video footage covering the locker and volunteered the footage to federal authorities, sources disclosed.

On June 24, two days after Kash and Solomon were given official access to Trump’s archives, Betsy Woodruff Swan reported that it wasn’t just Kash who had been given privileged access to Trump’s Archives. Solomon had also been made Trump’s representative at the Archives.

That seeming coincidence — that the FBI formally asked for surveillance videos showing who had accessed Trump’s stash of stolen records on the same day that Kash and Solomon were officially added to the list of those who represented Trump’s interests with the Archives — may raise the stakes of Trump’s legal exposure significantly.




Trump Associate’s Stated Plan to Publicly Release “Declassified” Documents


As this article was going to press, ABC News published a report that weeks before the Mar-a-Lago search, former President Donald Trump’s associate Kash Patel “vowed to retrieve classified documents from the National Archives and publish them on his website.”


If that scheme involved Trump himself and the Mar-a-Lago documents, it could have significant legal implications for the Justice Department’s ongoing criminal investigation. Any plan to release the documents could potentially trigger specific elements of the Espionage Act and other criminal statutes designed with the core purpose of preventing unlawful dissemination of classified and other sensitive government documents. As I discuss below, credible evidence of such a plan also would likely factor into the Justice Department’s decision on whether to bring criminal charges.


The ABC News report is based on an interview Patel gave in June. However, Just Security has collected six other interviews and statements in which Patel discussed and elaborated on this plan. The excerpts of each of those are appended below.


The June interview may be among the most innocuous. It suggested Patel would go to the National Archives to obtain the documents. Likewise, in another interview on July 4, Patel suggested his plan was to pressure the Archives to release materials in their possession. Less innocuous and far more incriminating, however, are other interviews in which Patel more explicitly discussed an effort to release documents housed at Mar-a-Lago.


Patel is no ordinary aide to Trump. During the Trump administration, he served as Deputy Assistant to the President, a job he reportedly “landed after Fox News host Sean Hannity took him to meet Trump in the Oval.” After the November 2020 elections, Patel was dispatched to the Defense Department as chief of staff to the acting defense secretary where, among other activities, he reportedly pursued the idea that Italian military satellites had been used to turn votes to Joe Biden in the presidential election, according to Jonathan Karl’s book and the House Select Committee hearings. Since leaving office, Patel has joined the board of directors for the former president’s media company, Trump Media & Technology Group. On June 19, 2022, Trump sent a letter to the National Archives designating Patel as one of the former president’s “representatives for access to Presidential records of my administration.” Patel claims to have been in the room when then-President Trump verbally declassified documents. He has often made other statements in right-wing interviews that anticipate and put forward Trump’s specific claims of innocence about the Mar-a-Lago documents.


The Dissemination Plan
When news of the Mar-a-Lago documents began heating up in May 2022, Patel spoke with right-wing media outlets about Trump’s objectives in retaining these documents. He began laying out the defense that the documents had been “declassified,” and specifically identified Trump’s goal to release the information publicly. He described the content of the documents to include matters related to the Russia investigation (Crossfire Hurricane), but also a much broader range of issues.


“It’s information that Trump felt spoke to matters regarding everything from Russiagate to the Ukraine impeachment fiasco to major national security matters of great public importance — anything the president felt the American people had a right to know is in there and more,” Patel told Bretbart on May 5. He also said, “Trump declassified whole sets of materials in anticipation of leaving government that he thought the American public should have the right to read themselves.”


Legal Significance

The Congressional Research Service has noted that “no individual has ever been acquitted based on a finding that the public interest in the released information was so great that it justified an otherwise unlawful disclosure.”


If evidence emerges of a plan to release the Mar-a-Lago materials, it could also shape the Justice Department’s decision on whether to bring charges.


“Factors that traditionally weigh in favor of the discretionary decision whether to bring a criminal charge would include the nature of the government information stolen — for instance, is it vital national security intelligence — and what the person intended to do with it. Although DOJ need not wait until such information is disseminated to a third party, if that was intended or in fact occurred that would weigh in favor of bringing a charge,” Andrew Weissmann, a professor at NYU School of Law and a former General Counsel of the FBI with experience working on these national security investigations, said in an email to Just Security.


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QAnon supporter arrested over firearms near 2020 vote-counting center now faces Jan. 6 charges


A supporter of the QAnon conspiracy theory who was arrested after he showed up armed outside of a ballot-counting location in Philadelphia in 2020 has now been arrested for allegedly storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.


Antonio LaMotta was arrested by the FBI in Chesapeake, Virginia, on Tuesday, according to court records.


In November 2020, following former President Donald Trump's lies about the presidential election, LaMotta traveled to the Philadelphia Convention Center in a silver Hummer featuring a QAnon sticker. He and a friend were found carrying weapons, prosecutors said, and the car was filled with ammunition.


As HuffPost first reported in October 2021, LaMotta was spotted inside the U.S. Capitol on surveillance footage that Capitol Police released in connection with another Jan. 6 case. As NBC News reported last month, LaMotta also showed up in body camera footage released in connection with another Jan. 6 case.


The FBI affidavit states that an array of evidence including "social media postings" provide probable cause that LaMotta violated four misdemeanor statutes: entering and remaining in a restricted building, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and parading in a Capitol building.The FBI affidavit notes that LaMotta was "arrested by the Philadelphia Police Department for carrying a firearm without a license" and that FBI Special Agent Matthew King interviewed LaMotta after his arrest that day and was able to identify LaMotta in the Capitol images.


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Probe of top secret docs at Trump estate in 'early stages'


he Justice Department’s investigation into whether former President Donald Trump illegally stored classified records at his Florida estate – and potentially violated the Espionage Act – is still “in its early stages,” a top national security prosecutor said Thursday.


The revelation by Jay Bratt, a top national security prosecutor, was the clearest indication yet that the Justice Department is directly scrutinizing Trump’s conduct and is moving forward in its criminal investigation after the FBI seized classified and top secret information during a search at Mar-a-Lago last week.


The details about the investigation were laid out Thursday during a court hearing after several news organizations, including The Associated Press, asked a federal judge to make public the affidavit supporting the warrant that allowed FBI agents to search Trump’s Florida estate.


The government contends that releasing the information would compromise its investigation.


Unsealing the affidavit would provide a “road map” of the investigation — which is in its “early stages” — and would expose the next steps to be taken by federal agents and prosecutors, said Bratt, the chief of the Justice Department’s counterintelligence and export control section.


He argued it was in the public interest for the investigation, including interviews of witnesses, to go forward unhindered.


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Testimony ends in Couy Griffin trial, his office on the line


Hours after the attack started on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin walked up a staircase to a platform outside the building, where thousands of Trump supporters had gathered in the restricted area.


“I love the smell of napalm in the morning,” Griffin said as he walked to the platform, quoting from the war movie “Apocalypse Now.”


The seemingly innocuous quote was one of dozens of things Griffin said or did in the days leading up to and after the Jan. 6 attack that Rachel Kleinfeld, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and an expert in political violence and democracy called by the plaintiffs, used to conclude that Griffin was an insurrectionist, as opposed to a peaceful protester.


“It’s normalizing these violent groups as part of the political sphere,” she said on the witness stand. “That these militias and so forth, are part of normal political activities.”


Kleinfeld testified Tuesday on the final day of testimony in the civil trial against Griffin. The case, brought by three northern New Mexico residents, contends that Griffin, a Republican who founded the group Cowboys for Trump, violated a Civil War-era clause in the 14th Amendment that prohibits officeholders sworn to uphold the Constitution from engaging in an “insurrection” against the U.S. government. The suit seeks to remove Griffin from holding elected office.


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On 8/17/2022 at 7:43 AM, Dan T. said:



Looks like he found someone:


Trump Hires #BillionDollarLawyer


As top allies of Donald J. Trump are called to testify in Atlanta, he has hired a high-profile local attorney best known for representing rappers.


Amid a deepening swirl of federal and state investigations, former President Donald J. Trump has hired a prominent Atlanta lawyer to represent him in a criminal inquiry into election interference in Georgia.


The lawyer, Drew Findling, has represented an array of rap stars including Cardi B, Gucci Mane and Migos, and is known by the hashtag #BillionDollarLawyer. But he is also well regarded for a range of criminal defense work that he has done in Georgia, and his hiring underscores the seriousness of the investigation — as well as the potential legal jeopardy for Mr. Trump.


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3 hours ago, EmirOfShmo said:


Also he can't get a lawyer to help him that's worth a ****. 


Trump stuck with the D-list as experienced lawyers refuse to help him with FBI investigation - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism


"Trump’s other lawyer currently based in Florida is Lindsey Halligan, whose practice, according to a professional biography, focuses on insurance claims at residential and commercial properties," said the report. "She was admitted to the Florida bar in 2014. A search of federal court records found no filings under her name. She did not respond to requests for comment."

Edited by CobraCommander
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